51 Most Marquis De Lafayette Quotes That Will Inspire You


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Marquis De Lafayette Quotes – Marquis de Lafayette was born in the U.S. He was born in an illustrious family. Marquis de Lafayette followed the tradition of his family. His full name was Marie- Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette.

But in the U.S, he is known as Lafayette. From childhood, he faced a lot of difficulties in life. At the age of two years, he lost his father. After this heavy loss, at the age of thirteen, his mother died.


Marquis de Lafayette was a military officer. He fought in the revolutionary war in America. After fighting, he returned to France. In the French revolution of 1789 and the July revolution of 1830, he played an important role.

In America and French people considered Marquis de Lafayette as the national hero. Marquis de Lafayette inspired others to be strong in life. Here are some of the famous Marquis de Lafayette quotes.

Marquis de Lafayette Quotes For Everyone


1.Marquis De Lafayette Quotes

2.”Humanity has won its battle. Liberty now has a country.”-Marquis de Lafayette

3.”I read, I study, I examine, I listen, I reflect, and out of all of this I try to form an idea into which I put as much common sense as I can.”-Marquis de Lafayette


4.”Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of the same rights.”-Marquis de Lafayette

5.”Insurrection is the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties.”-Marquis de Lafayette

6.”If the liberties of the American people are ever destroyed, they will fall by the hands of the clergy.”-Marquis de Lafayette

7.”In my idea General Washington is the greatest man; for I look upon him as the most virtuous.”-Marquis de Lafayette

8.”All that you are, all that I owe to you, justifies my love.”-Marquis de Lafayette

9.”True republicanism is the sovereignty of the people. There are natural and imprescriptible rights which an entire nation has no right to violate.”-Marquis de Lafayette

10.”I read, I study, I examine, I listen, I reflect, and out of all of this I try to form an idea into which I put as much common sense as I can. I shall not speak much for fear of saying foolish things; I will risk still less for fear of doing them, for I am not disposed to abuse the confidence which they have deigned to show me. Such is the conduct which until now I have followed and will follow.”-Marquis de Lafayette

11.”Humanity has gained its suit; Liberty will nevermore be without an asylum.”-Marquis de Lafayette

12.”Ambition, as that passion is generally understood,- a strong desire to rise above others, to occupy the first place, – formed no part of Lafayette’s character. In him the passion was nothing more than a constant and irresistible wish to do good.”-Marquis de Lafayette

13.”In the American colonies, the main problem of liberty has been solved, demonstrated and practiced in such a manner as not to leave much to be said by European institutions.”-Marquis de Lafayette

14.”Till the hour when the trump of the Archangel shall sound to announce that Time shall be no more, the name of Lafayette shall stand enrolled upon the annals of our race, high on the list of the pure and disinterested benefactors of mankind.”-Marquis de Lafayette

15.”If you were lost for America, there is nobody who could keep the army and the revolution [going] for six months.”-Marquis de Lafayette

16.”The king knows with what ardor and perseverance I have at all times been devoted to the cause of liberty and to the principles of humanity, equality and justice.”-Marquis de Lafayette

17.”The American women are very pretty and have great simplicity of character, and the extreme neatness of their appearance is truly delightful: cleanliness is everywhere even more studiously attended to here than in England.”-Marquis de Lafayette

18.”I can assure the Marquis de Chasteler that it is my unalterable determination never to set foot on any territory which acknowledges obedience to His Majesty the King of Bohemia and Hungary.”-Marquis de Lafayette

19.”Do not calculate what I have done, for I shall accept no recompense. Calculate the public advantage, the welfare and liberty of my country, and believe that I shall refuse no burden, no danger, provided that, at the hour of tranquillity, I may return to private life, for there now remains but one step for my ambition – that of arriving at zero.”-Marquis de Lafayette

20.Marquis De Lafayette Quotes

21.”Our articles of confederation ought to be revised and measures immediately taken to invigorate the Continental Union. Depend upon it: there lies the danger for America. This last stroke is wanting, and unless the states be strongly bound to each other, we have to fear from British and, indeed, from European politics.”-Marquis de Lafayette

22.”Do not let us despair of the cause of liberty: it is still dear to the hearts of Frenchmen, and we shall one day have the felicity of seeing it established in our beloved country.”-Marquis de Lafayette

23.”I had displeased the jacobins by blaming their aristocratic usurpation of legitimate powers; the priests of all sorts by claiming religious liberty; the anarchists by repressing them; and the conspirators by rejecting their offers.”-Marquis de Lafayette

24.”I feel happy that twenty-five years of vicissitudes in my fortune, and firmness in my principles, warrant me in repeating here that if, to recover her rights, it is sufficient for a nation to resolve to do so, she can preserve them only by rigid fidelity to her civil and moral duties.”-Marquis de Lafayette

25.”I have found a unique opportunity to distinguish myself and to learn my trade. I am a general officer in the army of the United States of America. My zeal in their cause and my frankness have won their trust.”-Marquis de Lafayette

26.”I experience for the American officers and soldiers that friendship which arises from having shared with them for a length of time dangers, sufferings, and both good and evil fortune.”-Marquis de Lafayette

27.”I am astonished but not discouraged by my enormous responsibility. Devoted both from affection and duty to the cause of the people, I shall combat with equal ardor aristocracy, despotism, and faction.”-Marquis de Lafayette

