72 Motivational Mark Cuban Quotes on Achieving a Successful Career


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Mark Cuban Quotes – Mark Cuban was an American billionaire entrepreneur, media proprietor, investor, and an amazing television personality whose net worth is an estimated 4.3 billion dollars. Another amazing thing about this person is that he was ranked number 177 on the 2020 Forbes 400 list (according to Forbes).

Mark was an owner of the Dallas Mavericks professional team of basketball of the NBA (National Basketball Association). He was also a co-owner of 2929 Entertainment as well as chairman of AXS TV.


Despite all these companies, he was also a Shark investor on the ABC reality TV series Shark Tank. This person has got all the flavours due to the amount of wealth and level of character he has.

MC was born in Pennsylvania on July 31, 1958. His father was an automobile upholsterer and he portrayed his mom as a person with a different hob or different career goal every day.


Uplifting Mark Cuban Quotes on Business, Life & Success

Mark Cuban Quotes

  • I look at my annual budgets for everything and anything, and I look to see where I can save the most money on those items. Saving 30% to 50% buying in bulk – replenishable items from toothpaste to soup, or whatever I use a lot of – is the best guaranteed return on investment you can get anywhere. – Mark Cuban

  • Don’t start a company unless it’s an obsession and something you love. If you have an exit strategy, it’s not an obsession. – Mark Cuban

  • I’m a believer that you accomplish much, much more with direct relationships than by using an intermediary. And that cash you keep in the bank can be the difference between staying alive as a small business, or not. – Mark Cuban

  • If you’ve got $25,000, $50,000, $100,000, you’re better off paying off any debt you have because that’s a guaranteed return. – Mark Cuban

  • Work like there is someone working twenty-four hours a day to take it all away from you. – Mark Cuban

  • I wouldn’t be where I am now if I didn’t fail a lot. The good, the bad, it’s all part of the success equation. – Mark Cuban

  • What I’ve learned in these 11 years is you got to stay focused and believe in yourself and trust your own ability and judgment. – Mark Cuban

  • Everyone is passionate about something. Usually more than one thing. We are born with it. There are always going to be things we love to do. That we dream about doing. That we really, really want to do with our lives. Those passions aren’t worth a nickel. – Mark Cuban

  • It’s not whom you know. It’s not how much money you have. It’s very simple. It’s whether or not you have the edge and have the guts to use it. – Mark Cuban

  • Always ask yourself how someone could preempt your product or service. – Mark Cuban

  • Watching the best taught me how to run my businesses. – Mark Cuban

  • Do we know what we are designed to be or do we find out through experience? – Mark Cuban

  • With every effort, I learned a lot. With every mistake, I learned what not to do. – Mark Cuban

  • The edge is knowing people think you’re crazy, and they’re right, but you don’t care what they think. – Mark Cuban

  • Everyday I look in the mirror and make sure I don’t pinch myself so I don’t wake up. I don’t take it for granted. All the time I say ‘Why me?’ – Mark Cuban

  • It’s always better if you’re honest with yourself and anticipate where the problems could come from. – Mark Cuban

  • You have to figure out what works for you. – Mark Cuban

  • I had to kick myself in the ass and recommit to getting up early, staying up late and consuming anything I possibly could to get an edge. – Mark Cuban

  • Relaxing is for the other guy. – Mark Cuban

  • Wherever I see people doing something the way it’s always been done, the way it’s ‘supposed’ to be done, following the same old trends, well, that’s just a big red flag to me to go look somewhere else. – Mark Cuban

  • I still work hard to know my business. I’m continuously looking for ways to improve all my companies, and I’m always selling. Always. – Mark Cuban

  • I worked hard and smarter than most people in the businesses I have been in. – Mark Cuban

  • Always wake up with a smile knowing that today you are going to have fun accomplishing what others are too afraid to do. – Mark Cuban

  • Always look for the fool in the deal. If you don’t find one, it’s you. – Mark Cuban

  • Because if you’re prepared and you know what it takes. It’s not a risk. You just have to figure out how to get there. There is always a way to get there. – Mark Cuban

  • Learn to sell. In business you’re always selling – to your prospects, investors and employees. To be the best salesperson put yourself in the shoes of the person to whom you are selling. Don’t sell your product. Solve their problem. – Mark Cuban

  • If you have managers reporting to managers in a startup, you will fail. Once you get beyond startup, if you have managers reporting to managers, you will create politics. – Mark Cuban

  • Pay attention to what’s happening around you. Don’t think there’s just one way to do things—context is everything. – Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban Quotes

  • Perfectionism is the enemy of profitability. – Mark Cuban

  • In every business I have had, I have made sure my customers have had my email address and can reach me directly. – Mark Cuban

  • Great entrepreneurs invest the time, no matter how many hours a day, to learn more about their industry and the business they want to start than anyone else. – Mark Cuban

  • What is your grind? – Mark Cuban

  • It’s not about money or connections, it’s the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone when it comes to your business. And if it fails, you learn from what happened and do a better job next time. – Mark Cuban

  • What I do know, at least what I think I have learned from my experiences in business, is that when there is a rush for everyone to do the same thing, it becomes more difficult to do. Not easier. Harder. – Mark Cuban

  • Being rich is a good thing. Not just in the obvious sense of benefiting you and your family, but in the broader sense. Profits are not a zero sum game. The more you make, the more of a financial impact you can have. – Mark Cuban

