
51 Most Popular Sheila Walsh Quotes

Sheila Walsh Quotes – Sheila Walsh is a songwriter, author, and inspirational speaker from America. She is also an evangelist and a vocalist. Sheila Walsh was born in Scotland. She also plays the role of host in a talk show.

Sheila Walsh started her career as a contemporary singer of Christian. She has also sung with the group The Oasis. After this, she started playing solo in 1981. Sheila Walsh also works with Chris Robinson, who is a very famous keyboard player.


The first album of Sheila Walsh is Future Eyes. Sheila Walsh gets success in America and also in the United Kingdom. She is also famous as a CCM musician. In 1987 she also played the role of co-host in the 700 Club talk show.

She inspires people with her words. For inspiring you, we have some famous Sheila Walsh Quotes. These quotes might inspire and motivate you in life to achieve big.

Famous Sheila Walsh Quotes That Will Inspire You


1.Sheila Walsh Quotes

2.”God has promised that whatever you face, you are not alone. He knows your pain. He loves you. And He will bring you through the fire.” -Sheila Walsh

3.”My brokenness is a better bridge for people than my pretend wholeness ever was.” -Sheila Walsh


4.”My times of silence before God are very important to me now. I put everything else down, every word away, and I am with the Lord. When I’m quiet, life falls into perspective for me. I have a very active mind and I’m a worrier, but in those moments when I choose to put that away, I rest beside the Shepherd in still places. Why don’t you give yourself a gift today? Turn off the television or the car stereo, put down the newspaper or the business plan, and in the quietness, rest for a while beside the Shepherd of your soul.”  -Sheila Walsh

5.”In these uncertain times, I know 100 percent that I can stake my life on the unshakeable, unchanging promises of God!”-Sheila Walsh

6.”Suffering is seldom an item on our list of requests to the Lord. But when it crosses our path and we are able by his grace to keep on walking, our lives become messages of hope to the world and to the church.” -Sheila Walsh

7.”Can’t you tell when you’re with someone who’s listening? She hears you, really hears you. He hears the sadness in your tone or catches your joy. Be a listener, to music, to life, to others, to God. Life is noisy, but there is music in every heartbeat. God is waiting to bring joy and peace to the confusion of our days.”-Sheila Walsh

8.”If guilt tells us that we’ve done something wrong, then shame tells us that we are something wrong. So many people feel isolated, not good enough, defined by the labels they wear rather than the identity they have in Christ. The love of Christ tells us that we’re accepted; that we belong.”  -Sheila Walsh

9.”We live in a culture of quick fixes. We want to feel better and we want to feel better now. I believe that’s why many turn to alcohol and drugs because they want to numb the pain of life. In my life I have a choice. I can sit with my depression and look at Jesus or I can sit with Jesus and look at my depression. What I mean by that is I can focus on what’s broken and wonder where God is or I can sit in the companionship of Christ who suffered for us and worship him in the middle of the mess. That gives my pain meaning and context.” -Sheila Walsh

10.”Some people will not understand what the love of Christ compels you to do; do it anyway.”-Sheila Walsh

11.”If we mistake God’s silence for indifference, we are the most miserable of people. If we give up when we no longer understand, we reject His caring, steadfast love and cut ourselves off from our only real hope.”-Sheila Walsh

12.”It takes deliberate and continuous effort to carve out time in our overfull schedules to listen to the voice of God.”  -Sheila Walsh

13.”When depression or suicidal thoughts weigh heavily, the hardest thing to do is to fight. My battle weapons are the Word of God, meditation, confession, community, and worship. But each evening I take my medication with a prayer of thanksgiving that God has provided this kind of help for those of us who need it.” -Sheila Walsh

14.”God’s love is a gift that can make you forget yourself at times. The Scottish writer George MacDonald said, “It is the heart that is not yet sure of its God that is afraid to laugh in his presence.” God loves us as we are right now! That’s one of the things I’m most grateful for. I love the freedom to be myself in God. I pray that a year from now, five years from now, I will be a godlier woman, but I know God won’t love me any more than he does right this minute.”   -Sheila Walsh

15.”If depression has been viewed as a taboo subject in the church, then suicide and suicidal thoughts are the darkest secret of all. Talking about it doesn’t make it more real or powerful; it brings it out of the shadows into the light and love of Christ.”-Sheila Walsh

16.”When we don’t deal honestly with our lives and the losses we face, when we try to anesthetize the pain and move on, then the suppressed anger or fear or guilt will deal with us until we are ready to deal with those issues.” -Sheila Walsh

17.”When our dreams seem to go sour or remain unfulfilled, hopelessness can dominate our lives-or we can hold on with open hands, knowing that we have hope because God is faithful.”  -Sheila Walsh

18.”The Father is truly the only Promise Maker who is in earnest a Promise Keeper. A promise from God is a promise kept.” -Sheila Walsh

19.”I was driving down a familiar road one fall day when I almost drove off the road, the beauty was so intense. It looked as if God had sent in a team of the world’s finest artists overnight-and I was privy to the opening day of his spectacle. As I slowly drove along this festive row, leaves danced in the air and brushed against my windshield. It seemed as if I had landed in Oz. I was strongly tempted to get out and clap at God’s imagination.”   -Sheila Walsh

20.Sheila Walsh Quotes

21.”God talks to His people-to each one of us-through His Word, through the counsel of godly friends, and through the Holy Spirit.” -Sheila Walsh

