
51 Inspiring Patrice O'Neal Quotes

Patrice O’Neal Quotes – Patrice O’Neal was a stand-up comedian in America. He was also a radio personality and an actor. Patrice O’Neal appeared as a guest in different television programs. He was very well-known due to his regular appearance as a guest.

This television program was Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn.” He also appeared in a radio show called “Opie and Anthony.” In 1992 he started his career as a stand-up comedian. His comedy consisted of act base conversation, confrontational point of view, and deconstructive analysis.


Patrice O’Neal inspired people with his comedy. His comedy contains a lot of lessons for the people. For inspiring you, we have some famous Patrice O’Neal quotes. By reading these quotes, you will get the courage to face the problems and move on in life without hesitation.

Most Famous Patrice O’Neal Quotes

1.Patrice O'Neal Quotes


2.”People have tried to corner the market on being offended, corner the market on language and corner the market on opinion. Should I lose my job ’cause I offended somebody? No, of course not. Your life should never be affected by public opinion.”-Patrice O’Neal

3.”Not everybody should be laughing at everything at the same time. That’s not even natural. My thing is to feel natural, because I don’t want to feel like I could just make people laugh at every single joke, every single time, with the same decibel level.”-Patrice O’Neal

4.”I’m a thigh-meat dude. Thigh is just the best meat – I don’t get chicken breast. I think it’s a publicity stunt that we’ve convinced people it’s delicious.”-Patrice O’Neal


5.”I’m a big buffet dude, or I’m a big cheap-food-and-order-more-when-I-need-it dude.”-Patrice O’Neal

6.”I don’t go to any sexy places to eat where they give you half a lamb chop and one bean. I like going, ‘Uhhh, I’m done’ when I eat.”-Patrice O’Neal

7.”Just making the crowd laugh is not really doing things for me anymore.”-Patrice O’Neal

8.”That’s just knowing how to kill; I’ve learned how to kill – but also learned when a crowd’s laughter is meaningful.”-Patrice O’Neal

9.”Who has connections to Connecticut? That’s where rich people go to live the rest of their life in the woods.”-Patrice O’Neal

10.”I need a little bass and I don’t even need that crazy bass to break your face. I just want it to sound good when I have my favorite song.”-Patrice O’Neal

11.”The case is I talk for a living, so I should be able to say anything I want to say regardless of how you feel. What we’re starting to deal with now is your opinion matters, but to be quite honest, your opinion means nothing.”-Patrice O’Neal

12.”I’ve still got that little freedom part of me that wants to have a car that looks really sexy.”-Patrice O’Neal

13.”I’m a decent cook, and I will try to cook anything. My only weakness is that I don’t know servings – I only know how to make a lot.”-Patrice O’Neal

14.”I am that guy who will say things that people seem to think is a little edgy, a little racy.”-Patrice O’Neal

15.”I’m a slave to the culture, so I see an Audi, a Denali, or an Escalade, my neighbor got the four-door Porsche. I have a really nice truck. But it’s a Durango and I like frontin’! I like to ride by and show off.”-Patrice O’Neal

16.”Inappropriate is a vaginal word”-Patrice O’Neal

17.”This is my question, for life: have we retired the phrase, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me”? Is it legal for me to say, “I endorse hate speech”? I want hate speech. Why can’t I hate you…in speech?” -Patrice O’Neal

20.Patrice O'Neal Quotes

21.”I don’t litter. I don’t throw garbage in the street. Not because I care about the Earth. But I’m afraid I’m going to be walking through the park drinking a soda and when I’m done, I just throw it over my shoulder, it’ll fly over a bush and land on some dead white woman’s head with my fingerprints on the can. Now I’m the Pepsi-Cola Rapist because I’m lazy.”-Patrice O’Neal

22.”I generally don’t like living in a world where being what a man is, is a horrible thing; and no matter what a woman is, is a wonderful thing.”-Patrice O’Neal

23.”People have tried to corner the market on being offended, corner the market on language and corner the market on opinion. Should I lose my job ’cause I offended somebody? No, of course not. Your life should never be affected by public opinion.”-Patrice O’Neal

24.”What I’m trying to do is be righteous. And when I say “righteous,” I don’t mean God. You know? God- Righteous. I mean just when I wake up, I know I was honest to myself.”-Patrice O’Neal

25.”Having women work with men is like having a grizzly bear work with salmon . . . dipped in honey.”

