30 Inspiring Maria Sabina Quotes


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Maria Sabina Quotes – Maria Sabina was a traditional native of South America. She lived in a village in Sierra Mazateca. The name of this village is Huautla de Jimenez.
She arranged healing ceremonies using psilocybinmushrooms. These ceremonies were named Veladas.

Maria’s is reported to be the first native Mexican healer to allow Europeans to attend her ceremonies. As a result her practices attracted many celebrities who wanted to know about the ‘magic mushrooms’. John Lennon and Bob Dylan are amongst some of the famous names rumoured to have attended Maria’s velada ceremonies.


Her work was not without controversy. The Mexican police police accused her of drug dealing whilst the traditional Mexican community felt that she had commercialised their traditions by opening up to Westerners. It seemed however, that Maria was a woman who believed that her practices had to be known to the world. Let’s find out more about this fascinating woman through some of her quotes.

Here are some famous Maria Sabina Quotes. These quotes might give you the motivation to help others.

Most Famous Maria Sabina Quotes


1.Maria Sabina Quotes

2.”The ninos santos (Psilocybe mexicana) heal. They lower fevers, cure colds, and give freedom from toothaches. They pull the evil spirits out of the body or free the spirit of the sick.” -Maria Sabina

3.”Cure yourself with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the sound of the river and the waterfall. With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds.”-Maria Sabina


4.”Heal yourself with mint, with neem and eucalyptus.”-Maria Sabina

5.”Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a touch of cinnamon.”-Maria Sabina

6.”Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain.”-Maria Sabina

7.”Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier.”-Maria Sabina

8.”I am a shooting star woman, says. I am a trumpet woman, says. I am a drum woman, says.”-Maria Sabina

9.”I am a woman violinist, says. Because I am a woman of letters, says. Because I am a Book woman, says.”-Maria Sabina

10.”It’s true that Wasson and his friends were the first foreigners who came to our town in search of the saint children and that they didn’t take them because they suffered from any illness. Their reason was that they came to find God.”-Maria Sabina

11.“Before Wasson nobody took the mushrooms only to find God. They were always taken for the sick to get well.”-Maria Sabina

12.”The sickness comes out if the sick vomit. They vomit the sickness. They vomit because the mushrooms want them to. If the sick don’t vomit, I vomit. I vomit for them and in that way the malady is expelled.”-Maria Sabina

13.“Some of these young people sought me out for me to stay up with the Little-One-Who-Springs-Forth. ‘We come in search of God,’ they said. It was difficult for me to explain to them that the vigils weren’t done from the simple desire to find God, but were done with the sole purpose of curing the sicknesses that our people suffer from.”-Maria Sabina

14.“But from the moment the foreigners arrived to search for God, the saint children lost their purity. They lost their force; the foreigners spoiled them. From now on they won’t be any good. There’s no remedy for it.”-Maria Sabina

15.”Because you gave me your clock. Because you gave me your thought.”-Maria Sabina

16.”Beacause I am a clean woman. Because I am a Cross Star woman”-Maria Sabina

17.”Because I am a woman who flies. I am the sacred eagle woman, says.”-Maria Sabina

18.”I am the Lord eagle woman, says. I am the lady who swims, says.”-Maria Sabina

19.”Because I can swim in the immense. Because I can swim in all forms.”-Maria Sabina

20.Maria Sabina Quotes

21.”I am the woman Book that is beneath the water, says. I am the woman of the populous town, says.”-Maria Sabina

22.”I am the shepherdess who is beneath the water, says. I am the woman who shepherds the immense, says.”-Maria Sabina

23.”I am a shepherdess and I come with my shepherd, says. Because everything has its origin. And I come going from place to place from the origin.”-Maria Sabina

24.”I am wise even from within the womb of my mother. I am the woman of the winds, of the water, of the paths, because I am known in heaven, because I am a doctor woman.”-Maria Sabina

25.”Get strong with bare feet on the ground and with everything that is born from it.”-Maria Sabina

26.” Get smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with the eye of your forehead.”-Maria Sabina

27.”Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember: you are the medicine.”-Maria Sabina

28.”Sweeten yourself with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile.”-Maria Sabina

29.Maria Sabina Quotes

Maria Sabina did not know how to read. She also does not know how to write anything. All the quotes or the verses are either sung or spoken by Maria Sabina.

When she found the way of healing through sacred mushrooms, she revealed about it. With the help of sacred mushrooms, she healed many people. Maria Sabina first expressed her voice of ‘” the sacred mushroom.” The chants of Maria Sabina were in the native Mazatec language.

Put love in tea instead of sugar, and take it looking at the stars.”-Maria Sabina

These chants of Maria Sabina were first translated into English. After this, these chants were then translated to Spanish. She was the one who introduced entheogenic mushrooms in the western world.

The chants of Maria explain her healing sacred mushrooms. She inspired others by helping other people in life. If you like these quotes of Maria Sabina, then do share them with your loved ones.