22.”It’s my absolute passionate belief that every single human being, man, woman, or child, is aching to find a face-to-face relationship with God.”   -Sheila Walsh

23.”Lord God, I long to hear Your voice but not just secondhand through teachers, as wonderful and godly as they can be. I long to hear Your voice firsthand.”   -Sheila Walsh

24.”When I was hospitalized in 1992 with severe clinical depression I thought I was the only one. I didn’t know of one other Christian struggling with any form of mental illness. What I didn’t know then was that there are thousands and thousands of men and women who love God yet are struggling alone, in silence, full of shame. This has to end. It’s time to shine the brightest light into the darkest corners of the church.”-Sheila Walsh

25.”Theres not one good thought in me, apart from God. Thats the good news.”-Sheila Walsh

26.”I was one of the loneliest people on the planet. You can be incredibly well known and very alone. And thats who I was. I was a well-known person who was very alone.” -Sheila Walsh

27.”But the witness of the substitutionary atonement of Jesus is that God’s most difficult promise has been kept.” -Sheila Walsh

28.”One of the things I am very aware of not having in my life is the love of my father. …but I know now that it is hard to make up that loss in the life of a daughter.”-Sheila Walsh

29.”It’s your dad who tells you that you are beautiful.”-Sheila Walsh

30.”Its your dad who picks you up over his head and carries you on his shoulders.”-Sheila Walsh

31.”It’s your did who will fight the monsters under your bed.”-Sheila Walsh

32.”It’s your dad who tells you that you are worth a lot, so don’t settle for the first guy who tells you you’re pretty.”  -Sheila Walsh

33.Sheila Walsh Quotes

34.”Some view mental illness as a purely spiritual issue and deny the need for medication or other forms of treatment. Others view it as an illness with no spiritual aspect. I believe it’s a combination of both.”-Sheila Walsh

35.”I got pregnant and turned 40 at the same time.”-Sheila Walsh

36.”I’ve never walked to an altar in my life. I gave my life to Christ in my bedroom as a child.”-Sheila Walsh

37.“Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ.”-Sheila Walsh

38.“My brokenness is a better bridge for people than my pretend wholeness ever was.”-Sheila Walsh

39.“If you find yourself right now in a place where you are heartbroken, I want to remind you that Christ is very close to the broken. Our culture throws broken things away, but our Savior never does. He gently gathers all the pieces, and with His love and in His time, He puts us back together.”-Sheila Walsh

40.”Whether Jesus calms the storm or calms us in the storm, His love is the same, and His grace is enough.”-Sheila Walsh

41.“What I think we as the church lack, though, is a place to talk about how things really are right now. In our desire to be an inspiration to one another we often veil what is true, because what is true is not always inspirational. It’s not easy to watch or personally experience a marriage on the verge of divorce, or a child battling cancer, or a betrayal of the worst kind, or dreams lost in the dust, or overwhelming feelings of despair or emptiness. But these things are real. And hurting believers whose lives are in tatters need real help. If we were able to put aside our need for approval long enough to be authentic, then, surely, we would be living as the church.”-Sheila Walsh

42.“While walking through a dark season, if we attempt to navigate our lives by what we feel, we will run aground onto the rocks. We must navigate by what we know is true no matter what we feel.”-Sheila Walsh

43.“You are loved, you are beautiful, you are treasured, and you are a daughter of the living God.”-Sheila Walsh

44.“The Father is truly the only Promise Maker who is in earnest a Promise Keeper. A promise from God is a promise kept.”-Sheila Walsh

45.“You’re chosen by the One who will never unchoose you. You’re loved when the crowd cheers and when the lights go out and they all go home.”-Sheila Walsh

46.“…I believe that doubts, honestly expressed and wrestled with, produce a faith that is stronger and more intimate than doubts suppressed under the veneer of faith.”-Sheila Walsh

47.“A rabbit, it has been said, can outrun a lion. But the rabbit’s great fear of the lion paralyzes it, making it easy for the lion to catch and consume it.”-Sheila Walsh

48.“Christ knows all that is true about our story, the parts we own and the parts we would delete, and He invites us to bring them all into the spotlight of His grace.”-Sheila Walsh

49.“I never knew You lived so close to the floor,

but every time I am bowed down,

crushed by this weight of grief,

I feel Your hand on my head,

Your breath on my cheek,

Your tears on my neck.

You never tell me to pull myself together,

to stem the flow of many years.

You simply stay by my side

for as long as it takes,

so close to the floor.”-Sheila Walsh

50.“Truth is always a turning point.”-Sheila Walsh

51.Sheila Walsh Quotes

Many times, we get stuck in difficult times. Life is the path of many challenges and problems. These problems and challenges make us feel that we have got nothing in life.

If you feel stuck in problems, then do not worry. Move towards your God. Pray to God and ask God to change your heart. Ask God to remove your problems. God never leaves humans alone.

“When we don’t deal honestly with our lives and the losses we face, when we try to anesthetize the pain and move on, then the suppressed anger or fear or guilt will deal with us until we are ready to deal with those issues.”-Sheila Walsh

Whenever you are facing any problem in life, then you are not alone. In every difficult time, God is with you. God always knows the pain of everyone. He loves humans. When you work hard, then God is there to solve all your problems.

By reading the quotes of Sheila Walsh, you might get the inspiration. You get the motivation to never give up in front of challenges. If you like these Sheila Walsh quotes, then do share them with others.