The Man In The Glass – Poem By Dale Wimbrow


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The Man In The Glass – It is a potent poem that underlines the importance of being authentic and genuine to oneself. We are trained to live up to external standards, such as grades and ranks, as soon as we enter school. We learn to live up to external expectations as we grow up, but somewhere along the process, we lose sight of what is really essential to us.

Anyone who is alive to read or hear the poem is the poem’s general audience. The speaker challenges the listener to always keep in mind that they are the only ones whose opinion truly counts. When things go well, it’s crucial to examine oneself in the mirror and attempt to comprehend how that “fellow” perceives the world. One can live a free and happy life if they are in accordance with their conscience.


“Success usually comes to those who are too busy looking for it.” — Henry David Thoreau

Our world moves quickly today. It’s chaotic, and there’s a competitive drive to win; you want to earn more money, gain more followers, buy a nicer car or house, etc. The list is endless.  Only your opinion of yourself matters, Dale Wimbrow reminds the reader, and at the end of the day, after achieving all the wealth, celebrity, and success you craved, you need to be able to grin at yourself.

The Man In The Glass


The inspirational poetry “The Man in the Glass” and “The Man in the Mirror” was written by Dale Wimbrow, but sadly it has gone by many titles and has been mistakenly attributed to others. This fascinating poetry, which examines the meaning of life, who we are as individuals, and the value of self-reflection, is legitimately the work of Wimbrow. Your general readership is addressed in the poem. In the end, the speaker advises the audience to be able to face themselves in the mirror since that is the only judgement that matters in this world—your opinion of yourself. It has become a form of conscience to look in the mirror.

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Although everyone’s definition of acceptance is unique, if we were to attempt to define what it truly means to appease The Man in the Glass, we might begin by posing the following query to ourselves. Do we consistently uphold our values? Our values could be commitment to completing a specific goal or challenge, mindfulness, selflessness, or even simple loyalty.

Whatever it might be, we must respect it if we want to stay true to ourselves and be guilt-free. The Man in the Glass has a message that our soldiers, sailors, and airmen can easily relate to, and it is frequently performed and used throughout the military. Honoring ideals and loyalties are vitally essential to their survival when required to perform in the most harsh and hazardous environments.


“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” — Will Rogers

Although The Man in the Glass was obviously written by a man about himself and his personal experiences, women may equally relate to its message and shouldn’t be put off by its obvious masculine bias. All of us occasionally become preoccupied with attempting to obtain the approval of others, gain acceptance, or blend in. We are all occasionally tempted to behave in a way that is out of character, to the point that we may occasionally lose sight of who we truly are. However, the audience can only applaud for so long. Only momentarily does being recognised feel nice. We all briefly pass-through money.

Understanding and being honest about your talents and weaknesses is made possible by self-acceptance. By accepting who you are, you can take better care of yourself and have a much more positive outlook on who you actually are. As a result, you will have the chance to grow and better both your life and yourself.

Self-acceptance Aids in Overcoming Obstacles – The Man In The Glass 

You need to be honest with yourself in order to tackle problems when they arise, as they undoubtedly will. Pretending to the outside world is never a good idea, and lying to yourself is even worse. Even though many people attempt to perform the second, it is not even possible.

As a first step in self-improvement, accepting the aspects of yourself that you cannot change, such as your personality and character, is crucial. Accepting who you are can also help you develop a better and more accurate sense of your self-image.

Accepting your self-perception is not the same as self-acceptance. It involves acknowledging your behaviour, attitude, and way of life, embracing them, and working to bring about the change you want. It involves embracing your physical appearance, defending yourself from severe criticism, and having confidence in your abilities. Self-acceptance exercises reduce emotions of guilt and dissatisfaction and help you recognise your positive and negative traits. We position ourselves for improvement when we start to accept who we are.

“I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” — Thomas Jefferson

You will discover hidden abilities and gifts about yourself as you work on self-acceptance. Negativity can occasionally impair our judgement and willingness to attempt new things, leaving us with less time for introspection. Accepting who you are as a unique individual creates a place for exploration of hobbies that you would not have otherwise given attention to.

Being at ease with oneself encourages positive self-talk and inspires desire for self-care activities. You’ll notice that you have more energy after you start taking care of yourself by eating correctly and taking care of your body. Being in charge of your life and having self-acceptance will make you feel strong and confident.

The Man In The Glass

Your mental health is likely to deteriorate if you lack self-acceptance. For instance, you have less control over your tension and worry. Our self-esteem has an impact on both our ability to achieve future goals and our psychological well-being. You may enhance yourself by having self-acceptance! According to research, having a high level of self-acceptance might also help a person focus less on their flaws and be more likely to show themselves some love.

“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” — Oprah Winfrey

Happiness and self-acceptance are intertwined; the more accepting you are of yourself, the more happiness you will accept and take pleasure in. Depressive symptoms, the need for approval from others, fear of failure, and self-criticism are reduced, while positive feelings, a sense of independence, self-worth, autonomy, and self-esteem are increased.

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