
51 Spanish Love Quotes For Your Sweetheart

Spanish Love Quotes – In this busy world, all the things go on without any pause. We are working hard to achieve success in life. We forget to share feelings with our loved ones most of the time because of our busy routine.

When we are angry, we show our anger on loved ones without hesitation, but most of us hesitate to show our feelings when we feel love. Spreading love and telling others about our feelings will give comfort.


For telling you the importance of love in life, we have some love quotes for you. These quotes are in Spanish. It considers that the Spanish language is one of the most romantic languages in this world.

If you want to share your feeling with someone special in a unique way, Spanish quotes might be the best option. With Spanish love quotes, you can easily make anyone feel special.

51 Spanish Love Quotes that will Melt Your Heart


1.Spanish Love Quotes

The sweetest harmony to listen to is the sound of the voice of that who is loved.

2.”El amor pone su corazón libre. No temas: profundizar, Tome una respiración profunda Y alcanzar el cielo En el corazón de su amante.”-Laura Ramirez


Love sets your heart free. Be not afraid: dig deep, take a deep breath and reach for the sky In your lover’s heart.

3.”Las personas amorosas viven en un mundo amoroso. Las personas hostiles viven en un mundo hostil. El mismo mundo.”-Wayne Dyer

Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. The same world.

4.”A batallas de amor, campos de plumas.”-Luis de Góngor

In the fight for love, a soft playing field.

5.”Desgraciado en el juego, afortunado en el amor.”-Unknown

Unlucky in the game, lucky in love.

6.”Amor de niño, agua en Castillo.”-Unknown

Young love is fickle.

7.”Cuando el amor no es locura, no es amor.”-Pedro Calderon de la Barca

When love is not madness, it is not love.

8.”El amor no respeta la ley, ni obedece a rey.”-Unknown 

Love doesn’t respect the law, nor obeys king.

9.”Echa mano a la ligera; soltar a la ligera. Este es uno de los grandes secretos de la felicidad en el amor. “-Spanish proverb

Take hold lightly; let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love.

10.”El amor es como la salsa mayonesa: cuando se corta, hay que tirarlo y empezar otro nuevo.”-Enrique Jardiel Poncela

Love is like mayonnaise: when it separates, you’ve got to throw it away and start again.

11.”Si sabes por qué te enamoras, no estás enamorado.”-Luciano Pavarotti

If you know why you fall in love, you are not in love.

12.”El grande amor, medroso, desconfía; el pequeño, con tino, es atrevido.”-Fernando de Herrera

13.”The greatest love, fearful, suspicious; the small, with wisdom, is bold.

Donde hay amor, hay dolor.”-Unknown

Where there is love, there is pain.

14.”El amor entra por la cocina.”-Unknown

Love enters through the kitchen.

15.”Usted es la fuente de mi ser.”-Laura Ramirez

You are the source of my being.

16.”Es cierto que en el mundo de los hombres nada hay necesario, excepto el amor.”-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

It is true that in the world of men nothing is necessary, except love.

17.”Si amas a alguien, díselo. Muchos corazones se rompen, por palabras que no se dicen.” –Pamela Daranjo

If you love someone, tell them, because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.

18.”No hay amor perdido entre nosotros.”-Miguel de Ceravantes

There is no love lost between us.

19.”El amor implica una peculiar e insondable combinación de comprensión y malentendido.”-Diane Arbus

Love involves a peculiar unfathomable combination of understanding and misunderstanding.

20.Spanish Love Quotes

I love you, and only you.

21.”Te quiero no por quien eres, sino por quien soy cuando estoy contigo.”-Gabriel Garcia Marquez 

I love you not for who you are, but for I am who when I am with you.

22.”El verdadero amante en toda parte ama y siempre se acuerda del amado.” –Santa Teresa

The true lover loves everywhere and is always thinking of the Beloved.

23.”He experimentado de todo, y puedo asegurar que no hay nada mejor que estar en los brazos de la persona que amas.” –John Lennon

I have experienced all kinds of things, and I can assure you that nothing is better than being in the arms of the person you love.

24.”Tardé una hora en conocerte y solo un día en enamorarme. Pero me llevará toda una vida lograr olvidarte.”-Unknown 

It took me an hour to get to know you and just a day to fall in love. But it will take me a whole life to be able to forget you.

25.”He amado hasta llegar a la locura, y eso que llaman locura, para mí, es la única forma sensata de amar.”-Françoise Sagan

I have loved to the point of madness; that which is called madness, that which to me is the only sensible way to love.

26.”Estoy desesperadamente enamorado de ti.”-Unknown 

I’m hopelessly in love with you.

27.”Nunca dejes de sonreír, ni siquiera cuando estés triste, porque nunca sabes quién se puede enamorar de tu sonrisa.”-Gabriel García Márquez

Never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.

28.”Amame cuando menos lo merezca, por que sera cuando mas lo necesite.”-Unknown

Love me when I least deserve it because it will be when I need it the most.

