32 Most Famous Long Jump Quotes


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Long Jump Quotes

Long Jump Quotes – Long Jump is a track and field event where the girl or the guy merely named as athletes combine their speed, agility, strength, and skill in any attempt to leap as far as they can from a takeoff point. They start slowly from the starting point and comes closer to the takeoff line.

As they come closer, their speed and strength increase and they took a flight above the mud where their distance of jump is measured. The athlete with the highest distance wins and makes their country, religion, or state proud.


Along with the triple jump, there are jumps called horizontal jumps. These are the kind of jumps that is termed as two events that track hopping from distance as a group.

Here are some exceptional Long Jump Quotes that help you take long jumps in your life and make it a bit smooth and sleek. You can boost your motivational level while reading, enjoying, and sharing these quotes with your loved ones.

Best Long Jump Quotes So Far

  1. Long Jump Quotes
  2. We always spend more time on the throwing events and a little bit more on the long jump. They’re my weaker events – they don’t come as naturally to me as running and jumping. I like the hurdles and the high-jump, I’m a springy, speedy athlete so those suit me. – Author: Jessica Ennis
  3. Those who jump out of airplanes do not love life – they deny it, which, of course, is not done without a certain naughty exhilaration. Like children they relish tugging on the apron of Mother Nature, as long as she doesn’t turn and slap them. – Author: Anthony Marais
  4. I believe when you’re stuck in one spot for too long it’s best to throw a grenade where you stand, and jump … and pray. – Author: Robyn Davidson
  5. I don’t mind doing awful things as long as somebody else does. I would totally jump off the bridge, thanks for asking. – Author: Michelle Tea
  6. You long to jump off, but you just can’t work up the nerve, so you tell yourself you’re content to look at the view. – Author: Laura Lee Guhrke
  7. The challenge for any government is how do you do two things at the same time. How do you put money forward for things like the payroll tax holiday, for things like getting a jump-start on infrastructure, for building schools, and make the decisions for long-term deficit reduction. – Author: Jacob Lew
  8. I don’t see any elderly people in the crowd. Are there any old Dauntless? Do they not last that long, or are they just sent away when they can’t jump off moving trains anymore? – Author: Veronica Roth
  9. When the long awaited solution to the UFO problem comes, I believe that it will prove to be not merely the next small step in the march of science but a mighty and totally unexpected quantum jump. – Author: J. Allen Hynek
  10. All our skill at disproving things is like a wall we build between us and wonder. To jump that wall, you need a long running start.-The Tragedy of Arthur – Author: Arthur Phillips

  11. Long Jump Quotes
  12. If you put a frog in boiling water, it’ll jump straight out. If you put it in cold water and gradually bring it to the boil, it’ll sit right there until it dies. Scotland has been sitting in England’s gradually boiling water for so long that many people are used to it. – Author: John Niven
  13. I have so many miles and I’ve been flying for so long that every time I fly, it’s first class. It’s one of those things that, if I needed to jump on a plane, and fly to Spain tomorrow, I know I could get it done. Just like that. – Author: Lupe Fiasco
  14. Akela, the grim old wolf who had never asked for mercy in his life, gave one piteous look at Mowgli as the boy stood all naked, his long black hair tossing over his shoulders in the light of the blazing branch that made the shadows jump and quiver. – Author: Rudyard Kipling
  15. Fine,” he said after a long staredown with his leader. “But if they do jump you and slit your throat, we’ll get along just fine without ya.” “Thanks for the kind words, hermano. – Author: James Dashner
  16. Cats may sense early on that you don’t like paw prints on your butter, but they will jump onto any surface in the home as long as no one sees it happen. – Author: Kathy Young
  17. My queen,” he breathed, one hand reaching up to frame my cheek, making my stomach jump and twirl. “I belong to you. No matter what Mab says, no matter how long I’ve been in Tir Na Nog, my life is yours. Nothing will ever make me leave your side. – Author: Julie Kagawa
  18. She would go off in the morning with the punt full of books, and spend long glorious days away in the forest lying on the green springy carpet of whortleberries, reading. She would most diligently work at furnishing her empty mind. She would sternly endeavour to train it not to jump. – Author: Elizabeth Von Arnim
  19. Sometimes you must leave everything and refresh yourself in the silence of a misty lake! Every such refreshment will give you an opportunity to make a long jump on the way to your target! –

    Author: Mehmet Murat Ildan

  20. Long Jump Quotes
  21. I admire the women who can have babies and jump right back to work. As a nursing mother, I couldn’t sit there and just pump all day. I needed to be close to my baby. – Author: Nia Long
  22. Sometimes you just close your eyes and jump … you don’t think too long or maybe you just won’t. Sometimes you just follow your heart, don’t analyze too long, or maybe it might just be gone. – Author: Carrie Newcomer
  23. Coop kissed me deeply, drawing my breath from me in a long, sweet ribbon. “Perhaps I haven’t mentioned it, but I’m an expert when it comes to first steps.” #28. I think I always prefer the long jump, high jump, and javelin. I don’t like the 400 metres and the pole vault except when I’m really in shape. – Author: Roman Sebrle
  24. I learned what I need to do in the long jump, what I needed to do in the javelin and I’ve been able to rectify those events. It’s been a bit of a learning curve, which is good. – Author: Jessica Ennis
  25. I like to listen to my iPod and also play music. I’ve been doing percussion since I was eight or nine. Rhythm is crucial in long jump but also in life. – Author: Bob Beamon
  26. I’m not at the point where I’d feel safe in a house alone. I would be really scared. I’m the kind of person that when I get up to go use the bathroom I have this big long hallway, and I just know someone’s going to jump out and get me. – Author: Britney Spears
  27. There is something revolting about the way girls’ minds so often jump to marriage long before they jump to love. – Author: Dodie SmithLong Jump Quotes


 Hope these Long Jump sayings, proverbs, and quotes bring positivity to your life and help you seek the right meaning of all the things that you face in your life. This exclusive game has a history in the ancient games of the Olympics and still got that charm. It has become a modern Olympic event for men since the start of the first-ever Olympic game in 1896 as well as for women since 1948.

The competitors run down over a runway and jump as far as they can from a wooden board. The person with the longest jump got the victory while grabbing a sexy meddle along with a title as well.

This sport tells us to work hard to make a big, gigantic jump in our life and become the winner while grabbing a medal and winning the heart of millions of folks from all over the world.
