
51 Motivational Hirohiko Araki Quotes

Hirohiko Araki Quotes – Hirohiko Araki is a manga artist in Japan. In 1987 his first series was published in Weekly Shonen Jump. Hirohiko Araki is well known due to the series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

This series is quite popular all over the world. Around 100 million copies of the series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure were sold over only in Japan. This series of Hirohiko is also known in different other countries with different references.


Hirohiko Araki’s quotes are also very famous. His every quote is different from others. Hirohiko Araki always expresses his opinions and ideas on different topics. The topics are on different characters, stories, and information on anything.

With the help of his quotes, he inspires others. For inspiring you, we have some famous Hirohiko Araki quotes. These quotes might inspire and motivate you in life. When you are not feeling well, then by reading these quotes, you will find inner strength.

Most Popular Hirohiko Araki Quotes in 2021


1.Hirohiko Araki Quotes

3.“When someone insults you, even murder is forgivable? I see. What you told me is very important. You insulted that innocent old man’s life. So I changed one of your guns into a banana. You should savor your last meal as best you can.”

4.“In this book, a new ability called “Stands” is introduced. “Stands” are psychic powers given a visible form and shape. Traditionally, these kinds of powers were shown with light and electrical effects, or aftereffects like crumbling buildings.”


5.”I asked myself, “How can i express this invisible power?” That’s when i came up with “Stands”. Now, let’s begin a new adventure with Jotaro and his friends!”

6.“When I’m traveling, I can feel very lonely, so I appreciate the kindness of strangers from the bottom of my heart.”

8.”Still, sometimes I start wondering why someone is being so nice to me! Are they actually evil, and planning my demise? Who’s my friend? Who’s my enemy? A big smiling face says, “Please give me all your money.” AHHH! Now that’s scary…”

9“When you start working in the real world, you’re often asked to trade business cards. But ever since I became a manga artist, I’ve had to say, “Oh, I don’t have a business card. Sorry!”

Well, I’ve finally designed a business card with the mark you see above on it. Now even if I’m overseas, people can figure out what progression I work in. The international sign of a manga artist: the big callous on the finger.”

10.“People often say that prostitution is the world’s oldest profession. Well, that’s what I learned in history class at least. (For those who don’t know what “prostitution” is, ask your father.) But is it really the oldest profession? I found an even older one! I can’t prove it, but I bet it goes away back! That profession is the storyteller who tells scary stories. (To be continued in the next volume) ”

11.“(Continued from last volume…) A long, long time ago, people sat under the starry night sky and gathered round a fire, as they listened to an old man tell frightening tales. They listened intently and let their imaginations take them into the world he described.”

12.”Okay. That’s enough for tonight.”

13.”We want to hear more. I’ll give you this fruit if you tell us more.”

14.”I’ll tell you tomorrow! Now, go to bed!”

That’s the kind of story I hope to tell, and keep on telling.”

15.“My friends often tell me, “You’re really rude when I call you when you’re working.” I stopped and thought about it when my mother called me and said, “You’re so rude, you’re no son of mine.” But think about it, people! I don’t see what’s so hard to understand.”

16.” When I’m working, I can’t blab about stupid stuff on the phone for hours like I do when I’m just hanging out, or I’ll be late submitting my work. I’m a Gemini so I have a split personality. I wish people would just think of work and play as my on/off switch.”

17.“No one realizes this, but as of December I will have been a manga artist for ten years. (I’m not saying this because I want someone to congratulate me.) Ten years…it’s only two words, but it’s an amount of time that makes me go “Hmm…” When I consider that I spent my entire twenties working in manga, again I go “Hmm…” But I’m grateful to God and my ancestors for this feeling.”

18.“In the early 1980s I lived in Sendai. Back then I used to send photocopies of my corrected manuscripts to my publisher by postal mail. One photocopy cost me 40 yen (about 40 cents) per page. After the publisher received it I’d have to talk to them on the phone and discuss it. After a while this became a pain, so I moved to Tokyo by myself. Now faxes and color copiers are much better than they were back then. If they had been available back in the day, I doubt I would have moved to Tokyo. Lately I’m really seeing how times have changed.”

19.“It’s nothing to brag about, but I’m horrible at remembering things. I can barely remember what I did for fun as a kid, or what such-and-such TV show was about.”

20.Hirohiko Araki Quotes

21.“I could stay depressed about my bad memory, but that’s a negative way to live. Let’s look on the bright side and list the advantages of having a bad memory.

(1) You can reread a book and see a movie over and over and enjoy it as much as the first time.

(2) If you make an inconvenient promise, you can pretend that you forgot about it and still be forgiven.

