
28 Popular Karen Kostyla Love Quotes

Karen Kostyla Love Quotes – All of us have a special person in our life. This special person can be our best friend or our life partner. Many times we are close to our special person, and many times they are far away from us.

Even though they are far away from us, they are very special to us. If you love someone and he or she is living miles away. Then you can even feel them. Just close your eyes, and you will see them in front of you.


This is the power of your love. Karen Kostyla writes a lot of quotes about love. By reading these quotes, you might get the inspiration of feeling your love even if it is far away from you.

For inspiring you, we have compiled some famous Karen Kostyla Love quotes. These quotes make you feel how close you are to your life partner.

Famous Karen Kostyla Love Quotes


1.Karen Kostyla Love Quotes

2.”NOT who they want us to be…”-Karen Kostyla

3.”I am not who I once was and I am not who I am meant to be, but right now, I need you here with me as I grow into a new me.”-Karen Kostyla


4.“It’s all about growing and not becoming bitter.”-Karen Kostyla

5.”It’s all about growing and not becoming bitter… I refuse to be angry, or sad, or upset.. I will let go of people that keep hurting me and keep disappointing me… I will let go of it all…”-Karen Kostyla

6.” I will look for the blessings all around me and in the end I know God is the only one that can make sense of this all…”-Karen Kostyla

7.” God is the only one that I can believe in and trust and He will be the ONE to see me through……”-Karen Kostyla

8.”True love doesn’t have to hurt, doesn’t make you cry, doesn’t lie.”-Karen Kostyla

9.”True love is a breath of fresh air, it’s that warm place to go for comfort, it’s life enriching, it’s liberating, it’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of… allow yourself to be loved and share that love in return.”-Karen Kostyla

10.”Even when you are miles away, if you love someone more then anything, you can feel them when you close your eyes as if your souls are together as one.”-Karen Kostyla

11.”I believe in you.”-Karen Kostyla

12.” You are amazing and you have so much to give the world.”-Karen Kostyla

13.” Take the pain you have been through and help another hurting heart… Listen to what God is whispering into your soul and let Him lead your way.”-Karen Kostyla

14.”To keep moving forward, you need to keep opening new doors and keep doing new things but most important is to keep stepping out of your comfort zone.”-Karen Kostyla

15.”I will wait for you forever and ever but only if you want me to.”-Karen Kostyla

16.” My heart longs for you and I am counting the days until we are together for eternity.”-Karen Kostyla

17.Karen Kostyla Love Quotes

18.”Do try to help others along the way when you can, but know it is NOT for YOU to fix them that is their own journey.”-Karen Kostyla

19.”Awe, sweetie… time heals all wounds, it will take time but one day the tears will stop and life start again.”-Karen Kostyla

20.”You deserve someone who will be happy to be with you not ignore you all the time.”-Karen Kostyla

21.” You have so much love to give find someone who is looking for someone just like you.”-Karen Kostyla

22.”Turn around and face your fears, You will truly see how strong you really are.”-Karen Kostyla

23.”I love to laugh the day away with you and giggle till I have tears in my eyes. So glad God put you into my life as my best friend.”-Karen Kostyla

24.”Sometimes it just takes a little kindness from one hurting soul to another to change us forever.”-Karen Kostyla

25.”What adventures await you today?”-Karen Kostyla

26.”We’re being brought together in this puzzle of life for a very specific reason we need to trust God to show us what that reason is and have faith he will in his time.”-Karen Kostyla

27.”I just want you to know… YOU make me smile when I think of you and I wanna give you a great big hug !”-Karen Kostyla

28.Karen Kostyla Love Quotes

Life is full of heavy routines and all busy stuff. In this heavy routine, it becomes important to give yourself some time. For some days, take a step back from the busy life. Give yourself some time and try to just listen to yourself.

Many times we love another person in our life, but we forget ourselves. Try to make yourself special. Love and pamper yourself. When you do that, you recharge your life and also your soul.

” Let go of your fear of failure and go get your dreams.”-Karen Kostyla

Karen Kostyle gives you the real meaning of love. Doing love does not mean that love with another person. It means to be your favorite in life. By reading the quotes of Karen Kostyle, you might get the inspiration.

The inspiration to listen to your inner voice. And try to pamper and love with you. You might also get the motivation to understand yourself in a better way.