
51 Inspirational Quotes for Difficult Times

Inspirational Quotes for Difficult Times: Life is not as easy as you may think. It is not always easy. Every person has to face some dark times in their lives. Life is not the bed of roses; it sometimes becomes the bed of thrones.

Every person in this world has to face hard times in life. At these difficult and dark times, there is a need to stay strong and be positive in life. Even the small words in these difficult times mean a lot. Positive words have a powerful impact on life.


If you use these difficult times as life lessons, it will help you to grow. For inspiring you in difficult times, then we have some inspirational quotes for difficult times. These inspirational quotes will help in difficult times of life and make you a stronger person.

Popular Inspirational Quotes for Difficult Times

Inspirational Quotes for Difficult Times

  • “I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars.”– Og Mandino

  • “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”—Carl Bard

  • “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”—Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”—Thomas Edison

  • “Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”—Christopher Robin to Pooh, A.A. Milne

  • “If you fell down yesterday, stand up today.”―H.G. Wells

  • “Tough times never last, but tough people do.”—Robert H. Schuller

  • “Let perseverance be your engine and hope your fuel.”—H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

  • “To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.”—Gail Sheehy

  • “He knows not his own strength who hath not met adversity.”– William Samuel Johnson

  • “Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.”—Les Brown

  • “Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit.”– Napoleon Hill

  • “Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare.” — Angela Duckworth

  • “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.” – Bob Marley

  • “Rock bottom became the solid foundation in which I rebuilt my life.” — J.K. Rowling

  • “The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity.” – Seneca The Younger

  • “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” — Margaret Thatcher

  • “Hard times arouse an instinctive desire for authenticity.” – Coco Chanel


Inspirational Quotes for Difficult Times

  • “Hard times make you bitter or make you more compassionate.” – Jewel

  • “Hard times may have held you down, but they will not last forever. When all is said and done, you will be increased.” — Joel Osteen

  • “Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful.” – Zig Ziglar

  • “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” – Wayne Dyer

  • “It takes a lot of courage to push through hard times. Never give up. Good things are coming your way.”― Robert Tew

  • “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.”– Duke Ellington

  • “Hard times lifts the seeking souls to higher spiritual realms.”― Lailah Gifty Akita

  • “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene

  • “Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.”—Unknown

  • “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine

  • “The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered, there is opportunity for growth.”—Unknown

  • “People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln

  • “Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else.” – Unknown

  • “In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.” – Lee Iacocca

  • “Hard days are the best because that’s when champions are made.” – Gabrielle Douglas

Inspirational Quotes for Difficult Times

  • “Only during hard times do people come to understand how difficult it is to be master of their feelings and thoughts.” – Anton Chekhov

  • “The hardest struggle of all is to be something different from what the average man is.” – Charles M Schwab

  • “Life will always be hard on you, but it doesn’t mean you should give up.” – Anurag Prakash Ray

  • “One small crack does not mean you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and you didn’t fall apart.” – Linda Poindexter

  • “In difficult times, it’s so hard to look around and to see what to be grateful for.” – Alice Barrett

  • “In my experience, people who don’t stick around during the hard times weren’t worth having around anyway.” – Kimberly Belle

  • “Why worry? If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it any better.” – Walt Disney

  • “The oak sleeps in the acorn. The bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of reality.”– Napoleon Hill

  • “It’s not exactly like you thought it would be, you think it’s a failure. What about the spectrum of colors in between.” – Sara Evans

  • “When things are bad, we take comfort in the thought that they could always get worse. And when they are, we find hope in the thought that things are so bad they have to get better.” – Malcolm S. Forbes

  • “Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being.” – Albert Schweitzer

  • “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” – James Allen

  • “The best way to get rid of the pain is to feel the pain. And when you feel the pain and go beyond it, you’ll see there’s a very intense love that is wanting to awaken itself.” – Deepak Chopra

  • “The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.” – Epicetus

Inspirational Quotes for Difficult Times


Many things in our lives annoy or irritate us. The things that irritate us always give a life lesson. Most of the time, people might leave you in difficult times. When someone abandons you, then you will learn how to stand up on your own two feet.

You will learn how to do something for yourself. When something makes you angry, you will learn how to remain calm and relax in life. Everything in this world teaches a unique lesson. It is up to you how to be calm and face all the challenges of life.

“Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up, as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it.” – Fyodor Dostoevsky

You are the only one who starts the change in life. At difficult times, the words of inspiration and wisdom might help you.

By reading these inspirational quotes, you will learn how to be strong and be positive. Do you like these inspirational quotes for difficult times? If so, then like, share, and comment on this article.

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