
42 Most Popular Creole Quotes

Creole Quotes – Creole is a stable natural language. This language is made by simplifying and mixing different other languages. By mixing different languages, a new language develops in a brief time.

Many times a simplified means of communication evolves in the form of full-fledged language. Creole is similarly the concept of hybrid languages. Creole languages are characterized by doing many things by eliminating the irregularities Or by regularizing the conjugation of irregular words.


This language also has an appropriate system of grammar and has a large stable form of vocabulary. Many people also acquired these languages as native ones.

The Creole language is the simplest form of a language. By these, many messages are given to other people. The creole quotes have a simple message in them and inspire many people in life. Here are some famous creole quotes. These quotes might inspire and motivate you in life.

42 Inspiring Creole Quotes



2.”New Orleans cuisine is Creole rather than Cajun.” -Poppy Z. Brite  

3.”Tell me who your enemy is, and I will tell you who you are.” -Carl Schmitt


4.”Everybody should take each other as they are, white, black, Indians, Creole. Then there would be no prejudice, nations would get along.” -Langston Hughes

5.”Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans. When that’s where you left your heart. The moonlight on the bayou a creole tune that fills the air. I dream about magnolias in bloom and I’m wishin’ I was there.”-Louis Armstrong   

6.”Tell me who you walk with, and I’ll tell you who you are.” -Esmeralda Santiago

7.”Tell me with whom you associate, and I will tell you who you are.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

8.”(Brazil:) I’ve never beheld such a paradise. The people are enchanting and–a mercy on this earth of ours–this is the only placewhere there isn’t any race question. Negroes and whites and Indians, three-quarters, oneeighth, the wonderful Mulatto and Creole women, Jews and Christians, all dwell together in a peace that passes describing. The Jewish immigrants are in seventh heaven; all of them have jobs and feel at home.” -Unknown

9.”New Orleans may well have been the most liberal Deep South city in 1954 because of its large Creole population, the influence of the French, and its cosmopolitan atmosphere.” -unknown

10.”When you set a play in the French Quarter in New Orleans, it’s hard not to acknowledge the whole African-American, French, white mixing of races. That’s what the French Quarter is: it’s a Creole community.”-Nicole Ari Parker

11.”One of the facets of growing up the way I did, I never had the experience of being solely in the black community. Even my family, my mother is what they call Creole, so she’s part French, part black, and grew up in Louisiana. It’s a very specific kind of blackness that is different than what is traditionally thought of as the black community and black culture. So, I never felt a part of whatever that was.” -Justin Simien

12.”Creole is New Orleans city food. Communities were created by the people who wanted to stay and not go back to Spain or France.” -Paul Prudhomme

13.”Get up from that piano. You hurtin’ its feelings.” -Jelly Roll Morton   

14.”My family is part Creole, and were Indian, and were also very, very black. My father was so black, he was blue.” -Merry Clayton   

15.Creole Quotes

16.”A Creole woman is like a child, she wants to possess everything immediately; like a child, she would set fire to a house in order to fry an egg. In her languor, she thinks of nothing; when passionately aroused, she thinks of any act possible or impossible.” -Honore de Balzac  

17.”I remember when I first got the call from Beyoncé to work on the project, and the mood that she was in and she was feeling, she wanted New Orleans-inspired music to be incorporated to the stuff she was doing. Creole-type stuff. Zydeco… She wanted that type of inspiration.” -Rodney Jerkins

18.”You can easily put together your own favorite spice blend, whether that’s a salt and pepper mixture or you’re adding herbs to it or Creole spice. Just watch out for the sodium content. That why I encourage you to make your own.” -Emeril Lagasse

19.”Anyway, like I was saying, shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sautes it. There’s, um, shrimp ka-bobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo, pan-fried, deep-fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich… That’s, that’s about it.” -Mykelti Williamson  

20.”Going from Army base to base as a kid taught me to be a man of all nations. I’d go to the Jewish people and say, ‘Shalom, brother.’ I go to the Muslim people and say, ‘Salaam aleikum.’I go to the Chinese people and say, ‘Nee hao mah,’ which means, ‘How you doin’?’ I go to the Japanese people and say, ‘Konnichiwa.’ I go to San Antonio, Texas, and I get along with Mexicans. Then I go to Louisiana and hang with the Creoles. Moving around a lot made me a man of all people.” -Shaquille O’Neal 