(3) This is the most important thing: you can keep coming up with ideas without being held back by convictions or the past. ”

22.“Lately cigarette smoke bothers me. I always notice it when someone is smoking near me. With that in mind, I decided that Hol Horse will quit smoking. But then I thought that it would be weird to suddenly change a character’s habits. Hmm…but on the other hand, Hol Horse changes his mind all the time anyway. I figured “What the heck,” so now he’s using a smoke-free pipe. ”

23.“The most frightening thing that ever happened to me was when I experienced hail for the first time. As a child I never heard of this mysterious phenomenon of “hail” falling from the sky.”

24.” One day I was playing in an open field when the sky suddenly turned black and a ton of ice cubes, like the ones I put in my Calpis Water, started falling from the sky. I remember thinking, “It’s the end of the world. I’ll never lie to my parents and I’ll never pick on my little sister.” ”

25.“I know you might think this is silly, but I once had a dream that I was a sumo wrestler standing in the ring. This might sound humorous, but it was the most terrifying dream I had ever had. The match was being broadcast live nationwide on NHK, so if I ran away I would be known as the biggest coward in Japan. I was nearly naked and wearing only a fundoshi…Geh! I still weighed 125 pounds! “I’m going to die,” I thought…” ”

26.“So in my dream I am facing a sumo wrestler on national TV and trying to avoid being known as the biggest coward in Japan.”

27.” I try to concoct a plan to lose the match without getting hurt. I get in the ring, and the referee says “Miatte!” ordering me and the other wrestler to face on another. The other wrestler is glaring at me and his face if four times the size of mine. There’s an open wound on his forehead, probably from yesterday’s brutal match. The wound starts to twitch, and blood oozes out of it. I’m pretty sure I let out a piercing scream at the point.”

28.“In my entire life, I’ve only seen a ghost once. It happened a few years ago when I traveled in England. I stayed in a hotel that used to be an old castle. It was only eight o’clock, but I was exhausted, so i want to bed early. A few minutes after I lay down, a woman came out through the slightly open bathroom door. I saw that there was blood on her wrist…”

29.“The female ghost floated across the room. Standing beside my bed, she looked down at me with a blank expression. I thought to myself, “I’m seeing a ghost! I thought I has no psychic powers!” Then the next moment I thought, “I’m really sleepy… I don’t want to deal with this right now.” As if she knew what I was thinking, the ghost’s expression turned to sadness, and she slowly disappeared.”

30.”This really happened. People say I must be dreaming, but I swear it really happened.”

31.”Once, my mother caught the cold and told me; “Go to the local clinic and bring some cold medicine back for me.” And so, I went. Once they called out my waiting number, the doctor ran out and said to me, “Come! Hirohiko-kin, take off your clothes, I’m going to give you a needle.” What! The one with the cold isn’t me! “You’re lying.” At the time, I was really mad. However, now that I think about it, the whole experience itself seems funny in hindsight. In fact, I feel that this story is a precious experience for me to becoming a top notch manga artist.”

32.”In my entire life, I’ve only seen a ghost once. It happened a few years ago when I traveled in England. I stayed in a hotel that used to be an old castle. It was only eight o’clock, but I was exhausted, so i want to bed early. A few minutes after I lay down, a woman came out through the slightly open bathroom door. I saw that there was blood on her wrist. The female ghost floated across the room. Standing beside my bed, she looked down at me with a blank expression. I thought to myself, “I’m seeing a ghost! I thought I had no psychic powers!” Then the next moment I thought, “I’m really sleepy… I don’t want to deal with this right now.” As if she knew what I was thinking, the ghost’s expression turned to sadness, and she slowly disappeared.”

33.”A long, long time ago, people sat under the starry night sky and gathered round a fire, as they listened to an old man tell frightening tales. They listened intently and let their imaginations take them into the world he described. “Okay. That’s enough for tonight.” “We want to hear more. I’ll give you this fruit if you tell us more.” “I’ll tell you tomorrow! Now, go to bed!” That’s the kind of story I hope to tell, and keep on telling.”

34.”I constructed Part 4 (Diamond is Unbreakable) around the theme of mental and emotional weakness. The Stands were created by exaggerating the viewpoints of characters consumed by their own flaws.”

35.Hirohiko Araki Quotes

36.”The magnificence of music resides within the chord in a sequence; Mozart once said to the Emperor that no note could be omitted from a piece. The human body is also made of a genetic sequence called DNA. Thus we cannot neglect the existence of that sequence of pre-established facts we call Fate. But if everything is decided in advance by Fate, we tend to think that the efforts we deploy everyday are vain. This is one of the points I have to consider when I tell a human epic: Is there a solution to that question?”

37.”My parents don’t understand my manga. They still don’t understand, which is puzzling to me because I draw manga with respect to Eastwood, whom my Dad loves. Why the heck can’t they get to like my work? What is at the very core of my works is the same as Eastwood’s. Maybe the JoJo anime will help them get interested.”

