
21 Most Popular St. Cecilia Quotes

Saint Cecilia was a martyr venerated in churches of Roman. She was venerated in different Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox churches. St. Cecilia also becomes the patron for the musicians and also for music.

She sang the music in her heart to the Lord. Many musical compositions are dedicated to St. Cecilia and her feast. On 22 November, the music was dedicated to St. Cecilia at different music concerts and festivals.


She came in many virgin martyrs. In the third century, the church of St. Cecilia in Trastevere was founded. The church of St. Cecilia was built on the site of her house in which she lived.

St. Cecilia inspired others with her wonderful words. Here are some famous St. Cecilia quotes. These quotes might inspire you in life.

Inspiring St. Cecilia Quotes


1.St. Cecilia Quotes

2.”It’s a dream come true, and with this music, with this Rossini, it’s unbelievable how to express the joy.” -St. Cecilia

3.” Express the joy of the situation and the joy to play this music, to sing this music, it’s really fantastic.” -St. Cecilia


4.”It’s like when you want to make a house… the technique is very important.”  -St. Cecilia

5.”It’s nice to have a great female composer in the program and add her color.”-St. Cecilia

6.” If you believe in the one true and living God and receive the water of baptism, then you shall see the angel.”-St. Cecilia

7.”Make my heart and my body pure that I may not be confounded.”-St. Cecilia

8.“Know that I have a fearful and wonderful angel of God Who diligently guards my body, so that no man might defile me.”-St. Cecilia

9.” Now if he sees that you desire to touch me out of carnal desire, he shall become angry and shall slay you instantly. Thus, you shall lose the flower of your youth.”-St. Cecilia

10.” However, if he sees that you love me in a clean and pure fashion, as your sister, he shall love you as me, and shall reveal himself to you!”-St. Cecilia

11.”O glorious Saint, who chose to die instead of denying your King. “-St. Cecilia

12.”We pray you please to help us as His fair praise we sing! We lift our hearts in joyous song to honor Him this way.”-St. Cecilia

13.St. Cecilia Quotes

14.”While with our hearts and tongues we try with song to praise God twice. We ask dear Saint to help us be united close with Christ!”-St. Cecilia

15.“The power of man is like a bladder inflated with wind.”-St. Cecilia

16.” Let but a needle pierce the bladder, it will immediately collapse” -St. Cecilia

17.“Better die and be happy, than live and be miserable.”-St. Cecilia

18.” You wish us to pronounce a lie; but in speaking the truth, we inflict much greater and more cruel torture upon you than that which you make us suffer.”-St. Cecilia

19.”Christ alone can save from death, and deliver the guilty from Eternal Fire.”-St. Cecilia

20.” Death and hell combine to distract man with a thousand useless cares, and to engage his thoughts with a multitude of imaginary wants.”-St. Cecilia

21.St. Cecilia Quotes


In this world, we have many things around us. Many good things give us happiness in life. In life, we have to face both happy and sad moments. In the happy moments, God is always with us.

When we are sad, we see everything disappointed. We see the darkness around us. But we forget that God is always with us. Whenever we are sad or not feeling well, God is always there for us.

“To die for Christ is not to sacrifice one’s youth, but to renew it.”-St. Cecilia

In the dark moments, He put the light of hope on us. When we lose hope, we cannot see anything around us. It seems like everything is full of darkness. But when we see around us, there are a lot of ways through which God shows us light.

By reading the quotes of Saint Cecilia, you might get the motivation. You might get the inspiration to see the light in the darkness. And to see things from a different point of view.