
48 Awesome 1st Birthday Quotes and Messages for Couples

1st Birthday Quotes – Birthday is referred to the anniversary of the person’s birth date or figuratively of an organization. As we all know that the birthdays are celebrated in various cultures, open with birthday cards, birthday parties, a rite of passage, and the most crucial and awaiting are birthday gifts.

Talking about the first birthday or the newborn baby is the most amazing gift that comes straight from heaven. For a mother or a father, it’s one of the happiest moments in the couple’s life and they are more than happy after giving birth to a cute baby girl or baby boy.


Here we bring a collection of 1st Birthday Quotes for boys and 1st Birthday Quotes for girls. You can read, copy and share these quotations with those couples who are having the joy of the very first birthday of their kids.

Here we curate some of the most awesome sayings, proverbs, messages, and quotations on 1st Birthday that you love to read and share. You can also paste these quotes on cards and via text message.

48 Exquisite 1st Birthday Messages and Wishes for Babies

  1. 1st Birthday Quotes
  2. “Well, little princess, your reign over the kingdom of our hearts has reached a full year.”
  3. “Pink lips, bright eyes, and beautiful hair, you already look like a doll! My pretty one, you are going to grow up into a star. Happy 1st birthday!”
  4. ”Baby girl, we could never give you a gift as great as the one you have given us. We are blessed to have a beautiful daughter.”
  5. “You may not remember the flavor of your first birthday cake, but you will always feel the warmth and love that your parents put into making it a special one. Happy birthday!”
  6. “You have graced our lives for a full year now. Thank you for all that you have given to us. Happy birthday!”
  7. “You give us a gift every day. One year with you has meant 365 special gifts for us. Each day with you in our lives is an irreplaceable and priceless present.”
  8. “Happy birthday to the sweetest one-year-old little girl we have ever known.”
  9. “It’s been a whole year since we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. We count those blessings every day.”
  10. “Enjoy your special day. You deserve a lifetime of happiness.”
  11. “This is just the first of many “happy birthdays” for you. Have a deliciously fun 1st birthday, little cutie!”
  12. “Watching you grow day by day is in itself is a pretty sight. I’m sure you’ll grow up into a wonderful person just like your parents. Happy first birthday, my child.”
  13. “With your unlimited cuteness, you have the power to make anyone do whatever you want. Happy first birthday to the most powerful person in the family right now.”
  14. “When you blow out your candle today, make a wish for time to stop passing by so quickly.”
  15. “Our lil princess, you are one year old already? Where did the days fly? We hope to celebrate many more birthdays. Happy birthday, darling.”

  16. 1st Birthday Quotes
  17. “Your first year has flown by so quickly, baby girl. Please try not to grow up too fast!”
  18. “May your first year be the first of many more filled with just as much love and happiness.”
  19. “Happy birthday my sugar plum! May your special day and every other day bring you as much happiness as you bring to all of us!”
  20. “We pray that your life continues to be a blessing to your family and that your family continues to be a blessing to you. With lots of love, Happy first birthday!”
  21. “The warmest birthday greetings to my cute little princess! May this carefree happiness and joy of your first birthday continue for many years to come!”
  22. “Life will have its twists and turns, ups and downs, but your innocent smile will always wipe off our frowns……happy first birthday!”
  23. “My little darling, may every year of your life be as happy-go-lucky as your first one. Happy first birthday!”
  24. “I want to give you a big hug, my precious little bug. Happy birthday to an incredibly great-looking one-year-old.”
  25. “Hoping you have a great start in life, my precious, little darling. May it begin with your first birthday!”
  26. “You might not be able to blow out the candles on your cake. But your love is like the light of a million candles that brightens up our lives in a way that no one can explain. Happy birthday my dear girl.”
  27. “Your angelic smile and your innocent eyes support my belief that life is worth living despite all the troubles. Happy birthday, my daughter.”
  28. “Whether you turn one, thirteen or eighteen, you will always be my life’s reigning queen. Happy first birthday.”
  29. ”You may be just a toddler and may not really care, but we promise to celebrate your birthday with pomp and flair. Happy first birthday!”
  30. “Hope you get spoiled on your first birthday. You are an awesome kid and deserve the best things in your life. Enjoy your first special day, little prince!”
  31. “Have an awesome day today! You might not remember it, but we all will because it is a special day – the first of many birthdays to come.”

  32. 1st Birthday Quotes
  33. “You are one today, and this is a very special day. You might not know it yet, but you are loved by all. Have a great first birthday!”
  34. “Happy first birthday! You are going to be a big boy, and we all look forward to seeing you continue to grow.”
  35. “Hey kiddo, we wish you a great day and hope you receive some great presents.”
  36. “Happy first birthday to you. Have a rocking day today, and enjoy your cake and ice-cream.”
  37. “Are you ready to turn one? Ready or not, you are now one! All the best to you, we love you.”
  38. “Nothing can explain how proud we are of you and how blessed we are to know you. Have a great birthday today.”
  39. “Many great wishes to you on your first birthday. I wish you nothing but happiness today.”
  40. ”In only twelve more years, you will become a rebellious teenager who will not like being given hugs and kisses. Until then, let me cuddle you to my heart’s content. Wish you a happy first birthday.”
  41. “We can’t believe you are now one! Have a joyful day today and always. Bless you!”
  42. “We have the best son in the world, and we love you very much. Enjoy your day today.”
  43. “Happy first birthday to the best boy ever. You’re loved by everyone around you, and you are going to have an awesome day today.”
  44. “Are you really one today? Wow, the time has gone by fast. You are the best son anyone could have. Enjoy your first birthday.”
  45. “Many great wishes to you on your first birthday ever. I want to wish you nothing but happiness today.”
  46. “You are a great son, an awesome nephew, and a great brother, and you are only one! We look forward to celebrating your birthday today.”
  47. “You may only be turning one, but you have already made a huge impact in our world. Have a good birthday.”

  48. 1st Birthday Quotes

Any religions celebrate the birth of their religious figures and founders with special holidays such as Christmas, Krishna Janmashtami, Buddha’s birthday, Mawlid, and various others. Birthdays are always amazing and there are plenty of ways to celebrate them. Some people celebrate their birthdays with extreme joy while inviting their family members, friends, and colleagues to a genetic birthday party.

Then there are people who celebrate the birthday on comparatively a lower span such as just having their closed ones. And last but not least are those who celebrate it lonely, without even telling others that is their birth date.

There is a small but crucial distinction between birthdate and birthday. Other than 29 Feb occurs each year while the latter is the exact date a person was born.
