
30 Jordan Belfort Quotes For Success

Today, I have for you some Jordan Belfort quotes. With an estimated net worth of around $100 million Belfort is no doubt a successful entrepreneur and we want to delve into his mind to find out how amassed such success. But who is Jordan Belfort? Jordan Belfort is a 62 year old American author and a motivational speaker with an estimated net worth of around $100 million. Belfort was also once a stockbrocker but in 1999 he was convicted of fraud in relation to stock market manipulation.
Following Belfort’s time in prison, he published the Wolf of Wall Street memoirs.  The film The Wolf of Wall Street is based on these memoirs.
Although he does not have a clean past, one thing for sure is that Jordan Belfort is a voice of inspiration. Let’s dig in to his train of thought with his quotes.

Jordan Belfort Quotes 1-8

jordan belfort quotes


Playing it safe and taking no risks is a shortcut to poverty. -Jordan Belfort

jordan belfort quotesI believe in total immersion, if you want to be rich, you have to program your mind to be rich. You have to unlearn all the thoughts that were making you poor and replace them with new thoughts-rich thoughts. -Jordan Belfort


jordan belfort quotes

The story that you tell yourself is exactly what holds you back from being successful. -Jordan Belfort

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When you live your life by poor standards, you inflict damage on everyone who crosses your path, especially those you love. -Jordan Belfort

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Without action, the best intentions in the world are nothing more than that: intentions. -Jordan Belfort quotes

jordan belfort quotes

Don’t follow the path. Blaze the trail. -Jordan Belfort

jordan belfort quotes

Don’t hang up until the client either buys or dies. –Jordan Belfort quotes

jordan belfort quotes

Money doesn’t just buy you a bettr life, better food, better cars, better pussy, it also makes you a better person. –Jordan Belfort quotes

130 Powerful Money Wealth AffirmationsThis Jordan Belfort quote got my attention, “The story that you tell yourself is exactly what holds you back from being successful. “

We often engage in negative self talk about ourselves without realising. Successful people think successful thoughts about themselves. They think ‘I can do it’, ‘I deserve it’, ‘I can overcome it’. The same goes for successful atheletes, they engage in winning talk before the competition. 

One thing that can help us engage in positive self talk is affirmations. I have a selection of uplifting wealth affirmations that I strongly recommend. It is said the brain is a powerful machine and whatever words we constantly feed it, our subconscious mind will follow them. So definitely worth repeating positive affirmations to rewire our thinking. 

Jordan Belfort Quotes 9-16

jordan belfort quotes

Best way to sell something: don’t sell anything. Earn the awareness, respect and trust of those who might buy. –Jordan Belfort quotes

jordan belfort quotes

You need to see things as they are, not worse than they are, then see them better than they are, and make them that way. –Jordan Belfort quotes

jordan belfort quotes

Whether you say, “I can” or “I can’t”, you are right either way. Jordan Belfort quotes

jordan belfort quotes

Dream stompers are people who want to stomp on your hopes and dreams. Lose their phone numbers. Jordan Belfort quotes

jordan belfort quotes

I want you to back yourself into a corner. Give yourself no choice but to succeed. Let the consequences of failure become so dire and so unthinkable that you will have no choice but to do whatever it takes to succeed. Jordan Belfort quotes

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The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it. Jordan Belfort quotes

jordan belfort quotes

No matter what happened to you in your past, you are not your past, you are the resources and the capabilities you glean from it. And that is the basis for all change. Jordan Belfort quotes

jordan belfort quotes

There’s no nobility in poverty. –Jordan Belfort quotes

“Dream stompers are people who want to stomp on your hopes and dreams. Lose their phone numbers.”

It is true that as you grow sometimes those closest to you may not be able to handle it. Many motivational speakers like Grant Cardone and Abraham Hicks echo the same message.  Haters are part and parcel of your journey to success. They will seek to knock confidence out of you, they will keep telling you that you cannot do it. When this happens as hard as it may be sometimes we have to make the decision to lose those who not support our vision. 

Jordan Belfort Quotes 17-24


jordan belfort quotes

Winners use words that say ‘must’ and ‘will’. –Jordan Belfort 

jordan belfort quotes

The year I turned 26 as the head of my own brokerage firm, I made $49 million, which really pissed me off because it was three million shy of a million a week. -Jordan Belfort

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The easiest way to make money is to create something of such value that everybody wants and go out and give and create value, the money comes automatically. -Jordan Belfort

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I do not come from a rich family, but I come from a really good family. -Jordan Belfort quotes

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You grow stronger from failure than you do from success. –Jordan Belfort quotes

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There is only 1 way to get rich, quick! But not through a get rich quick scheme. There is a difference. –Jordan Belfort quotes

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You are not the mistaks of your past, but the resources and capabilities that you have gleaned from your past. Jordan Belfort 

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There is no way to succeed in business without the highest ethical standards. Jordan Belfort 


Jordan Belfort Quotes 25-30

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If you want to be rich, never give up. People tend to give up. If you have persistence, you will come out ahead of most people. -Jordan Belfort quotes

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If you give people a good enough ‘why’ they will always figure out the ‘how’. ― Jordan Belfort


jordan belfort quotes

Act as if you have unmatched confidence, and people will have confidence in you. Act as if you have all the answers, and the answers will come to you. –Jordan Belfort

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“Money is the oxygen of capitalism and I wanna breathe more than any man alive.”-Jordan Belfort

jordan belfort quotes

“I’ve got the guts to die. What I want to know is, have you got the guts to live?”
― Jordan Belfort

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Act as if! Act as if you’re a wealthy man, rich already, and then you will surely become rich. -Jordan Belfort

From all the above the quotes, there is no doubt that Jordan Belfort is a driven man. His ‘can do’ attitidue would have made him Earl Nightingale‘s perfect student. Belfort prefers to create his own circumstances rather than let circumstances determine his life.   

Despite his not so clean credentials, there is a lot of inspiration we can draw from Jordan Belfort’s quotes. 

I hope you feel pimped up to go and face the day and in Jordan Belfort style remember to ‘act as if’ and the rest will follow.