52 Abraham Hicks Quotes In Pictures

Inspirational Living

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Inspirational Abraham Hicks Quotes

 Abraham Hicks are one of my favorite teachers and it is therefore such an honor for me to present to you Abraham Hicks quotes. My first introduction to them was when I watched The Secret Movie by Rhonda Byrne. There was just something about Esther Hicks that I warmed up to. I have followed them since, read their books as well as attend seminars. 

Abraham Hicks’s teachings emphasise that above everything else, the quickest way to manifest anything is to make sure that how we feel now matches how we would like to feel when the desire is realised. 


As an example, if you are out of work and are looking for a job,  you have to feel like you have the job of your dreams, act like and talk like it. In your joyous feelings, ideas and insights will come to you. The actions you take will be what they refer to as inspired action. According to Abraham Hicks you cannot get a job if you are feeling stressed about it and constantly talking about how hard it is to get a job.  You stand a good chance when you hold a vision of yourself in a job and deep inside you feel sure that you already have a job. 

As far as Abraham Hicks’ teachings are concerned, first and foremost you must conjure that feeling of what you desire within yourself then things such as goal setting and taking any form of action come last. 



Inspirational Abraham Hicks Quotes 1-10

abraham hicks quoteWorrying is using your imagination to create something you don’t want -Abraham Hicks

esther hicks abraham hicksThe fastest way to get to a new and improved situations is to make peace with your current situation. -Abraham Hicks


esther hicks abraham hicks quotesNever face reality unless your reality is just the way you want it to be. Abraham Hicks quotes

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesWhat you focus on grows.-Abraham Hicks

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesOffer a vibration that matches your desire rather than offering a vibration that keeps matching what is. -Abraham Hicks

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesYou are free. You powerful. You are good. You are love. You have value. You have purpose. All is well. -Abraham Hicks

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesYour life is but a reflection of the predominance of your thoughts. -Abraham Hicks quotes

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesA happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don’t allow the happy moment because they are so busy trying to get a happy life. -Abraham Hicks

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesTeh image of where you are going has to be more dominant than the image of where you are. -Abraham Hicks/Esther Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesThe greates gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness. Abraham Hicks/Esther Hicks quote

As you will see from above Abraham Hicks teach a very simple method. We are guided by our emotions. When we feel dejected, disappointed it is an indicator that we are moving further and further away from our desires. Therefore, once we can control our emotions we can empower ourselves to creating our desires. 

As Abraham Hicks state above, ‘What we focus on grows’. So our work is to simply focus on how we feel. Even in disappointing situations we can decide to use the power of emotions to create the outcome we want. We can reach for better feeling thoughts and those better feeling thoughts have a cumulative effect and as we begin to feel better and better, we will be inspired to take on productive actions. I am sure you all know that when you are angry or anxious, you just cannot think straight and any action you may take may actually be detrimental. So the key is addressing our emotions.  Although these are simple enough examples, we can use the way we feel on a larger scale to ultimately create a better life for ourselves. 

Abraham Hicks published a book, Ask and It Is Given as well as another The Astonishing Power of Emotions. I honestly found these books to be very enlightening and I strongly recommend them. 

 Inspirational Abraham Hicks Quotes 11-20

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesNegative emotion is your indicator of resistance, while positive emotion is your indicator of allowance. And they are on the same meter: allowance; resistance. Allowance; resistance. -Abraham Hicks 

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesWhatever you are thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you are worrying you are planning. When you are appreciating you are planning. What are you planning?. -Abraham Hicks quotes

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesThe greatest irony in the world is that you are so blessed and don’t know it. –Abraham Hicks

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesThe universe knows the perfect timing for all those things you want and will find, through the crack of least resistance, the best way to deliver it to you.-Esther Hicks/Abraham Hicks quotes

esther hicks abraham hicks quotes
You will know your path by the fun of it. – Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesIn optimism there is magic. In pessimism there is nothing.  –Abraham Hicks quotes /Esther Hicks quote 

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesYou cannot have a happy ending to a miserable journey. -Abraham Hicks quotes

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesYou can get to where you want to be from wherever you but you must stop spending so much time noticing and talking about what you do not like about where you are. -Abraham Hicks 

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesIt’s about you, giving yourself permission to be who yu are, without giving a rip about what anybody else is thinking about it.-Abraham Hicks

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesToday, no matter where I am going, no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to be good to me. -Abraham Hicks

It appears that although they are seen differently, Abraham Hicks and Grant Cardone actually have a lot in common! Abraham Hicks says, “It’s about you, giving yourself permission to be who you are, without giving a rip about what anybody else is thinking about it.“, whilst Grant Cardone says, “You can’t reach your potential without haters

Basically these 2 are saying that in order to progress in life we need not fuss about pleasing everyone. If you aim to please everyone and then moving forward will be impossible because pleasing everyone is unattainable. 

