
40 Inspirational Lion Quotes to Empower You

Inspirational Lion Quotes

Are you looking to get the lion attitude? Then you are at the right place at the right time because these lion quotes will fill you with courage and inspiration to push your boundaries, stare fear in the face and go for it! We become what we regularly hear and these lion quotes are the necessary food if you want to foster a can do attitude.

Inspirational Lion Quotes 1-10

lion-quotesWhen I was thinking about The Lion King, I said, we have to do what theater does best. What theatre does best is to be abstract and not to do literal reality. -Julie Taymor


lion quotesIt’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life. -Elizabeth Kenny

lion quotesA lion’s work hours are only when he’s hungry, once he’s satisfied the predator and prey live peacefully together. -Chuck Jones


lion quotesAn optimist is someone who gets treed by a lion but enjoy the scenery. -Walter Winchell

lion quotes
It is better to have a lion at the head of an army of sheep, than a sheep at te head of an army of lions. Daniel Defoe

lion quoteIt’s an incredibly difficult thing to bring a giraffe down. They can kill a lion with a single blow from their feet. -Joanna Lumleylion quotesThe truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself. -Saint Augustine


lion quotesA truly strong person  does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep. -Vernon Howard

lion quotesI was the shyest human ever invented, but I had a lion inside me that wouldn’t shut up. -Ingrid Bergman

lion quotesA lioness has got a lot more power than the lion likes to think she has. -Jackie Weaver

Which one of the lion quotes above was your favorite? I particularly liked, “An optimist is someone who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery.” by -Walter Winchell.

This quote serves as a reminder that no matter where life throws you can see a sliver lining. You do not need to be stressed out but rather ride out the bumps in the knowledge that things will be ok. When the optimist is enjoying the view, he is obviously not worried about what might happen next. The optimist is living in the now, in that moment when he is up a tree, he is safe.

Therefore it does not matter where we are, it is how we look at things that makes a huge difference. Life is a series of moments added together so at any time, our focus simply needs to be in the moment and let go of worries of what might be. These moments will add up to a life of optimism. In the words of Michael Beckwith, “Worry has no transformational value.” Worry can only wear us down, cloud our thinking, make us depressed and give up on our dreams.

Please take a look at the inspirational poem Promise Yourself by Christian D Larson, I find it always lights up optimism in me when pessimism wants to creep in.

 Inspirational Lion Quotes 11-20

lion quotesIf you want to be a lion, you must train with lions. -Carlson Gracie

lion quotesThe one excellent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a wholehearted and strenous effort. -Chanakya

lion quotesOnly in art will the lion lie down with the lamb, and the rose grow without thorn. –Martin Amis

lion quotesThe loin is, however, rarely heard-much more seldom see. -John Hanning Speke

lion quotes
I am sometimes a fox and sometimes a lion. The whole secret of government lies in knowing when to be the one or the other. Napoleon Bonaparte

lion quotesI am impelled, not to squeak like a grateful and apologetic mouse, but to roar like a lion out of pride in my profession. -John Steinbeck

lion quotesIf a lion could talk, we could not understand him. -Ludwig Wittgenstein

lion quotesThat’s a valiant flea that dares eat his breakfast on the lip of a lion. -William Shakespeare

lion quotesI never thought much of the courage of a lion tamer. Inside the cage he is at least safe from people. -George Bernard Shaw

lion quotesIt is all right for the lion and the lamb to lie down together if they are both asleep, but if one of them begins to get active, it is dangerous. -Crystal Eastman

Which lion quote did you enjoy from this set. Mine was George Bernard Shaw when he said, “I never thought much of the courage of a lion tamer. Inside the cage he is at least safe from people.” Sometimes as people we can be our own worst enemies. We can be full of negativity and drag others down. We often see the worst in others rather than the good in them. Animals on the other hand have an acceptance, they do not hold grudges, they are masters of forgiving and forgetting. If you have had a pet dog, you will know that you may tell them off but almost immediately they will come wagging their tails to you.

We do not only take others down but we also have a tendency of tearing ourselves down. This habit often happens without our conscious awareness of it and often it is so engrained in us that we don’t even notice it. When we think limiting beliefs about ourselves, for example, “I am not good enough”, or “I always have to struggle” etc we are effectively bringing ourselves down. As A Man Thinketh is a book by James Allen which is solely dedicated to illustrate how our thoughts shape our lives. It is therefore imperative that if you are wanting to see a different outcome in life you ensure that you replace negative thought patterns with positive ones. One of the best ways to do this is by using affirmations.

On this blog, I have some great wealth affirmations and a video as well as a selection of affirmations from Louise Hay, whom I consider to be the mother of affirmations.

Inspiring Lion Quotes 21-30

lion quotesYou are all lions-so go your own way. Do not walk the beaten path like sheep, one after another. Do not follow any path. Lions do not follow each like sheep. -H.W.L. Poonja

lion quotesVegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians-except for the occassional mountain lion steak. Ted Nugent

lion quotesThat’s a valiant flea that dares eat his breakfas on the lip of a lion. -William Shakespeare

lion quotesThe gait of the lion is relaxed until he is ready to charge. The charge is a series of great springs. -Theodore M Vestal

lion quotesAn army of assessled by a lion is vastly suerior to an army of lions led by an ass. -George Washington

lion quotesA lion among ladies is a most dreadful thing. -William Shakespeare

lion quotesFamiliarity makes the lion more dangerous. -Jocelyn Murray

lion quotesThe lion is the defender of faith, strength, valor, fortitude and kingliness.-Murray Zimiles

lion quotesThe lion never counts the herd that are about him, no weighs how many flocks he has to scatter. -Aaron Hill

lion quotesKnowledge is like a lion; it cannot be gently embraced. -South African Proverb

Aaron Hill’s “The lion never counts the herd that are about him, no weights how many flocks he has to scatter.” grabbed my attention. Sometimes to achieve our goals and realise our dreams in life we just need to get on with it. Trying to weigh all the pros and cons, predict what may or may not happen could only serve as delay mechanism that holds us forever in indecison. Trying to work out everything before we act can just confuse us, make us weak and ultimately lead to inaction. Anthony Robbins wirtes, “Most people fail in life because they major in minor things.”  Focusing on the nitty gritty takes our eyes off the ball, he goes on to say,“Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions.” So go for it, do not count the herd!

Inspirational Lion Quotes 31-40

lion-quotesLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

lion quotesLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

lion quotesA lion is made up of the lambs he’s digested. -George Seferis

lion quotesWho is brave enough to tell the lion that his breath stinks? -Berber Proverb

lion quotesThe lion is passion, the lion is the fire. Lions call you to them. -Michael Samuels

lion quotesLions make leopards tame.– William Shakespeare

lion quotesAn injured lion still wants to roar. -Randy Pausch

lion quotesLove has the face of a goddess, but the talons of a lion. -Ivan Panin

lion quotesThe lion does not need the whole world to fear them, only those nearest where he roams. A.J. Darkholme

lion quotesA lion sleeps in the heart of every brave man. -Turkish Proverb

Lion Quotes

I hope these quotes have inspired you to have courage and strength to face any challenges ahead of you. Remember even if you take small steps towards your goal, it is a step in the right direction. Steve Siebold says, “You are either growing or dying. Stagnation does not exist in the universe.” So make an effort to take even small baby steps because action or inaction is cumulative. Your little steps of action count just as pennies count towards making a million!  Please remember to share the post on social media, thanks for stopping by!

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