

Friendship isn’t about whom you’ve known the longest


One of the essential things in life is friendship. Without friends, you won’t be able to experience the desired feelings. ...

If You Don't Like Something, Change It

If You Don't Like Something, Change It


Changing something is almost always scary and never simple. It is difficult to take the initiative and stick to it ...

Always Be Yourself

Always Be Yourself


Always Be Yourself – The outside world can exert a lot of pressure on you when it comes to being ...

Not The Years In Your Life

It's Not The Years In Your Life


Not The Years In Your Life – Maturity is not about your age, and being older doesn’t mean you cannot ...

Not The Years In Your Life

Strong People Do not Put Others Down


Strong People Do not Put Others Down – Someone who is strong, self-assured, and free of self-doubt would constantly want ...

Never Interrupt An Enemy When He Is Making A Mistake

Never Interrupt An Enemy When He Is Making A Mistake


“Never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake,” a famous quote by Napoleon Bonaparte quote. He had a ...

Smallest Acts Of Kindness

Smallest Acts Of Kindness


Smallest Acts Of Kindness – I was reminded of the value of even the tiniest acts of kindness: a simple ...

Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear

Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear


Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear – Everyone will be terrified of something at some point. We all have ...

The Silence Of Our Friends

In The End, We Will Remember Not The Words Of Our Enemies, But The Silence Of Our Friends


Martin Luther King Jr. said this in response to many Americans’ failure to speak out against discrimination against black people ...

Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zone

Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zone


Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zone – If you want to achieve big things, you must step outside of ...