28.”I am able to say that I was very much liked at the school. I even had quite some ascendancy over my comrades, and as soon as I appeared in the school yard, I was surrounded by young friends, most of them bigger than I, but who were quite willing to give the appearance of disciples; they would have defended me furiously if necessary.”-Marquis de Lafayette

29.”It is necessary above all that the citizens, who have rallied round the constitution, should be assured that the rights it guarantees will be respected with such a scrupulous fidelity as will reduce to despair its enemies, hidden or avowed.”-Marquis de Lafayette

30.”May these happy United States attain that complete splendour and prosperity which will illustrate the blessings of their government, and for ages to come rejoice the departed souls of their founders!”-Marquis de Lafayette

31.”My grand affair appears settled, for America is certain of her independence, humanity has gained her cause, and liberty will never be without a place of refuge.”-Marquis de Lafayette

32.”Never was a man further from a partiality for Spain than I am. But I think I now have left them in a sincere and steady intention to cultivate the friendship of America.”-Marquis de Lafayette

33.”It was by a Maryland colonel in the year 1777 that the British received, in the gallant defense of an important fort, one of the first lessons of what they were to expect from American valor and patriotism.”-Marquis de Lafayette

34.”May the friends of America rejoice! May her enemies be humbled and her censors silenced at the news of her noble exertions in continuance of those principles which have placed her so high in the annals of history and among the nations of the earth.”-Marquis de Lafayette

35.Marquis De Lafayette Quotes

36.”In America there are none poor, and none even that can be called peasants. Each citizen has some property, and all citizens have the same rights as the richest individual, or landed proprietor, in the country”-Marquis de Lafayette

37.”It is foolishly thought by some that democratical constitutions will not, cannot, last; that the States will quarrel with each other; that a king, or at least a nobility, are indispensable for the prosperity of a nation.”-Marquis de Lafayette

38.”Paris is in a tranquil state; the infernal cabal that besieges me appears guided by foreigners. This idea consoles me, for nothing is so painful as being persecuted by one’s own fellow-citizens.”-Marquis de Lafayette

39.”One time, I was given an essay topic: to describe a perfect horse, whom the mere sight of the rider’s whip would make obedient. I depicted this perfect horse throwing his rider at the sight of the whip.”-Marquis de Lafayette

40.”Protestants in France are under intolerable despotism. Although open persecution does not now exist, yet it depends upon the whim of the king, queen, parliament, or any of the ministry.”-Marquis de Lafayette

41.”The affairs of America I shall ever look upon as my first business whilst I am in Europe. Any confidence from the king and ministers, any popularity I may have among my own countrymen, any means in my power, shall be, to the best of my skill, and till the end of my life, exerted in behalf of an interest I have so much at heart.”-Marquis de Lafayette

42.”No man can be subject to any laws, excepting those which have received the assent of himself or his representatives and which are promulgated beforehand and applied legally.”-Marquis de Lafayette

43.”No person is more convinced than I am of the necessity of giving great splendour and energy to the great hereditary magistracy exercised by the king; but in a free country, there can only be citizens and public officers.”-Marquis de Lafayette

44.”Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of the same rights.”-Marquis de Lafayette

45.”True republicanism is the sovereignty of the people. There are natural and imprescriptible rights which an entire nation has no right to violate.”

46.”In my idea General Washington is the greatest man; for I look upon him as the most virtuous.”-Marquis de Lafayette

47.”Ambition, as that passion is generally understood,- a strong desire to rise above others, to occupy the first place, – formed no part of Lafayette’s character. In him the passion was nothing more than a constant and irresistible wish to do good.”-Marquis de Lafayette

48.”In the American colonies, the main problem of liberty has been solved, demonstrated and practiced in such a manner as not to leave much to be said by European institutions.”-Marquis de Lafayette

49.”Though my conduct on the 10th of August 1792 was the act of my life of which I have most reason to be proud, I will here merely do homage to the worthy martyrs of the national sovereignty and the sworn laws, who, while they supported constitutional royalty, manifested the highest degree of republican virtue.”-Marquis de Lafayette

50.”The Emperor Napoleon, ascending gradually from his post of national magistrate to seat himself upon a throne without limits, seems to have wished to punish, as for the abuse of republican reforms, by making us feel all the weight of absolute monarchy.”-Marquis de Lafayette

51.Marquis De Lafayette Quotes

The happiness of any country depends on the happiness of the people. If the people living in any country are happy, then the country is also full of joy; otherwise, not. If the people of the country feel for each other, share each other pain, then they can win any battle.

With each other cooperation and community, they can face any problem. When the people are united, then nothing can stop them from moving forward. Otherwise, they get destroyed. You will learn such things from Marquis de Lafayette’s life.

“We still are pestered by two parties: the aristocratic, which is panting for a counter revolution, and the factious, which aims at the division of the empire and destruction of the authority – and perhaps of the lives – of the reigning branch, both of which parties are fomenting troubles.”-Marquis de Lafayette

Marquis de Lafayette taught others to help each other and live together. He gave the lesson that if you have humanity in yourself, you can easily win the battle. By reading the quote of marquis de Lafayette, you will learn how to be strong in life. If you like these Marquis de Lafayette quotes, then do share them with your friends.

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