25 Don’t Bite the Hand that Feeds You Quotes


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Don’t Bite the Hand that Feeds You Quotes – Everyone in this world works to earn money and feed their family. Money to live and to fulfil the dreams. For this, we have to do a lot of work. Many people work in a place for a long time.

They start having the affiliation with this place and with the people whom they work with. But man, always runs towards the money. Some people leave their previous job so that they can earn more money in life.


Some people will be successful in this. But many people will then regret doing so. If you are doing a job in a perfect place, then do not leave it. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

For you, we have some famous Don’t Bite the Hands that Feeds You Quotes. These quotes might inspire you to be sincere with your work and with the people who give you that work.

Famous Don’t Bite the Hand that Feeds You Quotes


1.Don't Bite the Hand that Feeds You Quotes

2.”The proverb warns that ‘You should not bite the hand that feeds you.’ But maybe you should, if it prevents you from feeding yourself.” –Thomas Szasz

3.“A man shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds him, even if another holds out a golden spoon to him as reward after his betrayal.” A.J. Darkholme


4.”People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.”Eric Hoffer 

5.” An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”– Winston Churchill 

6.”I don’t bite the hand that feeds me. I’m a little smarter than that.” -Brad Marchand

7.”You never want to bite the hand that feeds you, but you also do not want to be aiding and abetting problematic behavior. “-Rachel Lindsay

8.”If we can’t afford to take good care of the land that feeds us, we’re in an insurmountable mess.”– Wendell Berry

9.”Don’t bite the hand that feeds expecting to succeed. Don’t bite the hand that feeds, never doubted to believe. “ -Unknown

10.”Never bite the hand that feeds you. You just might need that hand to pick you back up when you fall. ” -Unknown

11.”Never bite the hand that feeds you. Always watch the hand thats cooking. ” -Lil Wayne

12.”You must bite the hand that feeds you. You are perhaps always told the opposite of this. The opposite of this is often said to you, ‘Do not bite the hand that feeds you.’ But from time to time I tell you, you must. ” -Jamaica Kincaid

13.”Don’t bite the hand that feeds you unless youre taking the poison out of the hand. “ -Robert D Dangoor

14.”Don’t bite the hand that feeds you and lies for you and has your back! Cause that hand becomes a fist in seconds! ” -Unknown

15.Don't Bite the Hand that Feeds You Quotes

16.”Don’t bite the hand that feeds you for the one who’s petting you. “-Unknown

17.”Never bite the hand that feeds you, especially never turn your back on those who love you. ” -Unknown

18.”I have no respect for ungrateful people. How can you bite the hand that gave you help. ” -Unknown

19.”Never bite the hand that feeds you, if somebody else helpin you eat, play your role. ” -Unknown

20.”Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. There’s barely any meat on it. Go for the thighs.”  -Unknown

21.”The proverb warns that ‘You should not bite the hand that feeds you.’ But maybe you should, if it prevents you from feeding yourself.”  -Thomas Szasz

22.”You never bite the hand that feeds you. Reason why I just keep quiet when things bother me. Anger is temporary. ” -Unknown

23.”My girlfriend is mean to me most of the time; I still treat her nicely though because you don’t bite the hand that feeds you sandwiches. ”


24.”People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them. “Eric Hoffer

25.”Always Stay humble & never bite the hand that feeds you! Karma is a very powerful thing & you haven’t even made it just yet. ” -Unknown

26.”Don’t bite the hand that feeds you cause most likely the hand that feeds you don’t need you. “ -Unknown

27.Don't Bite the Hand that Feeds You Quotes

The proverb Don’t bite the hand that feeds you suits some people. But at some points, it does not fit. If you have everything that you deserve, then you have to be sincere with your work.

But sometimes, you are not getting those things in your work that you deserve. At that time, thinking about yourself is not bad. Everyone in this world has the right to live a good life.

Every person has the right to have the things that they deserve. So at that time, if you are getting a job that gives you more, you have to avail yourself of that. Because thinking about yourself is the right of every person.

By reading the quotes of Don’t bite the hand that feeds, you will know about this proverb’s real meaning. You will get the motivation to think about yourself and what you deserve in your life. Do share these Don’t Bite the Hand that Feeds You quotes with your friends and family members.

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