21.”Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.” -Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

22.”Tell me how you read and I’ll tell you who you are.” -Martin Heidegger 

23.”When I was twelve, the biggest name in Rock and Roll was Elvis Presley. I bought an EP, “King Creole”. I hid it in the basement, but my mother found it.” -Klaus Nomi

24.”One avoids Creolisms. Some families completely forbid Creole and mothers ridicule their children for speaking it.” -Frantz Fanon

25.”My mother’s mother is Jewish and African, so I guess that would be considered Creole. My mother’s father was Cherokee Indian and something else. My dad’s mother’s Puerto Rican and black, and his father was from Barbados.” -Meagan Good

26.”Nail me to my car and I’ll tell you who you are.” -Chris Burden 

27.”America has never had a very wide vocabulary for miscegenation. We say we like diversity, but we don’t like the idea that our Hispanic neighbor is going to marry our daughter. America has nothing like the Spanish vocabulary for miscegenation. Mulatto, mestizo, Creole – these Spanish and French terms suggest, by their use, that miscegenation is a fact of life. America has only black and white. In eighteenth-century America, if you had any drop of African blood in you, you were black.” -Richard Rodriguez

28.”I’m from the island of St. Lucia in the Caribbean in the Lesser Antilles, the lower part of the archipelago, which is a bilingual island – French, Creole, and English – but my education is in English.” -Derek Walcott

29.”My father was a dark-skinned brother, but my mother was a very fair-skinned lady. From what I understand, she was Creole; we think her people originally came from New Orleans. She looked almost like a white woman, which meant she could pass – as folks used to say back then. Her hair was jet-black. She was slim and very attractive.” -Ice T

30.”I speak Italian, French, Creole and English.” -Meta Golding

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32.”My mom is African-American, Native-American, Irish, and Creole, and my father is of Jewish, Russian, and Polish descent. It’s made me who I am. Because of my diverse background, I think I can relate to many different people, different stories, and different communities.” -Jurnee Smollett-Bell

33.”If I’m in the ‘hood, I like Chef Creole’s Haitian rice and stewed chicken.” -DJ Khaled

34.”When you set a play in the French Quarter in New Orleans, it’s hard not to acknowledge the whole African-American, French, white mixing of races. That’s what the French Quarter is: it’s a Creole community.” -Nicole Ari Parker

35.”New Orleans cuisine is Creole rather than Cajun.” -Poppy Z. Brite

36.”Creole is New Orleans city food. Communities were created by the people who wanted to stay and not go back to Spain or France.”-Paul Prudhomme

37.”I’m Creole, and I’m down to earth.” -Boozoo Chavis

38.”You can easily put together your own favorite spice blend, whether that’s a salt and pepper mixture or you’re adding herbs to it or Creole spice. Just watch out for the sodium content. That why I encourage you to make your own.” -Emeril Lagasse

39.”No day would be complete without chocolate. My favorite: Vosges Creole bar – it’s dark chocolate with cocoa nibs. Holy Toledo, that thing is good.” -Lisa Edelstein

40.”The definition of gumbo is almost as slippery as that of Creole. Just as gumbo can contain pretty much any kind of meat or seafood, Creole is a vague and inclusive term for native New Orleanians, who may be black or white, depending on whom you’re asking.” -Jay McInerney

41.”My family is part Creole, and we’re Indian, and we’re also very, very black. My father was so black, he was blue.” -Merry Clayton

42.Creole Quotes

In this world, a lot of discrimination takes place. People see each other like white and black. They judge each other like a creole and with other casts. The concept of white and black destroy many nations.

People start hating each other due to such concepts. But rather than focusing on such things, we have to focus on humanity. Knowing about the importance of humanity is very important in life.

“My grandmother is from Martinique, so sometimes I’m ashamed that I don’t speak Creole.” -Josephine Jobert

If there is no humanity in a person, then he cannot live a good life. Humanity makes a man. If we want to create a strong nation, then we have to forget all these discriminations.

We just have to focus on the concept of humanism. Many famous people write creole quotes. By reading the Creole quotes, you can see things differently. These quotes might inspire you in life. You might get the motivation to serve humanity by ignoring all the things in life.