
Michael Phelps Quotes

Michael Phelps is one of the most successful athletes of all time. With 28 Olympic medals to his record, there is no doubt that this 35 year old professional swimmer has resilience and dedication.

Here is some words that have come from his mouth, let us see if we can get some inspiration from this impressive legend.


Michael Phelps Inspirational Quotes 1-20

michael phelps quotes

I am 26 and, and I don’t recover as fast as I have in the past.- Michael Phelps


michael phelps quotes

I always thought, it would be neat to make the Olympic team. -Michael Phelps

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I got the stamina. I can close.-Michael Phelps

michael phelps quotes

We’re all a little tired.-Michael Phelps

michael phelps quotes

It’s tough to put into words right now, but I finished my career how I wanted to. Through the ups and downs of my career I’ve still been able to do everything  that I’ve ever wanted to accomplish. Michael Phelps

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I think the biggest thing I am looking forward to is getting new faces into the sport. Getting kids who could be afraid of water to feel comfortable in the pool. -Michael Phelps

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It doesn’t matter what else is going on. When you walk into your arena or your – whatever you excel at, you’re there to take care of the job that you have to do.-Michael Phelps

michael phelps quotes

I’m pretty lazy. My wife always says, “you are the laziest, most successful Olympian I’ve ever seen.” How does that make sense? Honestly, if I have downtime, I’m really, really good at not doing anything.-Michael Phelps

michael phelps quotes

Even in high school, I’d tell my mom I was stick of swimming and wanted to try to play golf. She wasn’t too happy. She’d say, ‘Think about this.’ And I’d always end up getting back in the pool.-Michael Phelps

michael phelps quotes

I don’t want to be the next Mark Spitz; I want to be the first Michael Phelps.-Michael Phelps

My little son is already like me – my mom has always said I used to bounce off the wall and never stop talking or sit still. I’m starting to see that with him. I guess it’s living proof he’s part of me.-Michael Phelps

I love to race the best people in the world and the fastest people in the world.-Michael Phelps

I have the opportunity to be part of swimming history. To take the sport to a new level would be and honor for me. There’s no better time to try this than now.-Michael Phelps

I finished my career the way I wanted to. -Michael Phelps

I learned how fast you can go from being an international hero to being a reference in a joke on a late night talk show.-Michael Phelps

If you’re not on your ‘A’ game in our workouts every day, you’re going to get absolutely smoked.-Michael Phelps

We wanted to see how close we could get to the world record. We’ll take that for right now.-Michael Phelps

The only reason I started swimming was for water safety. Then, once I started falling in love with sports, I got more comfortable with it. -Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps Inspirational Quotes 21-40

Why is it such a big deal what I’m swimming?-Michael Phelps

I know it won’t be eight medals again. If you want to compare me to that, that’s you decision, not mine. I’m going out there to try to accomplish the things that I have in my mind and in my heart.-Michael Phelps

Once I retire, I’m retiring. I’m done.-Michael Phelps

I treat every race the same. We all wanted to swim fast today and give something back to the crowd.-Michael Phelps

There is one women in China that claimed she paid $50 to get my e-mail address. It was pretty shocking. I get one this morning from Scotland. A girl’s requesting a signed photo of me. -Michael Phelps

I don’t like to be second in anything. I was trying, I just wasn’t going anywhere.-Michael Phelps

I’m satisfied in a way because this is an eye opener for me, … I didn’t have the success I’ve always been able to have. I learned a lot.-Michael Phelps

I’m the same kind of guy before all this happened.-Michael Phelps

I want to get to the World Cup. i wanted to go to the Masters. I want to go… anywhere.-Michael Phelps

I am excited to have the opportunity to help provide the same swim instruction that i received as child when I was enrolled in a water safety class at five-year-old.-Michael Phelps

Not having to travel and being able to settle in has helped me in training life and school life. I’ve learned to get a grip and take care of myself.-Michael Phelps

Obviously for water safety, you want to learn just to be comfortable in the water; that’s the main goal. I think the second that you start freaking out and feeling uncomfortable, it’s not going to go well.-Michael Phelps

Record are made to be broken.-Michael Phelps

Swimming is normal for me. I’m relaxed. I’m comfortable, and I know my surrounding. It’s my home.-Michael Phelps

I would visualize the best- and worst-case scenarios. Whether I get disqualified or my goggles fill up with water or I lose my goggles or I come in last, I’m ready for anything.-Michael Phelps

If I would to achieve the goals I’ve set, I’ve got to be in tip-top shape.-Michael Phelps

My goal is one Olympic gold medal. Not many people in this world can say, ‘I’m an Olympic gold medalist.’-Michael Phelps

I consider myself normal. I’ve spent 20 years in the pool. I consider that something that’s normal.-Michael Phelps

Before, it came easy for me. I don’t have two speeds anymore. I need to focus in the small things that I once took for granted.--Michael Phelps

It’s cool just because I’ve had this dream of changing the sport of swimming and it’s finally happening.-Michael Phelps

My mom put me and my sister in the water to feel comfortable, to have water safety. -Michael Phelps

Once I’m already in my room, I still have to open a door to get into my bed. It’s like a giant box. It’s like the boy in a bubble.-Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps Inspirational Quotes 41-60

[Phelps] firmly denies that he takes drugs, suggesting that the notorious photo of him smoking from a bong was a one-time lapse of judgment.-Michael Phelps

You can’t put a limit anything.-Michael Phelps

Yeah, my friend call me Mike, Michael or just my last name.--Michael Phelps

When I race, I don’t think about it; it just happens.-Michael Phelps

I don’t have a strict diet. It’s all about cramming in as many calories into my system as I possibly can. To be honest with you, I have a tough time keeping weight on. -Michael Phelps

I like to just think of myself as a normal person who just has a passion, has a goal and a dream and goes out and does it. And that’s really how I’ve always lived my life.-Michael Phelps

I like to get in my own world. When I’m getting ready for a meet, I always have headphone on, listening to rap music to get myself fired up.-Michael Phelps

This is the first medal I’ve ever won in an international meet. For it be gold is incredible. It feels great. I can’t explain it.-Michael Phelps

Every day after I wake up, I think, ‘Wait… this can’t be real; I’m still going to wake up.’ -Michael Phelps

I believe in God; I’m not saying I’m highly religious.--Michael Phelps

If I bring back only one gold, people are going to say it’s a disappointment. But not too many of them own an Olympic gold medal so if I get one I’m going to be happy.--Michael Phelps

I used to always go to church on holiday, but I don’t go much any more.--Michael Phelps

I’m so sick of the water. -Michael Phelps

Swimming is fun. It’s a lot funner than golf.-Michael Phelps

So, you know, if I wanted to get up and just play golf one day. I would just get up and play golf. If I wanted to go to Vegas, I would just get up and go to Vegas. -Michael Phelps

I live a pretty conservative life, so I probably really haven’t done anything crazy. -Michael Phelps

One thing with me, and every goal I’ve had-in the sport of swimming, my mother didn’t know my goals. The only person that knew my goals were my coaches.-Michael Phelps

I’m kind of creature of habit. Once I get used to doing things, it’s like second nature.-Michael Phelps

My strategy is that I actually have absolutely no strategy. -Michael Phelps

I see my goals as personal and I always have, That’s just been how I’ve worked. -Michael Phelps

What a pleasure to have Michael Phelps on this blog. It is my desire to make this blog a hub of inspiration where you have inspirational people in one place to lift your mood every day of year.