60 Mindful Affirmations For Daily Life


Mindful Affirmations

In our daily busy lives, people often forget to live and enjoy the present moment and spend most of their time thinking about their past regrets or about their upcoming future. Most of the time, people often take pressures of the worries they cannot even control, or do anything to make it go away.

On the contrary, mindfulness is the state of living in the present and being fully aware of our surroundings and activities without any judgments and unnecessary questions. This state of mind proves very relaxing and quiet for any human being.


Any person can achieve or practice this state of mind by practicing, and one of the most considerable ways to practice mindfulness is by using mindful affirmations.

Mindful Affirmations for a Balanced Life

Practicing mindfulness using mindful affirmation can be the gateway to the peace that you are looking for in your daily life. People often get so obsessed with their future worries that they start suffering in their minds and imaginations. Mindfulness is the realization or feeling that we are only able to control and change our present life and ourselves.


We are currently living our present and we often forget to pay attention to that time while being worried about the upcoming future. We got scared and worried about what was going to happen in the future and worried about the things that were uncontrollable.

Mindfulness is an imperative element in our life and mindful affirmations are the proven way to effectively practice it in our lives.

Short Mindful Affirmations

Mindful Affirmations

  • I am at peace with myself.

  • I trust the flow of life.

  • I am worthy of love and respect.

  • I choose to be present in this moment.

  • I attract only good things.

  • I release all negative energy.

  • I embrace change with ease.

  • I am grateful for everything I have.

  • I radiate love and kindness.

  • I believe in my abilities.

  • I deserve happiness and success.

  • I let go of fear and doubt.

  • I trust in the process of life.

  • I am grounded and secure.

  • I choose to see the beauty in life.

  • I am enough just as I am.

  • I forgive myself and others.

  • I am aligned with my purpose.

  • I welcome abundance into my life.

  • I trust my inner wisdom.

  • I focus on what I can control.

  • I am open to new possibilities.

  • I accept myself unconditionally.

  • I am surrounded by positivity.

  • I breathe in peace and exhale stress.

  • I am worthy of all good things.

Read More: Kindness Affirmations for Everyone

  • I trust the journey I am on.

  • I create my own happiness.

  • I release what no longer serves me.

  • I embrace stillness and calm.

  • I am strong, capable, and resilient.

  • I choose to respond with love.

  • I am in harmony with the universe.

  • I release the need to be perfect.

  • I am grateful for the present moment.

  • I attract peace and serenity.

  • I trust myself to make the right decisions.

  • I am open to healing and growth.

  • I love and honor myself.

  • I am deserving of inner peace.

  • I attract positive, loving energy.

  • I am a beacon of light and love.

  • I choose happiness over fear.

  • I nurture my mind, body, and soul.

  • I accept the things I cannot change.

  • I am in tune with my emotions.

  • I release the past and embrace the present.

  • I am a vessel of calm and clarity.

  • I am grateful for every lesson life brings.

  • I am empowered to create my best life.

  • I let go of all stress and tension.

Read More: Funny Positive Affirmations for Every Mood

  • I am open to infinite possibilities.

  • I accept challenges as opportunities.

  • I trust in my ability to overcome.

  • I am whole and complete as I am.

  • I choose peace over worry.

  • I embrace every part of my journey.

  • I am worthy of success and joy.

  • I listen to the wisdom within me.

  • I choose to live with gratitude every day.


We all think about our past and future all the time and it would be wrong to say that it can be completely controlled not to think about them. However, it is also imperative to be equally concerned and think about your present, and mindful affirmations prove very handy in this regard.