
100 Friday Affirmations That Will Make You Feel Proud and Happy

Friday Affirmations are positive statements that you can use to end your week on a high note. No matter what happened in your previous days and how bad it went, you still have control of your thoughts and feelings. And in all the moments, you are the only one who can control how you feel about your day. In addition, through all the life experiences, you chose to view your life with a positive or negative perspective.

And choosing to think positively does not mean ignoring all your problems and pretending nothing bad is ever going to happen to you. But thinking in a positive way means you can understand a certain situation with a better response.


Moreover, it provides you the strength to tackle your problems with the expectations of great outcomes. Friday affirmations are these positive perspectives that you need to adopt in your life for a better start to your weekend.

Friday affirmations are the best way to hold the perspective of hope and gratitude at the end of the week and feel satisfied about your weekly progress. With Friday affirmation, you also get a positive energy to start your coming week with great motivation. You will find these Friday affirmations a good way to release your worries and make your weekend a fun and happy one.

Friday Affirmations That Will Motivate You


Friday Affirmations

  • I am grateful for this day of Friday.
  • Positive Friday Affirmations
  • I am grateful for this day of Friday.
  • Friday is a magical day.
  • I live each moment mindfully.
  • I am breathing in joy and relaxation.
  • I love life!
  • My body is calm.
  • I am in control.
  • All is well in my world.
  • My body is feeling healthy and energetic.
  • I am full of vitality.
  • I am healing gently.
  • I allow myself to give and receive love.
  • I am capable of unconditional love.
  • I am willing to be at peace with myself and everyone.
  • I am healthy, happy, and radiant.
  • My sleep is relaxed and refreshing.
  • I love and care for my body and it cares for me.
  • I have abundant energy, vitality, and well-being.
  • I am worthy, talented, deserving, and healthy.
  • I am doing the best that I can do.
  • My best is good enough.
  • Mistakes are proof that I’m learning and improving.
  • It is okay for me to be kind to myself.
  • There is a beautiful loving light inside of me.
  • As I focus on compassion, I naturally relate to others with love and understanding.
  • Respect begins with love; therefore, I love my entire self.
  • I am worthy of infinite and unending compassion.
  • Compassion is infinite and fully surrounds me and my life.
  • All of my decisions are inspired by inner wisdom and compassion.

Positive Friday Affirmations

Friday Affirmations

  • I am my best source of inspiration.
  • I can overcome any obstacle.
  • I respect myself and my intentions.
  • I can achieve everything I set out to do.
  • I am strong and full of self-belief.
  • I believe in my abilities.
  • I am on my way to great things.
  • I have incredible potential.
  • I control my destiny.
  • I’m grateful for my potential.
  • I am allowed to feel this way.
  • I am free to choose the palette of my emotional sky.
  • I can easily manage my emotions.
  • It is okay for me to feel my feelings.
  • My feelings are valid.
  • I am doing the best that I can do.
  • I am honest with myself.
  • I take care of my emotions and my well-being
  • Friday is a magical day.
  • I live each moment mindfully.
  • I am breathing in joy and relaxation.
  • I am going to make the best of Friday.
  • I love life!
  • My body is calm.
  • I am in control.
  • All is well in my world.
  • My body is feeling healthy and energetic.
  • I am full of vitality.
  • I am healing gently.
  • I allow myself to give and receive love.
  • I am capable of unconditional love.
  • I trust that everything in my life is unfolding perfectly.
  • I am willing to be at peace with myself and everyone.
  • I am healthy, happy, and radiant.
  • My sleep is relaxed and refreshing.
  • I love and care for my body and it cares for me.
  • I have abundant energy, vitality, and well-being.
  • I am worthy, talented, deserving, and healthy.
  • I am doing the best that I can do.
  • My best is good enough.
  • Mistakes are proof that I’m learning and improving.
  • It is okay for me to be kind to myself.
  • There is a beautiful loving light inside of me.
  • As I focus on compassion, I naturally relate to others with love and understanding.

Read More: 100 Wednesday Affirmations: A Simple Practice to Boost Your Self-Esteem and Confidence

  • Respect begins with love; therefore, I love my entire self.
  • I am worthy of infinite and unending compassion.
  • Compassion is infinite and fully surrounds me and my life.
  • All of my decisions are inspired by inner wisdom and compassion.
  • I am my best source of inspiration.
  • I can overcome any obstacle.
  • I respect myself and my intentions.
  • I can achieve everything I set out to do.
  • I am strong and full of self-belief.
  • I believe in my abilities.
  • I am on my way to great things.
  • I have incredible potential.
  • I control my destiny.
  • I’m grateful for my potential.
  • I am allowed to feel this way.
  • The greatest gift I can give and receive is the awareness of what I need right now.
  • I am free to choose the palette of my emotional sky.
  • I can easily manage my emotions.
  • It is okay for me to feel my feelings.
  • My feelings are valid.
  • I am doing the best that I can do.
  • I am honest with myself.
  • I take care of my emotions and my well-being


Friday affirmations are not going to solve your problems directly, but they are going to give you the positive energy you require to get through your problem. Friday affirmations provide you with a positive mindset and make it easy for you to change this mindset into your actions.