Inspirational Abraham Hicks Quotes 21-30

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesYou are a physical extension of pure positive energy. Therefore, there is nothing more important than that you feel good.-Esther/Abraham Hicks quotes

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesFear only exists when you do not understand that you have the power to project thought and that the Universe will respond. Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesYou are actually pre-paving your future experiences constantly. You are  continually projecting your expectations into your future experiences. Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesA belief is really only a thought that you keep thinking.-Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesThe fastest way to bring more wonderful examples of abundance into your personal experiences is to take constant notice of the wonderful things that are already there. -Esther/Abraham Hicks quotes

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesStop telling it like it is and start telling it like you want it to be! Esther/Abraham Hicks quotes

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesIf you will let your dominant intention be to revise and improve the content of the story you tell every day of your life, it is our absolute promise to you that your life will become that ever-improving story.  -Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotes
You are picky about the car you drive. You are picky about what you wear. You are picky about what you put in you mouth. We want you to be pickier about what you think. -Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesSavor more, fix less. Laugh more, cry less. Anticipate positively more, anticipate negatively less. Just practise that and watch what happens. -Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesPeople will love you. People will hate you. And none of it will have anything to do with you.  -Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

I am sure you are beginning to get the message from Abraham Hicks. It really is about having that unwavering faith that all is well and our dreams will be realised. When we hold that faith consistently and do away with negative thought, negative action and negative feeling then we are closer.


Inspirational Abraham Hicks Quotes 31-40

Esther/Abraham Hicks quoteLook around less, imagine more. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

Esther/Abraham Hicks quoteYou are in the perfect position to get there from here. Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesI was not born to get stuff done. I was born to dream it and then move towards it. -Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotes99.99% of your creation is complete before you see ANY physical evidence of it. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesEverythign you want is coming. Relax and let the universe pick the timing and the way. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesEverything that we want is downstream…And you dont even have to turn the boat and paddle downstream, just let go of the oars, the current will carry you. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesMy vibration is my point of attraction. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote 

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesLook forward to where you want to be and spend no time complaining about where you are. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesUse your imagination until your big dream feels so familiar that its manifestation is the next logical step. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesThe Universe does not know if the vibration you are offering is because of what you are imagining or because of what are observing. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

From the above selection of quotes, I will take this one with me today, “Look forward to where you want to be and spend no time complaining about where you are.” Dwelling on the past does us no favors. However, we can make changes us now. This is an empowering thing to remember because quite often we wallow in regret and waste our thoughts on things we can never go back and change. 

Inspirational Abraham Hicks Quotes 41-52

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesIt’s always a good idea to sit at the fun table. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesYou cannot struggle to joy. Struggle and joy are not on the same channel. You joy your way to joy. You laugh your way to success.It is through your joy that good things come. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesIf you focus upon whatever you want, you will attract whatever you want. If you focus upon the lace of whatever you want, you will attract more of the lack. -Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesWhen you feel gratitude, you are the closest to the natural state you were born to live in.  -Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesNo one can deny you or grant you anything. It all comes to you by virtue of your vibrations. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotes…your real work is to decide what you want and then to focus upon it. For is through focusing upon what you want that you will attract it. That is the process of creating. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote


esther hicks abraham hicks quotesIt is the way you feel that is your point of attraction. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesIf you believe that something is good and you do it, it benefits you. If you believe that something is bad, and you do it, it is a very detrimental experience. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotes Trying to hold onto any relationship as it was, keeps you from the joyous adventure of what it can become. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesThe Universe is responding to who you FEEL you are. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesLaw of Attraction is not punishing you. Law of Attraction is supporting you with evidence of your vibrational frequency. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quot

esther hicks abraham hicks quotesThink about where you are going and never mind where you have been. Don’t spend any more time justyifying any of that stuff. –Esther/Abraham Hicks quote

So there you have it, these quotes sum up Abraham Hicks teachings. Abraham Hicks has worked with several other Law Attraction teachers such as Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay. I recommend that you watch their videos which are available freely on Youtube and I have some here. If you are inspired to, you can always purchase Abraham Hicks books. Remember to feel great!

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