21 Inspirational Polo Quotes to Love Sportsmanship


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Polo Quotes – A highly engaging, difficult, and tricky horseback ball game, one of the world’s oldest and toughest known team games, and a traditional field sport is renamed Polo. Every single game consists of two teams, where each team has an objective of scoring using a long-handled wooden mallet to hit the ball through the goal corner of the opposite team.

Each team has four mounted riders, and the game usually lasts 1-2 hours that is further divided into periods called ‘Chukkers’ or ‘Chukkas.’. Polo is a famous and one of the most ancient games that is known as ‘The Sport of Kings’ because of the charm and beauty that it has in it.


After the passage of time, this sport has become a sensation and spectator for equestrians and high society, often supported by authentic sponsorship. The player must have the acknowledgment of riding the horse in a professional way. Not only this, everyone should know how to play hockey while sitting on that horse.

21 Inspirational Polo Proverbs and Quotes for everybody

Polo Quotes

  • “A horse is like a violin, first it must be tuned, and when tuned it must be accurately played.” – Anonymous

  • “Playing polo is like trying to play golf during an earthquake.” – Sylvester Stallone

  • “Every child senses, with all the horse sense that’s in him, that any parent is angry inside when children misbehave and they dread more the anger that is rarely or never expressed openly, wondering how awful it might be.” – Benjamin Spock

  • “Polo, racing, and horse shows all are doing great work to help the farmer and rancher to raise better horses.” – Will Rogers

  • “Polo continued to exhibit tremendous momentum. The strength in the business was broad, with wholesale and retail both outperforming our sales and margin expectations.” – Lizabeth Dunn

  • “The horse will leap over trenches, will jump out of them, will do anything else, provided one grants him praise and respite after his accomplishment.” – Anonymous


Polo Quotes

  • “There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” – Winston Churchill

  • “Polo is not just an sport, it is a way of living.” – Anonymous

  • “Your mind is like the most powerful horse on the planet. If you can control it, you are sure to win every race in life.” – Malika E Nura

  • “Water polo would be much more interesting if they hadn’t gotten rid of the horses.” – Dov Davidoff

Polo Quotes

  • “Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole and once it has done so, he/she will have to accept that his life will be radically changed.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • “Everyone turns toward someone. Look for one scarred by the King’s polo stick.” – Rumi

  • “It feels good when it helps to get a good seat for a football game. But it never helped me make a good film or a good shot in a polo game, or command the obedience of my daughter. It does” – Walt Disney

  • “They had spent a year in France for no particular reason and then drifted here and there unresentfully wherever people played polo and were rich together.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Polo Quotes


Initially, it was a training game for Persian cavalry units, usually the royal guard or other elite troops. A reasonable example is Saladin, who was famous for being a skilled player of polo that contributed to his cavalry training.

But after its overnight fame, it has become a real sensation when it comes to sports. There are dozens of countries that have this sport and love to play it. Now Polo is popular around the globe and possesses dozens of followers.

Here are some beautiful quotes on polo that you will love if you are true sportsmanship. You can boost your motivation and mentality after knowing these engaging and excellent quotes on Polo.