38.”I’m more of a “forgetting” than “moving-on” type of person. My works resemble a diary in that I don’t put too much thought into what I had previously written, but more so into drawing what I’m feeling NOW. Now is what matters most.”

39.”Which type of character is easier for me to draw, good guys or bad guys? I can’t say which is easier, because good/bad are like heads and tails, they’re two sides of a coin and there is a really fine line between the two. Good characters tend to be bound by rules, but it’s fun to work with them because at a certain times they begin to have a weird eccentricity. Depicting good characters is fun, but I guess depicting bad ones can be more fun since I can make them do anything (illegal) or destroy everything.”

40.”I am interested in fashion. I take Italian fashion into account when deciding what my characters wear. Versace and Moschino’s clothes are so loud and gorgeous, they make my illustrations beautiful. However, they do have their weaknesses. I get bored with them if I draw them for too long (laugh). Similar to how certain clothes go out of fashion throughout the years. I used to check out Japanese fashion books, but they are something different; they seem out of date.”

41.”About “Babel II”: I’ve always thought how cool it was to have an adventure in a school uniform. This idea boggled me. It permeated a sense of “a man’s spirit of romantic adventure,” and “beauty” that could only be found from a boy having an adventure in a school uniform in a desert.”

42.”There are mangakas famous for their story, but I’m more on the drawing side, so I want to draw the ultimate picture, something really good.”

43.”Rather than believing in God, I believe something exists. It’s difficult to say it concretely, but it includes destiny. Because of that, if the basis of my works doesn’t have that kind of thing, they become something scary. “Why am I drawing manga?”, stuff like that. Am I doing it in order to earn money or to impress women? In time, they become terrible things to feel. But if I have fairness and humanity, I persevere. You reach this question when you draw about things like destiny – “Why is this person here?”. If you’re attached to the protagonist,the question gets even more important.”

44.”When it comes to fashion, I love looking at models. Don’t you think models have this kind of spectre quality to them? The way they tilt their head or their mouths look oddly big. That kind of stuff captivates me. And so, by reproducing them, they gradually turn into Jojo-like characters (laughs) – like bending their hips back or forth. This kind of bending is also because of Italy.”

45.”I think people’s actions should be based on their “eyes to judge beauty.”

46.”How to judge what’s beautiful. Are your own actions beautiful, or not. And by beautiful, I don’t simply mean the appearance of something, but does something fit in, can you understand it. I think studying is for training your “eyes to judge beauty.”

47.”Its physics, sociology, or literature, its a way to find out how the pieces fit together nicely, and the study of medicine is the way to discover a theory to cure beautifully. And as you layer those theories together, you are able to judge things, and if you know how judge you will be able to make a decision. I want young people to train their “eyes” so they can judge things, theories, and themselves, and I don’t want them to study only as a way to become rich or for a high academic record. I think having such evil or not is important. It may sound fancy, but being something like a hero for the good is really important.”

48.”About Western music: If the bands are foreign, using their names is OK. But this is definitely not the case for Japanese bands. That’s no good. Or maybe I should say, it’s empathy. It’s a bit strange, like “What kind of silly things is this guy talking about?” If I knew what they were saying, I’d get too embarrassed to continue listening. That’s why for me it’s about the rhythm, the propagation of sound. There’s a sort of space between the sounds. Like the subtlety of the strings, the pauses, the way the air vibrates. That’s why I’m fine with whatever that person sings.”

49.”What I love about Stands is that I can express psychological warfare. The Stand’s physical powers are not what matters most. A stand with no physical power but with the the ability to make enemies tell lies can still be very formidable.”

50.”On the creation of Stands: I doubt such powers like, “Just think hard enough and things will begin to move.” I don’t see anything”.

51.Hirohiko Araki Quotes

Hirohiko Araki believes that every person in this world has different memories. These memories can be positive or negative. Sometimes we never forget some memories. Every one of us has bad memories in life.

Sometimes we feel depressed by remembering such bad memories. By keeping these memories in mind, we remain depressed and cannot do anything to make them right. This is the negative way to live.

“How can you say your “willpower” moved things? I wanted something visible that could explain these powers. Stands are proof of those superpowers, basically my way of explaining how these invisible powers work.”

But everything in this world teaches us a lesson. Sometimes bad memories show us those lessons which we do not get through good memories. So rather than looking at the bad things, remember good things in life. Life never stops for anyone, so live it with an open heart.

Be positive in every situation. No matter if it is good or bad. By reading the quotes of Hirohiko Araki, you will get positivity. When you think positively, then you can live life without getting depressed. Do you like these Hirohiko Araki quotes and share them with your friends.