43 Inspirational and Stunning Skiing Quotes


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Skiing Quotes

Skiing Quotes: Skiing is not everyone’s cup of tea. You may love this game while watching some professionals on TV but can’t do it without any proper training or practice. It’s a means of transporting skis to the guild on a snowy surface.

Diversities of purpose contain basic transport, a thing to calm down, a competitive winter sport, recreational activity, and anything you think or name. Skiing lets you have wings and fly above the mountains, bushes, ice, and various other hurdles in a way like never before. You can enjoy it as much as you can if you are that enthusiastic and passionate about it.


Here are some marvelous skiing quotes and proverbs that help you have real inspiration and motivation for doing big things in life. If you are a skiing enthusiast or take it as a passion, you’ll surely love these quotes.

43 Amazing Skiing Quotes to think of Flying

Skiing Quotes

  • “In snowboarding, there’s a huge focus on style. It’s the aesthetic that draws us in.” – Seth Wescott

  • “Some people attach snowboards to their feet, very few attach them to their souls.” – Shaun White

  • “Snowboarding is an activity that is very popular with people who do not feel that skiing is lethal enough.” – Dave Barry

  • “I know a lot of people who used to ski, but I don’t know anyone who used to snowboard.” – Unknown

  • “When hell freezes over, I’ll snowboard there too.” – Unknown

  • “There are no rules in snowboarding.” – Amy Purdy

  • “There’s no blueprint to snowboarding, you know? You can really make your own mark.” – Sage Kotsenburg

  • “If you don’t do it this year, you will be one year older when you do.” – Warren Miller

  • “There are only four things you can do on skis. Turn right, turn left, go straight, or sell them.” – Warren Miller

  • “You can’t buy happiness but you can buy a lift pass” – unknown

  • “People weren’t meant to fly, that’s why we make kickers” – Warren Miller

  • “Snow skiing is not fun. It is life, fully lived, life lived in a blaze of reality.” – Dolores Lachapelle

  • “It’s better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.” – Fridtjof Nansen


Skiing Quotes

  • “Gotta use your brain, it’s the most important part of your equipment.” – Warren Miller

  • “We can’t control what the ratings will be. It’s like, if you’re going to go skiing, do you hope you’ll have a good day of skiing? Yes. Do you hope you won’t break your leg? Yes.” – David Hyde Pierce

  • “Sometimes it’s all about the win, sometimes it’s all about the skiing.” – Bode Miller

  • “Skiing combines outdoor fun with knocking down trees with your face.” – Dave Barry

  • “I don’t like bungee jumping, but I do like skiing.” – Roger Moore

  • “Just ski down there and jump, off something for crying’ out loud” – Shane Mcconkey

  • “Some people can never learn to ski powder snow without exerting tremendous effort and strength because they allow their rational, left-brain hemisphere to control the entire situation.” – Delores LaChapelle

  • “When you think about it, we’re strapping strange planks of wood to our feet and launching off of giant snow walls. It’s pretty intense.” – Shaun White

  • “Skiing is the best way in the world to waste time.” – Glen Plake

  • “There is no such thing as too much snow.” – Doug Coombs

  • “If you don’t do it this year, you will be one year older when you do.” – Warren Miller

  • “Skiing is the best way in the world to waste time.” – Glen Plake

  • “Skiing combines outdoor fun with knocking down trees with your face.” – Dave Barry

  • Skiing Quotes
  • “It’s better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.” – Fridtjof Nansen

  • “Snow skiing is not fun. It is life, fully lived, life lived in a blaze of reality.” – Dolores Lachapelle

  • “There is no such thing as too much snow.” – Doug Coombs

  • “Skis are not just pieces of wood, steel & fiberglass. They are tools for escape, a medium for personal expression, a way to challenge fears, push limits and share incredible experiences with your friends.” – Unknown

  • “There are really only three things to learn in skiing: how to put on your skis, how to slide downhill, and how to walk along the hospital corridor” – Lord Mancroft.

  • “Skiing is expensive, but it’s cheaper than therapy” – Unknown.

  • “Cross-country skiing is great if you live in a small country” – Steven Wright.

  • “When hell freezes over, I’ll ski there too” – Unknown.

  • “When you’re skiing, if you’re not falling, you’re not trying” – Donald Rumsfeld.

  • “Skiing is the only sport where you spend an arm and a leg to break an arm and a leg!” – Unknown.

  • “The problem with winter sports is that, follow me closely here, they generally take place in winter” – Dave Barry.

  • “Traverse: One of two ways to stop while skiing. Tree: The other method” – Unknown.

  • “It’s better to go skiing and think of God than go to church and think of sport” – Fridtjof Nansen.

  • Skiing Quotes

From personal to professional, skiing has plenty of comprehensive events that are organized by the IOC (International Olympic Committee) and the ISF (International Ski Federation).

It is quite an ancient game that has a history of five millennia. The current shape of Skiing is a bit modern, classy, and chic, but the older ones are a bit scary but amusing. The skill and professionalism nowadays in skiing go to another height.


The word ‘Ski’ is one of the handfuls of combinations that Norway has exported to almost the entire international community. It contains followers from almost all over the world but is not played everywhere due to atmospheric issues and problems.

Not everyone got an ice surface or Ski to have fun playing this game. The thing one should keep in mind is that it’s a dangerous sport that may risk your life as well. Only people who are professionals or are training it on a daily basis can sail over the ice.