  • Time is the most valuable asset you don’t own. – Mark Cuban

  • The one person who you should never believe when it comes to evaluating your abilities is you. The very worst judge of your abilities is you. Self-evaluation is never successful. When you are the best at something, the demand for your services will grow. People want to hire the best. They want to be associated with the best. – Mark Cuban

  • In my opinion, right now, there’s way too much hype on the technologies and not enough attention to the real businesses behind them. – Mark Cuban

  • Your biggest enemies are your bills. The more you owe, the more you stress. The more you stress over bills, the more difficult it is to focus on your goals. More importantly, if you set your monthly income requirements too high, you eliminate a significant number of opportunities. The cheaper you can live, the greater your options. – Mark Cuban

  • If you’re looking where everybody else is looking, you’re looking in the wrong spot. – Mark Cuban

  • Know how your company will make money and how you will make sales. – Mark Cuban

  • Once you have found out what you love to do, there is only one goal: How can you be the best in the world at it. It doesn’t matter if you are a filing clerk, athlete, accountant, or bartender. All that matters is that you do whatever you can to be the best. – Mark Cuban

  • Focus on building the best possible business. If you are great, people will notice and opportunities will appear. – Mark Cuban

  • Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is. Know your business and industry better than anyone else in the world. Love what you do or don’t do it. – Mark Cuban

  • Entrepreneurs have to be brutally honest with themselves and recognize where they have added value and where they have gone along for the ride. – Mark Cuban

  • I retired at twenty-nine, bought a life-time pass on American Airlines and my only goal in life was to party like a mad man and get drunk with as many people as possible. And I was happy right there. But when we started the streaming business, I knew it could be something big. – Mark Cuban

  • Money is a scoreboard where you can rank how you’re doing against other people. – Mark Cuban

  • You have to learn how to use time wisely and be productive. How wisely you use your time will have far more impact on your life and success than any amount of money. – Mark Cuban

  • Those back-to-back experiences confirmed what I already knew: That I was a shitty-ass employee and I’d better start my own business. – Mark Cuban

  • Patent law holds us back, in every which way, shape or form. There is place for it, in physical products, in pharmaceuticals, but in software in particular, there is no place for it. – Mark Cuban

  • You learn in life that a lot of things are the result of effort, but some things, in terms of scale, are random. – Mark Cuban

  • We don’t sell wins or losses. The one thing you can’t control in sports is which games you are going to win or which games you are going to lose. But what I could control was the experience the fans have. – Mark Cuban

  • There is very little knowledge that can’t be obtained through effort. – Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban Quotes

  • One thing we can all control is effort. Put in the time to become an expert in whatever you’re doing. It will give you an advantage because most people don’t do this. – Mark Cuban

  • I’m always afraid of failing. It’s great motivation to work harder. – Mark Cuban

  • It’s hard not to fool yourself. Everyone tells you how they are going to be special. But few do the work to get there. Do the work. – Mark Cuban

  • Creating opportunities means looking where others are not.

  • It’s not in the dreaming, it’s in the doing. – Mark Cuban

  • Life gets easier when you don’t have to worry about the bills. – Mark Cuban

  • It’s called working your ass off. – Mark Cuban

  • I’m a big believer that you always reiterate, you always learn, you always realize your business is evolving. – Mark Cuban

  • When you’ve got 10,000 people trying to do the same thing, why would you want to be number 10,001? – Mark Cuban

  • The number-one job of the hedge-fund manager is not to make sure that you can retire with a smile on your face – it’s for him to retire with a smile on his face. – Mark Cuban

  • A sure sign of failure for a startup is when someone sends me logo-embroidered polo shirts. If your people are at shows and in public, it’s okay to buy for your own employees, but if you really think people are going to wear your branded polo when they’re out and about, you are mistaken and have no idea how to spend your money. – Mark Cuban

  • It comes down to finding something you love to do, then just trying to be great at it. – Mark Cuban

  • I create offbeat advice; I don’t follow it. I rarely take third-party advice on my investments. – Mark Cuban

  • It is so much easier to be nice, to be respectful, to put yourself in your customers’ shoes and try to understand how you might help them before they ask for help, than it is to try to mend a broken customer relationship. – Mark Cuban

  • We can talk about republican or democratic approaches to the economy, but until you fix the student loan bubble – and that’s where the real bubble is – and the tuition bubble, we don’t have a chance. All this other stuff is shuffling deck- chairs on the Titanic. – Mark Cuban

  1. Mark Cuban Quotes

Cuban moved to Texas, Dallas, where he found his work as a bartender for Elan (a Greenville Avenue) and then as a salesperson for one of the earliest PC software retailers in Dallas named ‘Your Business Software’. His luck and hard work bring this person to the height that he always wished to go.

As he was busy in his life while doing plenty of things, he has experienced everything in that span and quoted his words on almost all the aspects of life.

If you are ahead of the curve and you can anticipate where things are going … anything is possible. – Mark Cuban

You can get his quotations on almost all the life aspects so you can get motivation and inspiration on everything you are up to.

Mark Cuban’s life was full of inspiration and motivation and gives a lesson that you’ll be able to go towards the highest mountains while taking small steps. Just follow these quotations, you get real motivation in what you are doing even if you don’t have any financial status.