Growing Good Corn Story


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Growing Good Corn Story

Growing Good Corn Story – There was was a farmer who produced maize that won awards. His maize got a blue ribbon each year when he entered it in the state fair. A newspaper writer once spoke with him and discovered some fascinating information about how he grew it. The reporter learned that the farmer gave his neighbours some of his seed grain.

The reporter questioned, “How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbours when they enter corn in competition with yours every year?”


Why wouldn’t I, sir? the farmer questioned. Did you know that maturing corn pollen is picked up by the wind and carried from field to field? Cross-pollination would gradually lower the quality of my corn if my neighbours grow corn that is of lower quality. I must assist my neighbours in raising quality maize if I want to cultivate it myself. The old farmer’s awareness of links in life was revealed to the reporter by the farmer’s response.

“We cannot solve problems with the kind of thinking we employed when we came up with them.” — Albert Einstein

The same is true in our daily lives. People who desire to live in peace must assist those around them in doing the same. Anyone who wants to be loved must first develop the ability to love other people. Since the value of a life is determined by the lives it touches, whomever decides to live well must work to ensure that others also live well. Since everyone’s happiness is entwined with everyone else’s, those who wish to be happy must allow others to experience happiness as well.


Growing Good Corn Story

Other dimensions contain it. Those who opt for peace must assist their neighbours in doing the same. The value of a life is determined by the lives it touches, therefore those who choose to live well must assist others in doing the same. And since everyone’s well-being is intertwined with everyone else’s, people who choose to be happy must also work to make others happy.

We assist one another for a variety of reasons. Some people assist because they simply cannot refuse to assist those in need. The assistance provided by the other individuals may be motivated by a desire to spread goodwill or may simply be necessary. Sometimes we are able to assist people because we have faith in their ability to make wise decisions in the future. We need to get healthier and be certain that someone is in need of us. We receive genuine health benefits when we serve others.


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Benefits of Helping others – Growing Good Corn Story

Your disposition will improve as you assist others. According to study, helping others five times per week is necessary to boost one’s mood. But if you only offer assistance once, it makes no difference. People need to be helped consistently, and research has shown that those who receive assistance do not experience depression or a decline in motivation. More information: By being helpful to others, you can make a lot of friends. For our health, this truth is crucial. Studies have shown that loneliness has a detrimental impact on blood pressure and increases the risk of heart attacks.

“It is only when we take chances, when our lives improve. The initial and the most difficult risk that we need to take is to become honest. —Walter Anderson

Decreased blood pressure: Studies have shown that adults 50 and older who volunteer just 4 hours a week for other people had a 40% lower risk of developing blood pressure issues. Additionally, scientists claim that the favourable effect may be linked to a reduction in stress. Additionally, volunteering offers you a wonderful chance to make a lot of new acquaintances and experience happy feelings.

You’ll feel refreshed because helping others can teach you how to help yourself. The “activism cure” is a fantastic way to feel like yourself again after a difficult experience or just because you’re feeling down.

You’ll gain self-confidence: Volunteering has been linked to improved welfare and self-esteem. Consistency is another factor that affects the advantages of volunteering. Therefore, you will become more confident as you volunteer more frequently.

Growing Good Corn Story

Consider the last time you rendered assistance to someone, whether it was by holding a door open for a classmate or by raking the leaves for an elderly neighbour. How did you feel while performing it and afterwards? We’re going to guess that you were happier and had a better outlook on life. This is so because helping others is the quickest method to experience joy.

If you desire happiness for an hour, take a nap, says an old Chinese proverb. Go fishing if you want to be happy for a day. Take an inheritance if you want to be happy for a year. Help someone if you want to be happy forever.

However, giving doesn’t simply make you feel wonderful inside. According to studies, serving can improve both your physical and emotional health by lowering blood pressure, preventing depression, and extending your life.

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy looking for it.” — Henry David Thoreau

Relationships are also strengthened when you prioritise the needs of others before your own. It forges a greater relationship between you and the person you’re helping if they happen to be someone you know.

It also improves the lives of others. Even just taking a moment out of your busy day to deliver a sick buddy a bowl of soup makes them feel better and can cheer them up during their difficult time.

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You shouldn’t hold off until everyone appreciates your assistance. You should be aware that assistance is not a commodity that can be bought and sold for a profit. We lend a hand to one another only out of desire. Do you offer the person the bill since you, for instance, explained how to use the library? Or should we stop offering free assistance and advice? It appears that no one requires this kind of assistance because it won’t make our lives better. However, some forms of assistance must have some advantages. For instance, we are unable to work for free since we must make a living.

You must also realise that in order to assist others, you must first be prepared to do so. It is obvious that there may be several forms of assistance; everything depends on our capabilities. But people ought to be willing to accept this assistance.