
50 Best Wolf Quotes Ever!

Wolf represents loyalty, guardianship, strong family ties, and intelligence in my cutlers. Because of that Wolf Quotes will give new thoughts about success, relationships,s and of course freedom.

Some Interesting Facts about Wolves

Wolves are quite loyal to their pack and often need to trust their own natures. They teach us to trust our hearts and to have control over our lives. Wolves are the perfect example of the ultimate team players, they know that working together benefits the pack.


Similarly, we must work together for the better good. While they live in tough situations and they thrive instead of simply surviving. Humans can learn to be as resourceful as wolves, know our limits in a society, and be better communicators.

To help you connect with your natures, below is our collection of best Wolves Quotes that inspire you to take action!

Best Wolves Quotes to Pump You Up

  • “Make yourself a sheep and the wolf will eat you.” –German Proverb

  • Throw me to the wolves and I will return, leading the pack”- Unknown

  • “It is madness for a sheep to talk of peace with a wolf.” – French proverb

  • “Those are the voices of my brothers, darling; I love the company of wolves.” – Angela Carter

  • It is much better to be a lone wolf walking alone in the right direction, than to follow the herd, walking in the wrong direction.- Unknown


  • “A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf.” – George R.R. Martin

  • “Some people think the real them is whoever they are when they’re not around other people.” ― Garth Risk Hallberg

  • “Scars are just a treasure map for pain you’ve buried too deep to remember.” ― Jodi Picoult

  • “I am the Lone Wolf and the Moon is mine.” ― Avijeet Das

  • “The wolf that one hears is worse than the orc that one fears.” ― J. R. R. Tolkien

  • A wolf doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of sheep.- English proverb

  • Don’t lower your expectations to fit into the world,  be the lone wolf that stands out.

  • “Like crying wolf, if you keep looking for sympathy as a justification for your actions, you will someday be left standing alone when you really need help.” ― Criss Jami

  • “Nobody enjoys the company of others as intensely as someone who usually avoids the company of others.”― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

  • “The wolf will never lose sleep, worrying about the feelings of sheep. But no-one ever told the sheep, that they outnumber the wolves.” ― Bray Wyatt

  • “Leave the pain behind and let your life be your own again. There is a place where all time is now, and the choices are simple and always your own. Wolves have no kings.” ― Robin Hobb

  • Just like the determined wolf, Don’t say “Why they pain”, don’t say “Why me”. Say “TRY ME!”

  • “The wolf on the hill is not as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill.” ― Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • “In the calm, deep waters of the mind, the wolf waits.” ― F.T. McKinstry

  • “As wolves love lambs so lovers love their loves.” ― Plato

  • “When shepherds quarrel, the wolf has a winning game.” – German proverb

  • “Those are the voices of my brothers, darling; I love the company of wolves.” ― Angela Carter

  • “Wolves fail to hide their integrity just like the way men fail to hide their own animality.” ― Munia Khan

  •  “The wolves knew when it was time to stop looking for what they’d lost, to focus instead on what was yet to come.” ― Jodi Picoult

  • “Life is a lone wolf, scratching out a living with teeth and claws and a heart of stone.” ― Dan Wells

  •  “The wolf may fight the bear, but the rabbit always loses.” ― Robert Jordan

  • “Man is to man either a god or a wolf.” ― Desiderius Erasmus

  • “The wolf is the arch-type of ravin, the beast of waste and desolation.” ― Theodore Roosevelt

  • “The Lord God had created all animals and had chosen out the wolf to be his dog.” ― Jacob Grimm

  • “There is no better way to know us/Than as two wolves, come separately to a wood.” ― Ted Hughes

  • “Where there are sheep, the wolves are never very far away.” ― Plautus

  • “A wolf eats sheep but now and then; Ten thousand are devour’d by men. An open foe may prove a curse, but a pretend friend is worse.” ― John Gay

  • “I am not a wolf in sheep’s clothing, I’m a wolf in wolf’s clothing.” ― Ricky Gervais

  • “The wolves in the uniform with the license to do that.” ― Ehsan Sehgal

  • “If you live among wolves, you have to act like a wolf.” ― Nikita Khrushchev

  • “Like a missing tooth, sometimes an absence is more noticeable than a presence.” ― Jodi Picoult

  • “The wolf changes his coat, but not his disposition.” ― Proverb

  •  “We wear clothes, and speak, and create civilizations, and believe we are more than wolves. But inside us, there is a word we cannot pronounce and that is who we are.” ― Anthony Marra

  •  “A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf.” ― George R.R. Martin

  • “The Canis Lupus, both wolf and man, were meant to be a family with one another. We gain strength through our bond with each other.” ― Quinn Loftis

Best Wolves Quotes on Guardianship

  • “I guess I’m pretty much of a lone wolf. I don’t say I don’t like people at all, but, to tell you the truth, I only like it then if I have a chance to look deep into their hearts and their minds.” – Bela Lugosi

  • “Careless shepherd make excellent dinner for wolf.” – Earl Derr Biggers

  • “When one runs with the wolves, one must howl with the pack.” – Leon Trotsky

  • “Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.” – James Bovard

  • “When a wolf doesn’t want to do something, they look really cute.” – Michelle Paver

  • “I guess I’m pretty much of a lone wolf. I don’t say I don’t like people at all, but, to tell you the truth, I only like it then if I have a chance to look deep into their hearts and their minds.” – Bela Lugosi

  • “The wolves’ prey upon the lambs in the darkness of the night, but the blood stains remain upon the stones in the valley until the dawn comes, and the sun reveals the crime to all.” – Khalil Gibran

  • “We humans fear the beast within the wolf because we do not understand the beast within ourselves.” –Gerald Hausman.

Wolves are a symbol of loyalty and spirit. They always remind us that everything is so much easier when we share the load. Hope these Wolves Quotes will inspire you to develop teamwork skills and thoughts about success and freedom.

Which of these quotes was your favorite? Let us know below in the comment section!