Angel Quotes – Angel is the symbol of positivity. Angel helps others in different ways and various difficulties. God blessed people with His angels so that they could help others. The angels protect people from many problems.
They are also involved in our lives in many different ways. Angels help and respond at specific times when we need them. Angels are sometimes in the shape of humans. Most of us even do not realize that.
They protect us from evil and bad things. Angels help others to solve different problems in life. For telling you about the importance of angels, we have some Angel quotes.
We have added some famous angel quotes for you. These quotes might help you and give you inner comfort. The quotes will inspire you and encourage you to do better things in life. By these, you will become positive and see a better version of yourself.
Inspiring Angel Quotes For Everyone

2. “The more that you trust and believe in angels, the more they will pour their blessings upon you.” – Denise Linn
3. “Angels are all around us, all the time, in the very air we breathe.” – Eileen Elias Freeman
4. “For every angel fluttering through the skies, there is a divine counterpart here on Earth. Each of us has a golden celestial-self just waiting to be awakened.” – Sue K
5. “Angels descending, bring from above, echoes of mercy, whispers of love.” – Fanny J. Crosby
6. “Angels shine light into all areas of life… Helping you to see the light within all! ” – Melanie Beckler
7. “I could not have made it this far had there not been angels along the way.” – Della Reese
8. “Every night and every morning thank your own guardian angel for peace and for the regeneration of all the cells in your body, and for joy.” ~ Dorie D’Angelo
9. “We are each of us angels with only one wing and we can only fly by embracing each other.” – Luciano de Crescenzo
10. “To find your angels… Start trusting your inner voice and intuition” – Melanie Beckler
11. “Angels encourage us by guiding us onto a path that will lead to happiness and hope.” – Andy Lakey
12. “I Believe Friends are Quiet Angels who lift us to our Feet when our Wings have Trouble Remembering how to Fly.” ~ Lorraine K. Mitchell
13. “God always has an angel of help for those who are willing to do their duty.” – T. L. Cuyler
14. “To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic.” – Alphonse de Lamartine
15. “Angels are heralds of eternity sent to help mankind break through when they cannot break out.” – Graham Cooke
16. “Little deeds of kindness, little words of love, you always make me happy, you are an angel from above.” – Judith Wibberley
17. “Reputation is what men and women think of us. Character is what God and the angels know of us.” – Thomas Paine
18. “The guardian angels of life sometimes fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us.” – Jean Paul Richter
19. “When angels visit us, we do not hear the rustle of wings, nor feel the feathery touch of the breast of a dove; but we know their presence by the love they create in our hearts.” – Mary Baker Eddy

21. “I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I’m surrounded by angels, and I call them my best friends.” – Pamela Daranjo
22. “Angels have no philosophy but love.” – Terri Guillemets
23. “Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!” – Hebrews
24. “Dear Angels above I know you’re here, and sense how I am feeling, please bless me with your strength and love to bring me peace and healing.” – Mary Jac
25. “God not only sends special angels into our lives, but sometimes He even sends them back again if we forget to take notes the first time!” – Eileen Elias Freeman
26. “Harmony is like singing angels; life is sweet, peaceful, and fulfilling. Let’s get harmony on the inside, and we will positively change our worlds on the outside!” – David DeNotaris
27. “Believers, look up – take courage. The angels are nearer than you think.” – Billy Graham
28. “It is not because angels are holier than men or devils that makes them angels, but because they do not expect holiness from one another, but from God alone.” – William Blake
29. “Angels are inseparable friends, who bring strength and consolation to those who include them in their lives. In truth, Angels are our best friends.” – Janice T. Connell
30. “Not only has our Heavenly Father given us an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who will never leave us, but He has sent us our own personal honor guard of angels to guard us wherever we go.” – Priscilla Doremus
31. “Be an angel, God loves a helping hand.” – Angel Saying
32. “I receive a blessing every time the missionaries we support report progress in their ministry, and when they count the new believers, I rejoice joining with the legions of angels.” – Pat Gelsinger
33. “Angels around us, angels beside us, angels within us.Angels are watching over you when times are good or stressed.Their wings wrap gently around you,Whispering you are loved and blessed.” – Blessing
34. “May your neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, the angels protect you, and heaven accept you.” – Irish Saying

36. “Sometimes we are like an angel with one wing, and we necessarily need the other wing of a similar angel to keep flying.” – M. K. Soni
37. “Open your mind to listen and your eyes to see and let your Angels guide you to where you should be.” – Mary Jac
38. “There are people in our lives who are like angels to us.” – Catherine Pulsifer
39. “If you have trouble hearing an angel’s song with your ears, try listening with your heart.” – Terri Guillemets
40. “If your baby is ‘beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time,’ you’re the grandma.” – Teresa Bloomingdale
41. “Respect is more than politeness. Respect reminds us of the tender, loving reverence of a child, of a disciple, or of an angel.” – Lawrence G. Lovasik
42. “Angels are spirits, flames of fire; they are higher than man, they have wider connections.” – Matthew Simpson
43. “Could we forbear dispute, and practise love, We should agree as angels do above.” – Edmund Waller
44. “When you take a wrong turn or get bogged down in traffic, you will remember that Jesus commands his angels to guard you in all your ways.” – Robert Medlin
46. “The reason angels can fly is because they take themselves lightly.” – G.K. Chesterton
47. “I think when someone steps into your life and changes the course you are on for the good, they are an angel. These deeds may not always be earth-shattering deeds that open the heavens. They could be a small gesture or a word.” – Helen C. Escott
48. “It is impossible to see the angel unless you first have a notion of it.” – James Hillman
49. “Make yourself familiar with the angels and behold them frequently in spirit; for without being seen, they are present with you.” – St. Francis de Sales
50. “May this little Angel shine upon your home filling your days with cheer know that She stands on guard for you to help you smile all year.” – Catherine Pulsifer

Life is full of many challenges. Many times, we are stuck in difficult times. When we find no way to move forward, at that time, angels guide us to find the right path on which we need to go.
When we see no way and feel disappointed in a time of difficulty, then angels are there to encourage us. They encourage not to take a step back from achieving dreams.
“Every visible thing in this world is put in the charge of an Angel.” – Saint Augustine
The angels help to promote our thoughts. They invite everyone to be positive. All of us will not be able to see angels in our lives. But they are present around us and always help us.
The angels will give pure blessings to everyone. By reading the angel quotes, you will find inner strength in yourself. You will come to know how you change the difficult times in life with positivity. Do you like these angel quotes? If yes, like and share this article.
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