
38 Inspiring Aarti Khurana Quotes

Aarti Khurana Quotes – Aarti Khurana is a famous writer. By profession, she is a psychologist. But besides her profession, Aarti Khurana loves to write. She is also a poet. She expresses her views and thoughts through writing different poems and quotes.

Aarti Khurana is a freelance writer. She loves quotes and shows her passion for writing in her quotes. Aarti Khurana uses the power of her pen and wants to spread positivity in the world.


Her quotes are full of love. Aarti Khurana had a powerful impact on the mind of other people with her words. She touches the hearts of millions of people with her words and writings.

She inspires many people. Here are some famous Aarti Khurana quotes. These quotes might inspire you in life. By reading her quotes, you can see life from a different perspective and see your inner beauty.

Most Popular Aarti Khurana Quotes


1.Aarti Khurana Quotes

2.” There are lessons she has learned from life and there are stories of battles and struggles which she has fought alone.”-Aarti Khurana

3.” Beneath the shield of confidence and strength there is a plethora of sadness and pain which she has endured.” -Aarti Khurana


4.”Never underestimate a woman.”-Aarti Khurana

5.” A loud voice of a man may threaten a woman, but the silence of a woman can shake the consciousness of a man.” -Aarti Khurana

6.”Soul mates are blessed with a grand awakening of souls where they undergo a kind of romantic evolution.”-Aarti Khurana

7.” They unknowingly help each other heal their past in the process of loving each other. They appreciate each others uniqueness and cherish their divine union for an entire lifetime.” -Aarti Khurana

8.”You are my addiction, my passion, my strength and also my weakness.”-Aarti Khurana

9.”My heart says we were paired up by Gods own hands to become soul mates because I feel your soul entwined with my soul. I want to share all my dreams with you.” -Aarti Khurana

10.”You will come across many people in your life. They will all have a purpose to fulfill.”-Aarti Khurana

11.” Some will teach you a lesson and some will leave your soul wounded. Some will love you for their selfish motives and some will love you unconditionally. Some will cheat you, lie to you and stab you in your back.”-Aarti Khurana

12.”Learn from the lessons life teaches you and don’t waste your time on people who are there in your life for their convenience and who never take you seriously.”-Aarti Khurana

13.” Don’t allow people to use you for their happiness. Just be Strong and don’t let anything break you or leave you shattered. Choose the people whom you want in your life.”-Aarti Khurana

14.”We must take care not to ignore our friends and loved ones because of the hustle and bustle of our lives.”-Aarti Khurana

15.” These are human angels in our lives who love us unconditionally and no matter what we should not let them go…”-Aarti Khurana

16.Aarti Khurana Quotes

17.”Don’t be disheartened by the drama other people create in your life Just blow them away by being your unique self.”-Aarti Khurana

18.”Angels are not any extraordinary beings with wings and a halo. They are ordinary people living ordinary lives. “-Aarti Khurana

19.”But they have special qualities that touch our heart and soul in special ways. They are truly our best friends.”-Aarti Khurana

20.”Every girl wants someone to share her secrets with, someone to talk to late at night when she can’t sleep, someone who feels comfortable with her family, someone to comfort her when she is scared, to hold her when she is sad, someone who doesn’t just say that he loves her but means it too.”-Aarti Khurana

21.”I want a man in my life who can brighten my world like no one else in my life would.”-Aarti Khurana

22.” A man who can make me smile and warm my heart like no one else.”-Aarti Khurana

23.” A man who can bring the light to my world like no one else in this life will.”-Aarti Khurana

24.”Sometimes we are hurt when our true friends commit mistakes. We should just forgive them and only remember how they supported us when we needed them the most.”-Aarti Khurana

25.”A real man doesn’t care what color you wear or how you style your hair.”-Aarti Khurana

26.” He doesn’t care whether you play tennis or with a teddy bear. He just loves the way your soul connects to his soul and how your heart beats for him.”-Aarti Khurana

27.Aarti Khurana Quotes

28.”There is nothing productive in Recycling, Reviewing and Reviving your past. Stop it immediately and live your present life fully…”-Aarti Khurana

29.”Make sure you give your heart to someone who promises you not to break it because there are no spare parts for broken hearts…”-Aarti Khurana

30.”While you are alive collect moments not things, earn respect not money and enjoy love not luxuries..”-Aarti Khurana

31.”It is so sad when you are desperately waiting for “him” to text you, but every time the phone rings, it’s everyone else but “him”..”-Aarti Khurana

32.”You are fortunate if you have friends who are with you to support you and boost your morale when you have failures rather than friends who praise and applaud you only when you achieve great things..”-Aarti Khurana

33.”When you are with someone special you can have all the stupid conversations and silly talk without being conscious because when you are in love only feelings matter.”-Aarti Khurana

34.”I don’t want friends just for shopping, parties and discos. “-Aarti Khurana

35.”I want friends who can be with me and support me when I am going through the toughest time in my life…”-Aarti Khurana

36.”Life takes you to unexpected places and you meet unexpected people but finally its love that brings you home. Its your family that embraces you with all your failures too.”-Aarti Khurana

37.”Even though I make mistakes and cry when I am lonely but on the other hand I am stronger than you think.”-Aarti Khurana

38.Aarti Khurana Quotes

All of us have good and bad experiences in life. Many times we also make a lot of mistakes. If you make mistakes and cry in your lonely times. Then it does not mean that you are weak.

It means that you are willing to admit your mistakes and then make them right. Aarti Khurana also faces many bad experiences in her life. These bad experiences related to her friends and relationships.

“Silence In The Cab Please Who Is The Chatterbox Rider Or Driver”-Aarti Khurana

But she never loses hope and always remembers those happy memories in the past. The one who is alive has to face a lot of things in life. By reading the quotes of Aarti Khurana, you see life from a different point of view.

At the time of difficulty, it becomes very easy to be sad. But at that time, only the strong person can see positivity. With this positivity, you can make new memories and enjoy the feeling of love.