It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done


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It Always Seems Impossible Until It's Done

When we hear “it can’t be done,” we often find ourselves standing aside and getting out of the way while someone else completes the task. That is the nature of the unthinkable. It appears impossible until it’s completed.

Human nature is to seek for the unattainable. Many individuals have persuaded themselves or been told that something is impossible, and this has motivated them to strive even harder to attain their goals. It’s a wonderful way to stand out in your profession if you aim for the unattainable. It’s vital to remember that you’ve done it before. It’s simple to create conditions for failure, so it’s simple to accept when it occurs.


Students who truly want to accomplish their goals should not be deterred by life difficulties, pandemics, or those who claim that they are impossible to attain or that they will never be able to get where they want to go without considerable financial help from their parents. I suffered through all of this, but I never lost faith in myself, and I was able to realize my ambition.

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Why Are You Looking for The Impossible?


Human nature is to seek for the unattainable. Many individuals have persuaded themselves or been told that something is impossible, and this has motivated them to strive even harder to attain their goals. It’s a wonderful way to stand out in your profession if you aim for the unattainable.

“If you can dream it, you can do it”

It always appears impossible until and unless you have succeeded in achieving it. We frequently decline to undertake things because we believe we are incapable of accomplishing the objective we have set for ourselves. We must realize that while it may appear difficult at times, it is not the end of our life. We can reach new heights at any time; all we need to do is maintain our concentration. It is self-evident that life will not always be easy. We must understand that nothing becomes easy until we have attempted it. Thus, the most important factor is whether or not we have attempted to achieve our objectives.


“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better”

Psyching oneself out is one of the dumb things you do at work. It’s simple to create conditions for failure, so it’s simple to accept when it occurs. Some things appear insurmountable simply because you construct them that way. Others appear impossible due to their difficulty. In every case, the goal of a challenge is to overcome it and progress. You won’t be able to achieve it if you focus on how difficult it appears to be.

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor”

Importantly, if we don’t keep trying, we may lose the chance! Without a doubt, certain things will stay impossible until God wills it to be done, and then it will be done! The beauty is that we all have many instances; we can all achieve many things today that we thought were impossible yesterday, one year ago, or five years ago. What’s essential is to never give up hope and to never declare “impossible,” instead of saying “it appears impossible, but one day it will be DONE.”

To do the most difficult jobs, you must put in a great deal of effort, patience, and focus on a single goal. You must be patient and believe in yourself. To be successful, you must have determination, dedication, and devotion. Don’t be concerned about the outcome. Even if the speed is slow, keep going. Just make sure it’s stable.

It Always Seems Impossible Until It's Done

You will undoubtedly meet challenges on your path to success, but with bravery and endurance, you can overcome them. Your future is determined by your optimistic attitude and clear thinking. There is no such thing as CHANGE in our world. You may create several opportunities, situations, and the right environment to achieve the most difficult goal by using your thoughts, will, and talent.

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“You will never win if you never begin”

Everything in our world is achievable because of willpower, perseverance, and sacrifice. To complete the most difficult jobs, we must put in a great deal of effort, patience, and focus on a single goal. We need to be patient and believe in ourselves. To be successful, we must be determined, committed, and dedicated. We should never be concerned about the outcome. Even if the pace is sluggish, we must keep going and guarantee that it does not slow down.

The term “impossible” is blown away by someone who has faith. He is a perpetual optimist. “Two men gaze out through the same bars; one sees the muck, the other sees the stars,” someone once stated. A pessimist sees a disaster in every chance, whereas an optimist sees a calamity in every opportunity. “Faith is believing in things when logic says you shouldn’t.”

You should begin your job with passion and motivation, and you should be unconcerned with the outcome. Your mentality should be correct. You may invariably acquire the proper aptitude with a strong, optimistic, and devoted mindset. Dr. Karl Menninger has said firmly as a result of this. “Attitudes matter more than facts?” You may get rid of your agonizing anxieties, doubts, despair, and inferiority complex by altering your negative mindset. Despair tarnishes the qualities of the wise in the same way that dust tarnishes the brightest of gems.

True, in this world, nothing is impossible. This indicates that anyone can do anything if they have the desire to do so. The “will” is analogous to a hammer that breaks glass yet forges steel. Everything feasible in the world is made possible by a steely determination.

At the end of the day, everything is dependent on God’s will, but as humans, we must constantly persevere, as Nelson Mandela and many other examples show, including yourself at various stages in your life.