15 Most Popular Matthew Henson Quotes


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Matthew Henson Quotes – Matthew Henson was an explorer of America. He was born in Nanjemoy, Maryland. Most of the life of Matthew Henson is spent in Washington, D.C. At the age of twelve, he left school because he has to work as a Cabin Boy.

Then he met Robert Peary in 1887. Robert hired him and gave him the job of personal valet. In his life of 23 years, Henson goes on seven voyages of the Arctic.


In this journey, Matthew Henson was with Robert Peary. Mattew Henson and Robert Peary spend around 18 years doing expeditions. Henson was very well known for his expedition of 1908-1909.

In April 1909, he claimed that he reached the geographic North Pole. Matthew Henson was the first of his party members to reach the pole. Mattew inspires the people with his wonderful journey.


He works hard and never takes a step back. For inspiring you, we have some famous Matthew Henson Quotes.

15 Matthew Henson Quotes That Will Inspire You

1.Matthew Henson Quotes

2.” His hair grows rapidly and, when on the march, a thick heavy beard quickly appears. He is six feet tall, very graceful, and well built, especially about the chest and shoulders; long arms, and legs slightly bowed.”-Matthew Henson


3.”Since losing his toes, he walks with a peculiar slide-like stride. He has a voice clear and loud, and words never fail him.”-Matthew Henson

4.“They are very human in their attributes, and in spite of the fact that their diet is practically meat only, their tempers are gentle and mild, and there is a great deal of affection among them.”-Matthew Henson

5.” Except between husband and wife, they seldom quarrel; and never hold spite or animosity.”-Matthew Henson

6.” Children are a valuable asset, are much loved, never scolded or punished, and are not spoiled. An Esquimo mother washes her baby the same way a cat washes her kittens.”-Matthew Henson

7.” There are lots of personal habits the description of which might scatter the reading circle, so I will desist with the bald statement, that, for them, dirt and filth have no terrors.”-Matthew Henson

8.”I think I’m the first man to sit on top of the world.”-Matthew Henson

9.”It’ll work, if God, wind, leads, ice, snow, and all the hells of this damned frozen land are willing.”-Matthew Henson

10.Matthew Henson Quotes

11.”We had no faith in (Cook) whatever. He was not even good for a day’s work, and the idea of his making such an astounding claim as having reached the Pole was so ludicrous that, after our laugh, we dropped the matter altogether.”-Matthew Henson

12.”I have reason to be grateful to Dr. Cook for favors received; I lived with his folks while I was suffering with my eyes, due to snow blindness.” -Matthew Henson

13.’ I feel that all of the debts of gratitude have been liquidated by my silence in this controversy, and I will have nothing more to say in regard to him or to his claims.”-Matthew Henson

14.”There can be no conquest to the man who dwells in the narrow and small environment of a groveling life, and there can be no vision to the man the horizon of whose vision is limited by the bounds of self.”-Matthew Henson

15.Matthew Henson Quotes

All of us have dreams in our life. And we want to achieve all our dreams and desires. Many times we achieve what we want. And many times, we cannot achieve anything.

If we are not getting anything in life, then never be disappointed. If you are not getting something in life, then God will not be there. When God is there, then you can get all your dreams. Pray from God.

“The path is not easy, the climbing is rugged and hard, but the glory at the end is worthwhile.”-Matthew Henson

Matthew Henson also works a lot in his life. He climbs to the top of the mountain. And all these things happen only because of God’s will. Matthew Henson is the inspiration of many people.

If you want some inspiration, then Matthew Henson quotes help you. By reading these quotes, you might get the motivation to achieve all your desires by the will of God. Your hard work and God’s will can do anything in life.