37 Most Awesome and Yummy Biscuit Quotes


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Biscuit Quotes

Biscuit Quotes – Everyone’s love surrounds biscuits and loves these flour-based baked food products. In most countries, particularly in Ireland and the commonwealth, these sweet candies are typically hard, unleavened, and flat.

These are usually sweet and may be made with icing, jam, ginger, sugar, chocolate, cinnamon, and plenty of other stuff. Nowadays there are a diverse range, verities, and flavors of biscuits.


Bakers contain multiple flavors of biscuits and every biscuit has its own taste different from others. People love sweets and when it comes to biscuits, people love different kinds of them.

There are dozens of companies that have launched their biscuits all over the world. If I start naming these delicious names, this paragraph would never come to an end.


Here are some delicious quotes and proverbs about biscuits that help you increase your love against them.

37 Delicious Quotes on Biscuits

  1. Biscuit Quotes
  2. I learned how to take other people’s mechanisms of promoting their stuff through me as opposed to promoting my own stuff, as far as getting Snoop DeVilles, SnoopDeGrills, Snoop Doggy Dogg biscuits, Snoop Dogg record label, Snoop Dogg bubble gum, Snoop Youth Football League. – Snoop Dogg
  3. Sourdough? Well, next to the Bible, sourdough is the most important possession on the frontier. You can make flapjacks and biscuits with it, patch a crack in the cabin, treat wounds, and even make brew. – Maggie Brendan
  4. Just because a cat has kittens in the oven, that doesn’t make them biscuits. – Malcolm X
  5. It’s weird how me and that insect are miles apart in terms of lifestyle, yet we both like a biscuit. – Karl Pilkington
  6. Around an extraordinary bouquet of roses was a full meal of dressing and gravy, ham, mixed greens, green beans, sweet potato pudding, warm biscuits, wine and champagne. – Latrivia S. Nelson
  7. I’m never getting too lonely because it’s the kind of disease where you might sit in front of the TV with three bags of biscuits, rather than communicate with the world. – Geri Halliwell
  8. She took one of her poodle’s charcoal biscuits out of the packet and ate it herself. ‘Either these are quite delicious or quite disgusting. Like many things in life, it’s rather hard to tell which,’ she said. – Caroline Blackwood
  9. Sweetened ice tea is one of the things I love about the South, right up there with homemade biscuits and cheese grits. –  Emily Giffin
  10. A positive attitude and a sense of humor go together like biscuits and gravy. – Dolly Parton
  11. I’m American. Very American. Like, I-might-have-biscuits-and-sausage-gravy-for-dinner American. – Author: Steve Hockensmith
  12. You gotta risk it to get the biscuit. – Jimmy Fallon
  13. Six biscuits, crow, hydrant! – Jason A. Myers

  14. Biscuit Quotes
  15. Oh, oh, dog biscuit, and when he is happy he doesn’t get snappy.
  16. You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.
  17. I think that life is a bit like a biscuit that you only get one bite at. The best thing is to just go for it. If you feel an inclination for something, just go for it. Life is too short to muck about doubting yourself. It’s better to try and just shore yourself up with some sort of confidence. And get on with it!.
  18. The crux of the biscuit is: If it entertains you, fine. Enjoy it. If it doesn’t, then blow it out your ass. I do it to amuse myself. If I like it, I release it. If somebody else likes it, that’s a bonus.
  19. You got to risk it if you want the biscuit.
  20. The crux of the biscuit is: If it entertains you, fine. Enjoy it. If it doesn’t, then blow it out your ass. I do it to amuse myself. If I like it, I release it. If somebody else likes it, that’s a bonus.
  21. You know sometimes football turns on the slightest biscuit of good fortune.
  22. Many nations use language simply to convey information, but it’s different in Ireland. With most conversational exchanges you get an ‘added extra’ like the free little biscuit you sometimes get with a cappuccino in a fancy coffee place.
  23. I colour my hair mousy brown and I wear makeup only on stage. I use Laura Mercier – something called Biscuit, I think. I run one tiny sponge over my face and cover the red blotches. If I’ve got some rouge, I’ll bung it on my mouth and cheeks.
  24. I’ve had broken bones and cuts and dashes and tears from movies, but when I was five, my mom put the biscuits up high so we wouldn’t be helping ourselves. So, one day I asked to stand up on a chair to get a biscuit, and it fell, and the corner of the chair went right into the side of my eye, and it made a big hole in there.
  25. I’ve two huge German shepherds who are my boys. They’re called Biscuit and Buster, and I love them to bits.

  26. Biscuit Quotes
  27. I am vegetarian. I have a sweet tooth, so I try and avoid desserts. I binge maybe once a month. I eat every two hours, whether it is a Marie biscuit or just a slice of apple. As a result, my metabolism has improved, and this is a huge contributor to weight loss.
  28. My husband was in the war of the Crimea. It is terrible the hardships he went through, to be two months without going into a house, under the snow in trenches. And no food to get, maybe a biscuit in the day. And there was enough food there, he said, to feed all Ireland; but bad management, they could not get it.
  29. It’s weird how me and that insect are miles apart in terms of lifestyle, yet we both like a biscuit.
  30. And in his brain, which is as dry as the remainder biscuit after a voyage, he hath strange places crammed with observation, the which he vents in mangled forms.
  31. You ever dip your biscuit in your tea and it breaks? I swear now, you never get used to that.
  32. You are giving a little man a biscuit to eat, and you put a barrel of flour more taxes on top of his head to carry.
  33. I feel a horror for exaggerated love or friendship. It’s just too well demonstrated to me that when the moment comes that one asks something, or has need of something, the responce is not worth a biscuit.
  34. You can put a cat in an oven, but that don’t make it a biscuit.
  35. From biscuits to brides, if there is anything their children really want, parents have a problem.

  36. Biscuit Quotes

Despite the taste, there are various types of biscuits that include ginger biscuits, shortbread biscuits, sandwich biscuits, chocolate biscuits, chocolate-coated marshmallow treats, biscotti, speculaas, and plenty of others.

People often love having tea just after rising, in the breakfast, after breakfast, before lunch, after lunch, in mid of the day, before dinner, after dinner, or anytime they want. So biscuit with tea is the best combination of having hunger of unusual time.


A pie dough comes together exactly like a biscuit only there is very, very little liquid and no leavening involved. Other than that, the same rules apply. My best advice: handle the dough as little as possible.

In most of America, nearly all the hard sweet biscuits are called cookies. This term has his own flavor and cookies are also goes beyond the limits when it comes to taste. Cookies are baked or sometimes hard while the term biscuit refers to a leavened, soft quick bread similar to a scone.

Read these yummy quotes and also share these with your loved ones either on text or even on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp, and various others.