26.”They can’t control you if you don’t have or want anything. The way to control someone who doesn’t have anything is to give him something. Then hold it against him.”-Patrice O’Neal

27.”I’m getting tired of famous people making me give money to the disease that they got.” -Patrice O’Neal

28.“I told my girl, she was the 4th most important thing in my life. First, there’s Me, then my mother, my career, and then her. And, then bitch if my moms dies, you don’t move up because her memory would still be more important than you.” -Patrice O’Neal

29.“Liars don’t like me. People who lie, people who live a lie. There’s people who love living lies. I was thinking the other day, ‘brutal honesty’ is a dumb term. The word ‘brutal’ should be associated with lying, like “You’re a brutal liar”, as opposed to somebody who’s just going to inform you of what they believe the truth to be. I love honesty, man. You can’t mess with the truth”-Patrice O’Neal

30.”The case is I talk for a living, so I should be able to say anything I want to say regardless of how you feel. What we’re starting to deal with now is your opinion matters, but to be quite honest, your opinion means nothing.” -Patrice O’Neal

31.“Women are easy to love but hard to like. How the hell am I supposed to like you when you don’t even like each other? You fall out with your friends every other week.” -Patrice O’Neal

32.”Have your opinion, don’t let your opinion have you.”-Patrice O’Neal

33.If I don’t say it, I’ll forget it. And I just want it to be out there in cyberspace, some kind of way. It just lives, if I speak, I live.”

34.”The attempt is what i’m trying to fight for. The joke may or may…-funny jokes and unfunny jokes come out of the same birth, you don’t know if anything is gonna be funny, you should attempt to be able make anything funny.”-Patrice O’Neal

35.Patrice O'Neal Quotes

36.”Men want to be alone, but we don’t wanna be by ourselves.”-Patrice O’Neal

37.”Having women work with men is like having a grizzly bear work with salmon . . . dipped in honey.”-Patrice O’Neal

38.”Have your opinion, don’t let your opinion have you.”-Patrice O’Neal

39.”Women want us to like them, but they don’t even like each other.”-Patrice O’Neal

42.”You gotta stop lying. You know… I mean it’s difficult to tell the truth, but you gotta start telling the truth cause it kills you, it takes something out of you when you’re…. a phony. You know, I’d rather die than to be phony really, cause… it kills me. And I’m…there’s nothing worse… like I’m depressed, but I’m not suicidal. Do you know how like… horrible it is just being to… to want to kill yourself but you just can’t, you won’t kill yourself? Do you understand what that is? So I had to figure out a way how to make myself happy….and that’s not to lie.”-Patrice O’Neal

43.”I said to my girl, “The reason you have a key (to my house) is to keep me from having other women in my house. I give you an open invitation.” See, she wants me to go, “Because I love you and I trust you, and I want you to trust me.” It’s because the fear of my girl walking in will keep me from having a young broad sitting on top of my counter. But she wants that to be because I love her so much, but it’s just to protect me from my own manness.”-Patrice O’Neal

44.”A beautiful 35-year old ain’t as good-looking as an ugly 19-year old.”-Patrice O’Neal

45.”(after host Anthony Cumia complained that a black, female bartender once refused to give him an extra drink, even after he had tipped her $20) Let me tell you, black people are very sensitive about context. (You meant), “Sweetie, no disrespect, here’s a twenty,” but (she took it as), “Here, fat nigga-lean, take this twenty and you will be giving me my beers, all day, at my request.” She smelled it on you, so she said, “Take your twenty and shove it up your ass, cracker devil.”-Patrice O’Neal

46.”(on the killing of Osama Bin Laden) I watched the Bin Laden thing, and you know, there’s what’s called the “conspiracy nuts” and whatever, and the thing that gets me is that when there is one little question, that makes you go, “What?” That we don’t galvanize and say, “No, no, no, you’re not allowed to say anything else until we cover this. Give me a straight answer, because flushing Bin Laden down the ocean, like he’s cocaine, from The Goodfellas, it doesn’t prove anything.” You know, somebody like (Sean) Hannity would make me sound like a complete idiot if I went on his show and went, “He flushed him down the ocean!” But, it’s just, you go, “There’s nothing that makes you go, what?””

47.”If you tell me 2 + 2 is 4, and I know it is, then you… shove marbles up your ass, I go “Damn, Anthony shoves marbles in his ass?” But [the fact that you shove marbles in your ass] doesn’t invalidate 2 + 2 = 4.”-Patrice O’Neal

48.”People always say “Don’t you support the troops?” But the troops are an entity that just follows orders. It’s not about individuals or people. So when I say “I don’t support the troops”, I’m saying I don’t support the bankers and politicians who are making them do what they do.”-Patrice O’Neal

50.”I just think the closer we (as a species) think we get to God, the closer we get to death.”-Patrice O’Neal

51.”Having women work with men is like having a grizzly bear work with salmon, dipped in honey.”-Patrice O’Neal

52.Patrice O'Neal Quotes

If you want to make other people laugh, you should know that this is the most difficult task. Everyone in this life faces a lot of problems. It becomes very easy to make anyone sad.

Because everyone has a lot of problems in life that make them sad. When you try to make others laugh, not all people may laugh at your joke. Everyone has a different view.

Many people sitting around may laugh, but at the same time, some don’t. Different people have a different sense of humor. They understand things according to their choice.

Patrice O’Neal was a standup comedian who tried different ways to make people laugh. By reading Patrice O’Neal’s quotes, you will know how to make other people happy and make them laugh. Do like and share these quotes by Patrice O’Neal with your friends as well.