
51 Most Popular Melanie Martinez Quotes in 2021

Melanie Martinez Quotes – Melanie Martinez was born in Astoria. She is an American singer who was brought up in New York. In 2012 she appeared in the talent show on television, The Voice.

After appearing in this talent show, she quickly became famous. Melanie Martinez has also worked as an actress, photographer, director, songwriter and visual artist. She recorded and released her first debut song named Dollhouse, which became quite popular.


Her first debut studio album was released in 2015, which is Cry Baby. Several songs by Melanie Martinez received awards. Some of these songs include Sippy Cup, Cry Baby, Dollhouse, Pity Party etc.

For all the fans of Melanie Martinez, we have collected some of her famous quotes. You will get to know more about her via these quotes. Following are some Melanie Martinez quotes for you.

Melanie Martinez Quotes For Everyone

  1. Melanie Martinez Quotes
  2. “I’m insane, I’m emotional, but I’d rather be that than a robot. So that’s definitely something that I wanted to get out there. Especially with Cry Baby’s story, because the album is about Cry Baby but I realized that I and her went through the same change.” – Melanie Martinez
  3. “I was always hard on myself for taking things too personally.” – Melanie Martinez
  4. “I’m very, very in touch with my emotions.” – Melanie Martinez
  5. “Part of the problem with America is that letting go of emotions is viewed as a weakness, but it’s my strength. That enabled me to write my songs.” – Melanie Martinez
  6. “I think, being emotional is this thing that people think you’re not strong. They don’t look at you as a strong person, and it’s weird ‘cuz honestly being emotional has nothing to do with your strength.” – Melanie Martinez
  7. “I think that every decision I make in my life is based on an emotion – and it definitely hurts me in some situations, and helps in some situations, like obviously writing and stuff is my favorite thing to do because I get to use all of my emotions and express them in that way.” – Melanie Martinez
  8. “I have definitely noticed I am very passionate. So if I’m fighting with someone I’ll be SO super loud and aggressive, and make sure that my point is heard.” – Melanie Martinez
  9. “Everyone is allowed to be vulnerable. I think women and men and dogs and cats and ants and aliens can all express themselves and be vulnerable.” – Melanie Martinez
  10. “If you say something that is a little unsafe to say but you feel strongly and passionate about it, a lot of people can attack you and call you a bad role model just because they don’t agree with your views, but in reality, we’re all different and we’re all unique in our own way and we all have different thoughts.” – Melanie Martinez
  11. “I think that any female who gets asked if she’s a feminist… it’s silly… it’s so interesting when people ask females if they’re a feminist. Of course, every female wants to be equal.” – Melanie Martinez
  12. “I believe everyone should be equal, and we should all love and support each other and express ourselves the way we want to express ourselves and be whoever we want. That’s my motto.” – Melanie Martinez
  13. “I want to encourage people to be themselves and express themselves however they want.” – Melanie Martinez
  14. “I never had a lot of friends growing up so having this insane amount of love and support really means a lot to me.” – Melanie Martinez
  15. “I have a song called ‘Training Wheels’ and it’s about being in love with someone and taking it to the next level by taking off the training wheels.” – Melanie Martinez
  16. “A lot of people say if you can’t love yourself, then you can’t love others. It’s always different, but I definitely have loved a lot in my life.” – Melanie Martinez
  17. “I don’t want to play no games / I’m tired of always chasing, chasing after you.” – Melanie Martinez
  18. “I definitely fall in love quickly, and I’m very in love with being in love. But it is hard for me to write about love.” – Melanie Martinez
  19. “There are a lot of people who go their whole lives without truly knowing what love is, or ever experiencing that.” – Melanie Martinez

