57 Inspiring Dan Pena Quotes on Success

Inspirational Living

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If you love to read Inspirational Quotes then these Dan Pena Quotes are the best option for you! Daniel Steven Peña Sr. (Dan Pena) is an American businessman, philanthropist, and high-performance business coach born on August 10, 1945, at Guthrie Castle in Scotland.

How did Dan Peña become successful!

Dan Peña is the founder of Quantum Leap Advantage, a method for success with over 25 years of record that have produced more than $50 Billion of equity. Peña with his devotees has created an unprecedented level of super success that produces over 11 figure wealth creation in several leading industries around the world. His main weapon of success is his QLA method that he used in conjunction with a step-by-step methodology and produce over $450 Million. He is also the author of a book called “Your First $100 Million”. Now he runs high-performance seminars from his castle to teaching others to become extraordinary as well.

Must read these Best Dan Peña Quotes to take your life and business to the next level!

  1. Don’t waste time on things you can’t change!” — Dan Peña
  2. “Dream Big, Think Big, Be Big!” Dan Peña
  3. “Hunger makes beasts of men and demons of beasts” Dan Peña
  4. “Even when one thoughtfully and judiciously plans, more often than not, such plans are overcome by external events. Therefore, never underestimate how wrong you can be!” Dan Peña
  5. “Cash only prolongs death. It doesn’t avoid it.” Dan Peña
  6. “A deal is either hot — or it’s not.” Dan Peña
  7. “Quantum Leap success means fishing with nets, not just with lines.” Dan Peña
  8. “Tough times don’t last — tough people do!” — Dan Peña
  9. Never ever share your doubts.” – Dan Peña
  10. “I can work 5-10 hrs. straight with no problem, though I do take some time towards the end of a 6-8 hr. work stint out to beat myself severely in the gym with weights/aerobics, including intervals!” – Dan Peña
  11. “Always shoot for the moon. Even if you don’t hit the bulls-eye, you’ll at least get 80 percent.” – Dan Peña
  12. “People with low self-esteem protect themselves by not taking risks. High self-esteem gives you the power of confidence to take chances.” – Dan Peña
  13. “Don’t set time limits for achieving goals. They should transcend time.” – Dan Peña
  14. “You can’t have a dream come true unless you have a dream.” – Dan Peña
  15. “I have said countless times high-performance people are never satisfied with what they do or how they do it! Hence, I am always endeavouring to improve.” – Dan Peña
  16. “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” – Dan Peña

  17. “Business deals start and end with people – the interaction of flesh and blood, bone and sinew, heart and mind, emotion and soul.” – Dan Peña
  18. “As I have said many times – no one loves me as much as I love myself! And if you can’t really love yourself, you can’t love anything you do!” – Dan Peña
  19. “I may be wrong, but I am never in doubt! And anyone who has been around me for even a minute understands that my self-confidence and self-esteem is sometimes overwhelming!” – Dan Peña
  20. ” I coach my mentees to act as if they are invincible – to act as if they could accomplish anything!” – Dan Peña
  21. “When you truly believe in your idea or your company or yourself, then you don’t need to have a huge ego or a huge personality.” – Dan Peña

  22. “The best form of customer service is self-service. Constantly empower customers to get their own answers themselves.” – Dan Peña
  23. “Never start small where goals are concerned. You’ll make better decisions – and find it much easier to work a lot harder – when your ultimate goal is the ultimate success.” – Dan Peña
  24. “Life without dreams is like a bird with a broken wing – it can’t fly.” – Dan Peña
  25. “We must all remember life doesn’t have to be fair for us to succeed if we make the change and become masters and creators of our own destiny!” – Dan Peña
  26. “By definition, to work with me, you need thicker skin and must be OK with a certain amount of verbal abuse!” – Dan Peña
  27. “People regularly practice playing a sport like golf or basketball – but few people think about ‘practicing being successful.’ I had practiced meeting the Queen of England – what I would wear, how I would stand, the handshake – so when I did meet her, I was comfortable – for I had practiced the moment for years.” – Dan Peña
  28. “You have to have faith in people.” – Dan Peña