29.”La mejor foto que tengo, es aquella en la cuál sonrío por ti.”-Unknown

The best photograph I have is the one in which I’m smiling because of you.

30.”Te amo con todo mi corazon siempre y por siempre.” –Unknown

I love you with all of my heart, forever and ever.

31.”Cuando era niño soñaba con conquistar el mundo, ahora me doy cuenta que tú eres mí mundo y me has conquistado.”-Unknown

When I was a kid I dreamed of conquering the world, now I realize that you’re my world and you have conquered me.

32.”Cada uno atiende mas a la pasion que a lo que dicta la razon. De altos espiritus es apreciar las cosas altas.”-Miguel Cervantes

Each serves more to passion than reason dictates. In high spirits is to appreciate the high things.

33.”Entre lo que existe y lo que no existe, el espacio es el amor.”-Unknown 

Between that which exists and that which does not, is the space called love.

34.”Amor no correspondido, tiempo perdido./Amar y no ser amado es tiempo mal empleado.”-Unknown

To love and not be loved in return is time poorly spent.

35.”Amar es encontrar en la felicidad de otro tu propia felicidad.”-Gottfried Leibniz

Loving is finding your own happiness in somebody else’s happiness.

36.”No hagas nada por retener a la mujer que se va ni al pájaro que vuela; deja que el destino se cumpla. “-Amado Nervo

Don’t do anything to stop a woman from leaving or a bird from flying; let fate take its course.

37.”Amor loco, yo por vos y vos por otro.”-Unknown

Crazy love, I for you and you for another.

38.”El amor es esa espléndido disparo de humanos la vitalidad, la actividad suprema que la naturaleza permite a nadie para salir de sí mismo hacia alguien más.”-Jose Ortega y Gasset

Love is that splendid triggering of human vitality, the supreme activity which nature affords anyone for going out of himself toward someone else.

39.”El amor es invisible y entra y sale por donde quiere, sin que nadie le pida cuenta de sus hechos.”-Miguel Cervantes

Love is invisible and comes and goes where you want, without anyone accountable for their actions.

40.Spanish Love Quotes

The one who truly loves does so in silence, with actions and never with words.

41.”El amor semeja un árbol: se inclina por su propio peso, arraiga profundamente en todo nuestro ser y a veces sigue verdeciendo en las ruinas de un corazón.”-Victor Hugo

Love resembles a tree: it bends under its own weight, deeply rooted in our being and sometimes turns green in the ruins of a heart.

42.”Amor y celos, hermanos gemelos.”-Unknown

It’s rare to find love without jealousy.

43.”El amor junta los cetros con los cayados, la grandeza con la bajeza, hace posible lo imposible, iguala diferentes estados y viene a ser poderoso como la muerte.”-Miguel de Cervantes

Love meeting with the staffs’ scepters greatness with baseness, makes the impossible possible, matches different states and becomes strong as death.

44.”El amor, como ciego que es, impide a los amantes ver las divertidas tonterías que cometen”.-William Shakespeare

Love is blind, it stops lovers seeing the silly things they do.

45.”El verdadero amor no es el que perdona nuestros defectos, sino el que no los conoce.”-J. Benavente

True love is not whoever forgives our flaws, but whoever doesn’t know them.

46.”El amor más fuerte y más puro no es el que sube desde la impresión, sino el que desciende desde la admiración”. –Santa Catalina de Siena

The strongest and purest love is not the one that starts from impressions, but the one that comes from admiration.

47.”Hacer el amor entre dos enamorados no hace falta porque el amor entre ellos ya esta hecho”.-Unknown

Making love between two lovers isn’t necessary because the love between them is already made.

48.”El amor que se alimenta de regalos siempre está hambriento”.-Unknown

Love that feeds on gifts is always hungry.

49.”Alégrate de la vida porque ella te da la oportunidad de amar, trabajar, jugar y mirar a las estrellas”.-Henry Van Dyke

Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, work, play and look at the stars.

50.”Donde una puerta se cierra, otra se abre.”-Miguel de Cervantes

When one door closes, another one opens.


The feeling of love is a fantastic experience. By having the feeling of love, the heart starts beating faster. But expressing someone the feeling of love is complicated. When you are in love, you might want to express your emotions differently.

If you don’t know what to do, do not worry; the Spanish quotes are the best way to express your love. The Spanish quotes have some of the most romantic sayings.

With the help of the Spanish language, you can express your feelings perfectly. This language has a passionate tone. By the Spanish quotes, you can add more romantic touch and the other person feels your emotions perfectly.

“De ilusión también se vive.”-Unknown

Of hope also one lives.

If you want to express your feeling to your special one, then the Spanish quotes are the right thing for you. For making your day special, we have collected these quotes.

By reading these, you will find a perfect way to propose to your crush. If you like this article about Spanish love quotes, then do like, comment, and share this article.

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