25 Most Popular Kirk Franklin Quotes


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Kirk Franklin Quotes – Kirk Franklin is a choir director and author of America. He is also a songwriter and gospel singer. Kirk Franklin was a native of Texas. He lived and was raised by his aunt. The urban contemporary gospel choirs of Kirk Franklin became very famous.

Kirk Franklin became very famous for these choirs. Some of these include God’s Property, One Nation Crew, The Family, and many others. He has got several awards.


These awards include the 16 Grammy Awards that Kirk Franklin gets. When Kirk Franklin was seven years old get his first contract. But his aunt turned down that contract. After this, Kirk Franklin joined the choir of the church.

He became the music director of this church. Then the journey of Kirk Franklin starts. He inspires others. Here are some famous Kirk Franklin quotes. These quotes might inspire you and motivate you in life.

Motivational Kirk Franklin Quotes



2.”I know God is working so I smile!.”  -Kirk Franklin

3.”The world is always waiting for someone to save the day, make things better.”-Kirk Franklin


4.” We’ve lost hope in politics, preachers. … As a child of God, I just believe that Jesus is our hero.”-Kirk Franklin

5.” He is the one that came to save man’s life, to save man’s soul, to restore people back to themselves with a love that’s real – an unconditional sacrificial love.”  -Kirk Franklin

6.”Soul ties. The thing that can make you hear an old-school slow jam and think of somebody you haven’t seen in years.”-Kirk Franklin

7.” Soul ties. The thing that makes old people who’ve been together for years finish each other’s sentences.”-Kirk Franklin

8.” Don’t you wish mama had told you when you were young that, when you lie with someone, you lie not just with her body but also with her soul? And whatever condition the other person’s soul is in, you are guaranteed to take a piece with you—whether you want to or not.”-Kirk Franklin

9.” Instead of being amazed at her booty, you should have focused on her mind.” -Kirk Franklin

10.”You Look so much better When You Smile – so smile.”-Kirk Franklin

11.”When I was taught truth, that’s when I got my freedom.” -Kirk Franklin

12.”Most people have desires that are great and they want to do great things.”-Kirk Franklin

13.Kirk Franklin Quotes

14.” They were not given the right blueprint of how to build a building.” -Kirk Franklin

15.”It’s what I like to call the horizontal Jesus.”-Kirk Franklin

16.” Vertical Jesus are the songs that say ‘Lord I love you, Lord I praise you, Lord I thank you’ and horizontal is ‘I’m in a situation. This is the problem.”-Kirk Franklin

17.” How can I apply that now horizontally?’ There are more problems in the world because he’s not being applied horizontally.”-Kirk Franklin

18.”I believe that that’s why you see all these Pew studies that come out that a lot of people are walking away from the faith.”-Kirk Franklin

19.” A lot of people are changing what they believe because they really feel lied to.”-Kirk Franklin

20.” I think that it’s very important for people to know what they’re signing up for.” -Kirk Franklin

21.”Very active in the label, maybe to a fault sometimes.”-Kirk Franklin

22.“I know God is working so I smile!”-Kirk Franklin

23.“Okay, so there’s just you. Your goals, your career, your crew, your prospects, and your God. All together, chillin’. Before the house, the apartment, the kids, the boyfriend, the wedding, the night you crossed over with your frat brothers, there’s that pivotal point of asking your heart, “Who am I, really? What do I really like? Do I want to change for someone else? Is my soul mate right now, somewhere, finishing this sentence and completing my thoughts?”-Kirk Franklin

24.” It’s not easy believing that You got this together, but without faith it is impossible to please You.”-Kirk Franklin

25.Kirk Franklin Quotes

Many times we are not getting those things in life that we want. Due to which sometimes we get disappointed and lose hope. Rather than being our strength, we are waiting for someone else.

We wait for someone who makes things better in our life. But rather than waiting for someone, we have to believe in God. Believe that God is always with us, and He never leaves us alone. God is the only one who can save the life and soul of a person.

God loves the people unconditionally. Kirk Franklin has a strong belief in God. When he gets disappointed, he takes help from God.

By reading the quotes of Kirk Franklin, you also get the inspiration. You might get the motivation to have a strong belief in God. And to take help from God in any time of difficulty.