High Fantasy



The story begins when a farm boy named Eragon finds a mysterious-looking stone, which is later revealed as a rare ...



There is no magic in the kingdom of Ancelstierre, where Sabriel is the protagonist. The Old Kingdom, however, is inhabited ...

The Chronicles of Prydain


The Chronicles of Prydain consists of a series of five novels that take place in the land of Prydain. A ...

The Ember Blade


The story follows the life of a boy named Aren and his journey to search for the Amber blade. Aren ...

The Lord of the Rings


A long time ago, the Elven-smiths forged Rings of Power. In addition, Sauron, the Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, ...

Dragon Mage


Aram holds the ultimate power to challenge even the greatest powers, but he is still unaware of it. Aram considered ...

The Hobbit


There is a hole in the ground where the hobbit lived. These holes are neither nasty, dirty, wet holes that ...

The Sword of Shannara


The Sword of Shannara is a fantasy novel in which a group of people gets together to search for the ...

Mistborn: The Final Empire


Three years before the actual start of the novel, Kelsier realizes that he is a Mistborn during his escape from ...

The Summoner: The Novice


In the summoner’s world, Nobel families and the royal blood hold all the power, money trading, and summoning. Summoning is ...

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