
11 Inspirational Shane Mcconkey Quotes

Shane Mcconkey Quotes: Shane McConkey was a Base jumper. He was also a professional skier. Shane McConkey was born in Vancouver, a place in British Columbia. He attends the University of Colorado Boulder.

From this university, he started his professional skiing career. He started his journey as a competitive ski race. But then he moved to the extreme skiing movies.


Shane Mcconkey also goes to the Burke Mountain Academy. He was very famous due to some outstanding moves. Shane McConkey was known as the father of reverse sidecut and the reverse camber skis.

He also knows about the K2 Pontoon ski design. Shane Mcconkey loves this, and he does a lot of hard work as a skier. His hard work makes him famous and a professional shier.


He also inspires others with his wonderful journey. For inspiration, we are compiling some famous Shane McConkey Quotes. These quotes might inspire you in life.

Most Famous Shane McConkey Quotes

Shane Mcconkey Quotes

  • “There is nothing better in life than sliding down snow before flying through the air.”-Shane Mcconkey 

  • “There’s something really cool about getting scared. I don’t know what.”-Shane Mcconkey 

  • “I can stick uphill ice, on my saucer.” -Shane Mcconkey 

  • “More than just a big adrenalin rush, it’s more like, ‘let’s explore what’s possible in our sport’.”-Shane Mcconkey 

  • ” Let’s explore what’s possible in our sport.”-Shane Mcconkey 

  • “I have had six season ending injuries over the last ten years.”-Shane Mcconkey 

  • ” people always ask me, is it worth it, getting hurt that much and the answer is yes.”-Shane Mcconkey 

  • ” I would do it all over again and have six more season ending injuries in the next ten years in the next ten years in order to keep doing what we do, theres nothing better than sliding down snow and flying through the air.”-Shane Mcconkey 

  • “Prove it butt-nugget.”-Shane Mcconkey 

Shane Mcconkey Quotes


Many people in this world want to achieve their aims. In the achievement of these aims, they ignore many things in life. They start ignoring the small things in their life, the things that are the reasons for giving happiness in life.

Doing hard work is very important in life. But in the achievement of dreams, ignoring happiness is not good. People avoid their family members. They are not spending quality time with them.

Do hard work, but at the same time do not ignore the little things in life. Little happiness is the real reason for living a happy life. Shane Mcconkey also does a lot of hard work in his life to achieve his dreams.

But at the same time, he enjoys life. He does all those things in life that give him maximum enjoyment. By reading the quotes of Shane Mcconkey, you might get inspiration in life.