  20. Melanie Martinez Quotes
  21. “I’ll always definitely strive to write songs that are going to help people feel confident in themselves.” – Melanie Martinez
  22. “I’m happy that I don’t have to do covers anymore because that’s not what I do.” – Melanie Martinez
  23. “I look at music as an art form, so it’s almost like painting for me, you know?” – Melanie Martinez
  24. “Please understand that I make music to express myself, and if you know anything about me, you know that I’m nothing but honest.” – Melanie Martinez
  25. “I’m gonna write from personal experience, from emotion, from whatever the hell I’m feeling that day.” – Melanie Martinez
  26. “My music is like a baby pink-frosted cake with sprinkles, but when you cut into it, there’s a gooey, dark chocolate center.” – Melanie Martinez
  27. “I definitely feel like if I put out a song that was like me being super vulnerable, people would look at me as weak. I don’t know if that has to do with me being a girl, or if that really has to do with anything, but I’m sure.” – Melanie Martinez
  28. “I’ve always been super into photography and the visuals that support my music.” – Melanie Martinez
  29. “My whole mission in general, ever since I was fourteen, was to write music that would help people heal.” – Melanie Martinez
  30. “Cry Baby is just a character in this world that I’m trying to create, and the music videos are really important to me, and I’ve fought to obviously get all of them approved.” – Melanie Martinez
  31. “There are obviously so many artists that are very inspiring, but I can’t say that they like – that I have someone in mind that is like a creative direction of where I want to go as an artist. I think I’m just doing my own thing.” – Melanie Martinez
  32. “I always try, when I’m singing songs, to interpret them the way that I would’ve arranged them. I think about the melody first, and then I pull out my guitar and start singing it.” – Melanie Martinez
  33. “I wrote about scenarios that I was going through and then disguised them.” – Melanie Martinez
  34. “I definitely have worked trying to create music that inspires girls to feel confident and strong, and feel like they can do anything.” – Melanie Martinez

  35. Melanie Martinez Quotes
  36. “Just because I’m an artist doesn’t mean I should be treated differently.” – Melanie Martinez
  37. “I used music as therapy and embraced being a cry baby.” – Melanie Martinez
  38. “Make sure this [music industry] is what you love to do, and you can’t imagine doing anything else.” – Melanie Martinez
  39. “I want to put out as many albums as I can before I die.” – Melanie Martinez
  40. “I’ve had so many insecurities, and am still getting over a lot.” – Melanie Martinez
  41. “I stay away from the title of ‘role model’. I want to be a more realistic role model – not a perfect Barbie role model.” – Melanie Martinez
  42. “I only wear vintage clothing. I’m pretty obsessed with things in the ’60s, like fashion and music, too.” – Melanie Martinez
  43. “I got with what I like and I generally just cling to things that are pastel and remind me of being a little kid. It’s just what it is right now, but I go through phases.” – Melanie Martinez
  44. “I see things that nobody else sees.” – Melanie Martinez
  45. “I had a lot of Barbies growing up, and a lot of porcelain dolls, but I was scared of them. I was so scared of them. I would try to turn their head away and would make my mom take them out of my room.” – Melanie Martinez
  46. “I really loved taking photos when I was younger. I think my love for photography sparked my love for creating the visuals to support my music.”- Melanie Martinez
  47. “I have to stop eating so much grilled cheese and chocolate chip cookies and start really working on everything!” – Melanie Martinez
  48. “I’m a perfectionist, and even if something comes out great, it’s still not perfect, you know?” – Melanie Martinez
  49. “The way that I dress is the way I’ve always dressed. The way I’ve eaten is how I’ve always eaten. I dress like a 5-year-old, and I eat like a 5-year-old.” – Melanie Martinez
  50. “I don’t want to play no games / I’m tired of always chasing, chasing after you.” – Melanie Martinez

  51. Melanie Martinez Quotes

Melanie Martinez never becomes afraid to be real in her life. She never portrayed fake emotions in her songs. Martinez described the sad feelings. She is very open in expressing her emotions. Not just in singing, she has also played an important role in the visuals of different videos.

Melanie Martinez is very affected by emotions and feelings. Many people in this world make their decisions based on emotions. Sometimes making decisions based on emotions helps and sometimes hurts a lot.

“I like singing and just took a chance with it.” – Melanie Martinez

Melanie Martinez is just like that. She also makes decisions according to her feelings—every song or script that she writes is based on her emotions. By reading Melanie Martinez’s quotes, you learn how to express your feelings without caring for others.


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