
15 Motivational Jeanne Robertson Quotes

Jeanne Robertson Quotes – Jeanne Robertson is a humorist and a teacher of America. She is also a motivational speaker and a Miss North Carolina. Jeanne Robertson was raised in Graham. She was a basketball player.

After this, she joins the field of teaching. She teaches physical education to the students. Jeanne Robertson teaches for eight years. After this, she then starts her public speaking career.


Being a motivational speaker, she achieves a lot of attention. The speech of Jeanne Robertson broadcasted on many channels. The channels include Laugh Brak, XM Radio’s Laugh USA, Family comedy channel, and Sirius Radio’s Blue Collar Comedy.

She inspires others with her motivational speeches. The words of Jeanne Robertson have a strong impact on the life of others. For inspiring you, we are compiling some famous Jeanne Robertson Quotes. These quotes might inspire you in life. You might get the motivation to work hard for yourself.

Famous Jeanne Robertson Quotes


1.Jeanne Robertson Quotes

2.”The first rule for success? Show up.”-Jeanne Robertson

3.”Don’t send a man to the grocery store. “-Jeanne Robertson


4.”A sense of humor is an attitude in how you approach your work and life.”-Jeanne Robertson

5.” It is a skill that can be developed.”  -Jeanne Robertson

6.“There’s a big difference between comedy and humor.”-Jeanne Robertson

7.“Humor is notabout one-liners or being able to tell jokes. It’s about accepting things about yourself that can’t be changed and finding the humor in situations around you.”-Jeanne Robertson

8.” Things happen on a daily basis that are really funny, but people often let the funny stuff get away, either because they don’t notice it as funny, or they don’t make it a priority to look for it.-Jeanne Robertson

9.“My parents taught me how to accept comments about my height in a humorous way.”-Jeanne Robertson

10.“When I realized that I could make audiences laugh, it was like a duck to water.”-Jeanne Robertson

11.“A sense of humor is an approach toward working with people.”-Jeanne Robertson

12.” It’s a strategy for success. When leaders can laugh at themselves and find humor in stressful situations, it sets the tone for the entire organization.”-Jeanne Robertson

13.“You should never get a laugh at someone else’s expense.”-Jeanne Robertson

14.“You just don’t need to go there to be really funny.”-Jeanne Robertson

15.Jeanne Robertson Quotes

We all want to achieve a lot of things in our life. Many times we get what we want to achieve. But many times, we cannot. When we cannot achieve something in life or face failure, then we lose hope.

At the time of failure, it is very important to believe in yourself. If you do not believe in yourself or lose hope, then you cannot achieve anything in life. Failure brings disappointment in life.

“At first I thought this person stole my material.”Jeanne Robertson

But never consider failure a defeat. Always consider that God has given you another chance to make yourself better. Jeanne Robertson also faces a lot in her life. But she never loses hope.

She always works hard and tries to do her best. Her spirit of never losing hope gives her success. By reading the quotes of Jeanne Robertson, you might get the motivation to work hard.