
60 Inspiring Lisa Nichols Quotes

Here is Lisa Nichols Quotes to inspire you to success. Sometimes we just need someone who just nails it onto the head, someone who awakens our inner strengths and give us that fuel to take on challenges. Lisa Nichols quotes are that brain boost you need. Lisa Nichols‘s story is a truly a rags from riches tale and it is unimaginable to believe that she rose from very little to become the founder of Motivating the Masses! She has also appeared in the movie the Secret alongside Bob Proctor, Fred Alan Wolf and Rhonda Byrne. May her quotes inspire you to write your own success stories.

  1. Mostly, the world sees you the way you see yourself. Lisa Nichols
  2. When you clearly meet your conviction and apply action to the equation, your world will begin to transform before your eyes. Lisa Nichols
  3. lisa nichols quotesEvery single thing you touch is impacted by your story. Lisa Nichols
  4. Some motivation wrapped up in sandpaper. Some motivation come wrapped in ugly stick situation that you don’t ask for. And that’s still your why, not your why not.
  5. You are the designer if your destiny, you are the author of your story.
  6. While we may love each other and never stop lovingeach other, so often we stop “showing” each
    other love.”― Lisa Nichols
  7. Self-enrichment is that act of creating a thousand micro wins, so you can have one macro win.” ― Lisa Nichols
  8. Most people unconsciously dream themselves out of their goals. They dream so far past their current reality—or what’s currently possible—that they end up abandoning their goals and damaging their own self-esteem.” ― Lisa Nichols
  9. Comparison is and will always be the thief of all joy.” ― Lisa Nichols
  10. Your best opportunities are out on the skinny branch.” ― Lisa Nichols
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  12. I was willing to be my own rescuer at the risk of your approval.” ― Lisa Nichols
  13. Change your thoughts to change your life. –Lisa Nichols
  14. It wasn’t until I stopped and fell in love with Lisa, that the rest of the world began to fall in love with Lisa.” –Lisa Nichols
  15. It’s your responsibility to show the world how to treat you by the way in which you treat yourself.” –Lisa Nichols
  16. Be the one who decided to go for it.” –Lisa Nichols
  17. Being unapologetic means that I will be all of me. I will no longer shrink or compromise myself by playing small so others will not feel insecure in my presence.” — Lisa Nichols
  18. The truth is that no matter where you started out in life, you have a choice between scarcity and abundance.” –Lisa Nichols
  19. Wherever your mind is, your lifestyle has to follow.” –Lisa Nichols Quotes
  20. Trust yourself. Know that all thing.” –Lisa Nichols
  21. Your job is to let your light shine brightly.” Lisa Nichols
  22. Trust yourself and the divine in you. Know that all things are working together to support you living your best life. ―Lisa Nichols
  23. The two most important days of your life are the day you are born, and the day you know why. ―Lisa Nichols
  24. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be joyful, you deserve to be celebrated. But in order to do that you must first fall madly in love with yourself. ―Lisa Nichols
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  26. Do you realize that your love, your peace, your joy, your bliss can be so powerful in you that it becomes contagious, and people just want to be around you and they don’t even know why? ―Lisa Nichols
  27. So often we take care of everybody and the whole time we’re putting ourselves on the back burner. This is the season for you to ‘do you’ first. ―Lisa Nichols
  28. Sometimes you have to be willing to let go of something old to grab onto something new. You have to be willing to let a part of you die that you used to be comfortable with in order for another part of you to be born. ― Lisa Nichols
  29. By the mere fact that we have air in our body, the universe says you have the right to prosperity and abundance. ― Lisa Nichols
  30. Fear is not meant to stop you, it’s meant to wake you up, to keep you up at night preparing and prepping for your goals.” –Lisa Nichols
  31. God help me get out of my own way so that I can do what I’m here to do.” –Lisa Nichols Quotes
  32. In the pursuit of not falling, you’ll never fly.” –Lisa Nichols
  33. I am a work in progress, I am reinventing myself.” Lisa Nichols
  34. The next time you sense a strong emotion, take some time to put a finger on exactly what you’re feeling. Get quiet, turn inward, and just listen.” –Lisa Nichols
  35. I choose to see the greatness in you, and I choose to allow you to see the greatness in me.” –Lisa Nichols
  36. Dimming your light doesn’t do you or the world any good. You were meant to be great. Stand in that power.” –Lisa Nichols
  37. Your whole life is a manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head.” –Lisa Nichols
  38. Sometimes our talent is plain old everyday people skills that have been lost in our fast-paced society—listening, compassion, a sense of humor, and a positive outlook.” ― Lisa Nichols
  39. You’ll learn how to recognize when you’re living in the country called “Sad” in the town called “Victimville” on the street called “Hurt Lane” so you don’t stay there longer than you need to.”
    ― Lisa Nichols
  40. People are more comfortable with a familiar discomfort than they are with an unfamiliar new possibility.” ― Lisa Nichols
  41. Don’t make your community and loved ones guess what you need. It’s not fair to them. Instead, proactively tell them—in an uplifting way—how to love you.” ― Lisa Nichols
  42. I now spend my time solely on those activities that only I can do, and even then only on those activities that have the highest return.” ― Lisa Nichols
  43. While you’re walking on your journey, some days you’re going to have to take that walk alone.” –Lisa Nichols
  44. I’m not going to ask the world if I can be GREAT, I’m Going to give the world notice that I Will be GREAT. — Lisa Nichols quotes
  45. You complete you. No one else completes you. Others complement your completeness. — Lisa Nichols
  46. Other people’s perception of you ain’t none of your business… Everything is a set-up for your next best season. — Lisa Nichols
  47. I Have Nothing To Hide
    I Have Nothing Protect
    I Have Nothing To Prove
    I Have Nothing To Defend
    — Lisa Nichols

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  49. If your light’s too bright, let them put on some shades. — Lisa Nichols
  50. When you are no longer afraid greatness can appear. — Lisa Nichols
  51. Never put a period where God put a comma. — Lisa Nichols Quotes
  52. The distance between you and everything you need is your language. — Lisa Nichols
  53. Light your fire, sustain your fire, or when necessary restart your fire. Trust and believe. — Lisa Nichols
  54. Go the extra mile, it’s NEVER crowded – and when you do – everyone watching you is inspired by your life. — Lisa Nichols
  55. No one else can dance your dance. No one else can sing your song. No one else can write your story. — Lisa Nichols
  56. Don’t be mad at people who can’t handle your light. They can only love you to the capacity of which they love themselves. — Lisa Nichols
  57. Your thoughts and your feelings create your life. It will always be that way. Guaranteed. — Lisa Nichols
  58. Your job is to fill your own cup, so it overflows. Then you can serve others, joyfully, from your saucer. — Lisa Nichols
  59. Gratitude is the magnet for everything good and empowering. Fear and lack lose their power in the space of gratitude.” —Lisa Nichols
  60. Abundance is not something available for sale or purchase. It is something that we tap into, build, and grow.” —Lisa Nichols
  61. We cannot change our last chapter, as it has already been written in ink. But we can change the way our next chapter will be written because we are still holding the pen in our hands.” —Lisa Nichols
  62. Don’t wait for fear to stop before you leap. Be willing to leap afraid.” — Lisa Nichols.
  63. Take action. It’s the only thing separating you from your dreams.” — Lisa Nichols
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If you have not got enough of Lisa Nichols Quotes, you can grab her books from Amazon.