  29. “If you want to make more money, you’ll have to do things differently. You will have to do things you never even thought of doing in the past. You will have to do things out of your comfort zone.” – Dan Peña
  30. “Wishing, hoping, and dreaming without an action plan – is nothing more than a pipe dream!” – Dan Peña
  31. “We all have baggage from our upbringing! That’s life!” – Dan Peña
  32. “The Internet has allowed even more growth possible than in the bricks and mortar industries that I dealt with years ago. It is easier to get a business to a million dollars/pounds in revenue on the net! It is not easy! But it is easier when compared to construction, etc., though all businesses use the Internet to enhance marketing.” – Dan Peña
  33. “Hunger makes beasts of men and demons of beasts.” – Dan Peña
  34. “People with low self-esteem protect themselves by not taking risks. High self-esteem gives you the power of confidence to take chances.” – Dan Peña
  35. “Fear of failure is caused by lack of self-esteem and confidence. Dealing with fear is the key to super success.” – Dan Peña

  36. “I could not be more proud of the countless lives that I have changed since I began my coaching and mentoring career!” – Dan Peña
  37. “The truth is, I almost always did accomplish what I said I would – in the face of overwhelming obstacles!” – Dan Peña
  38. “My time is much too precious to be wasted on people who merely want to talk about being a high-performance person and can’t or won’t take action!” – Dan Peña
  39. “The difference between a failure and a high-performance individual is how each deals with fear. We are all afraid.” – Dan Peña
  40. “There’s no seminar in the world that will give you multi-million-dollar advice on building a business from scratch!” – Dan Peña
  41. “We’re all self-made, but only successful people admit it.” – Dan Peña

  42. “Our lives are a series of lowered expectations year after year. We got pounded by everything around us. Just like our parents and their parents. We are products of our social and economic milieu.” – Dan Peña
  43. “The only difference between a Champ and a Chump is ‘U’.” – Dan Peña
  44. “Remarkably successful people habitually do what other people won’t do. They go where others won’t go because there’s a lot less competition and a much greater chance for success.” – Dan Peña, Dan Pena Quotes On Success
  45. “I could write a book describing what differentiates the high-performance person from all the rest! Hell, I could write volumes!” – Dan Peña
  46. “Tough times don’t last – tough people do!” – Dan Peña
  47. “Man plans – God Laughs!” – Dan Peña
  48. “High-performance people have larger, more expanded comfort zones than most!” – Dan Peña
  49. “Don’t focus on mistakes; focus on the positive next time.” – Dan Peña
  50. “Your most valuable natural asset is your own gut instinct. Don’t be afraid of it. your instinct has more power than all of the conventional wisdom in the world.” – Dan Peña
  51. “As I have often said, I would rather be lucky than smart! But it is even better to be lucky and super smart!” – Dan Peña
  52. “The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself!” – Dan Peña

  53. “A deal has to sound good before it is good.” – Dan Peña
  54. “I have written and said countless times it is not what happens to you in life that makes a difference! It is how we react to what happens to us in life that creates our history and – more importantly – our future!” – Dan Peña
  55. “Quantum Leap success means fishing with nets, not just with lines.” – Dan Peña
  56. “A famous man once said, ‘A sure formula for failure is to try and please everyone.’ Some might say I built a career on doing just the opposite of pleasing everyone.” – Dan Peña



All these Dan Peña Quotes deliver an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life. I hope you can look to these inspirational quotes whenever you need a boost so you may crush any challenges or goals that you set for yourself. Use these words and stay motivated as you learn how to write books, succeed in business, become a speaker, or achieve every Goal on your path to success. They hold within them one of the greatest keys to success: positive energy!

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