
37 Most Inspiring Wrestling Quotes for Fighting Lovers

Wrestling Quotes – Professional wrestling is a form of theatre involving script wrestling and matches whose outcomes, moves, and results are preplanned but still got millions of followers from all over the world. Everything you see on wrestling is planned in advance, everything is written before, typically between two or more performances with established character roles.

Wrestling matches are based on catch and classical wrestling, with modern additions of striking plenty of acrobats, attracts, moves, fast-moving athleticism, feats of strength, and dozens of modern additions of striking attacks.


As its fame gain, more strength people who manage this type of performing art are also adding plenty of wrestling modes such as Wrestle Mania, Hell in a Cell, One on one, Tag Team Matches, World Heavyweight Championship, Money in the bank, and plenty of others.

These funny, amazing, exciting, inspirational, motivational, and hilarious Wrestling Quotes help you have everything that you are looking for.

37 Amazing and Fun Wrestling Quotes

  1. Wrestling Quotes
  2. I don’t have 30 days and 30 nights to show you why all the ladies say there’s nothing finer…than Scott Steiner.”-Scott Steiner
  3. “The last time I saw that crooked stupid smile on your face, I got-a-so mad, but then I realized…that crooked stupid smile is there all the time.”-Santino Marella to Jim Ross
  4. “They try to get me to watch The Condemned and I said NO,NO, NO. It’s a sad fact Stone Colduh can’t act he should GO, GO, GO. He likes to hang out in baaaaaars, I gave his movie zero staaaaaars. They try to make me watch The Condemned and I said uh NO,NO,NO.”- Santino Marella
  5. “This leg will be known as Christmas, and this leg will be known as New Year’s Eve! Ladies…why don’t you all come visit the Big Valbowski between the holidays.”-Val Venis
  6. “There are three things in this world that will survive a nuclear explosion: Twinkies, cockroaches and Dean Ambrose.”- Dean Ambrose
  7. “WIFE = Wrestling Is For Ever.” – M.Rehan Behleem
  8. “Don’t you ever, and the Rock means ever, come at the Rock and ask him a question like that again or else the Rock will knock your teeth so far down your throat!”- The Rock
  9. “Maybe the ghosts have a glass ceiling? Break through that glass ceiling, ghosts! I plan to.”- CM Punk
  10. “Just when they think they know the answers, I change the questions.”- Rowdy Roddy Piper

  11. Wrestling Quotes
  12. “I have never seen a wrestling match or prize fight, and I don’t want to. When I find out a man is interested in these sports, I drop him.” – Hedy Lamarr
  13. “No exercise brings into play all the muscles of the body in a more thorough manner, and none is more interesting than wrestling. He will find no other exercise more valuable in the cultivation of faculties which will help him to success in agility, strength, determination, coolness, and quick exercise of judgment.” – Huge Leonard
  14. “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” – Vince Lombardi
  15. “But it’s the wrestler who can put the fatigue out of his mind and break through the ‘wall’, like a marathon runner after 18 or 20 miles, who will survive. The key to that survival is in hard workouts that develop mental confidence to the point where you won’t submit to fatigue and pain descending upon you.”- Lou Banach
  16. “When you’re wrestling with life and/or yourself and getting the beat down, don’t forget to tag God in!” – Sanjo Jendayi
  17. “In Mongolian culture, Khutulun is remembered by the sport in which she so excelled. These days when Mongolian men wrestle, they wear a sort of long-sleeved vest that is open in the front to prove to their opponents they don’t have breasts. It’s a tribute to the woman wrestler who was never defeated.” – Linda Rodriquez
  18. Everything I do is to become better, the best ever and I’m not going to stop.” – Dolph Ziggler
  19. “If Shakespeare was alive today he would be writing wrestling shows.” – Chris Jericho
  20. “Grappling with fate is like meeting an expert wrestler: to escape, you have to accept the fall when you are thrown. The only thing that counts is whether you get back up.” – Deng Ming-Dao
  21. “Wrestling is overcoming obstacles. Every drop of sweat, every black eye, and every mile run reinforce that the will to train sets winners apart.” – Do you know where this quote came from?
  22. “Art and nature shall always be wrestling until they eventually conquer one another so that the victory is the same stroke and line: that which is conquered conquers at the same time.” – Maria Sibylla Merian
  23. “To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are.” – Muhammad Ali
  24. “A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.” Vince Lombardi
  25. “More enduringly than any other sport, wrestling teaches self-control and pride. Some have wrestled without great skill – none have wrestled without pride.” – Dan Gable

  26. Wrestling Quotes
  27. “Take a strong wrestler, get them tired, and they aren’t as strong. Take a quick wrestler, get them tired, and they aren’t as quick. Take a technical wrestler, get them tired, and they aren’t as technical. No matter what kind of wrestler, get them tired, and they aren’t as technical. No matter what kind of wrestler, everyone is afraid of getting tired. It’s those who learn to perform when they’re tired that find success.” – Jay Robinson
  28. “Wrestling teaches you nothing comes easy. Nothing in life comes easy, so you have to work at it.” – Mike Sullivan
  29. “Gold medals aren’t really made of gold. They’re made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts.” – Dan Gable
  30. “Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.” – Vince Lombardi
  31. “When I’d get tired and want to stop, I’d wonder what my next opponent was doing. I’d wonder if he was still working out. I’d tried to visualize him. When I could see him working, I’d start pushing myself. When I could see him in the shower, I’d push myself harder.” – Dan Gable
  32. “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” – Calvin Coolidge
  33. “The sport of wrestling is a tremendous builder of the values and characteristics which are needed to succeed in any walk of life. Much of what I have managed to achieve in life I owe directly to the years I spent in the wrestling room, as an athlete and a coach. Wrestling is a great educational tool.” – Dennis Hastert
  34. “But it’s the wrestler who can put the fatigue out of his mind and break through the “wall,” like a marathon runner after 18 or 20 miles, who will survive. The key to that survival is in hard workouts that develop mental confidence to the point where you won’t submit to fatigue and pain descending upon you.” – Lou Banach
  35. “Repeated actions are stored as habits. If the repeated actions aren’t fundamentally sound, then what comes out in a game can’t be sound. What comes out will be bad habits.” – Chuck Knox
  36. “No

    activity I know is more of a confidence builder and at the same time more ‘humility training’ than wrestling.” – Jim Leach

  37. Wrestling Quotes

People love wrestling due to the level and grace of wrestlers and enjoy wrestling all day. People love plenty of old wrestlers such as Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Steve Borden, Curt Hennig, Rick Rude, Paul Levesque, Mark Calaway, Steve Austin, Dwayne Johnson, Jim Hellwig, Randy Orton, Adam Copeland, Nick Bockwinkel, Eddie Guerrero, and dozens of others.

People also love some modern-day wrestlers including AJ Styles, Akira Tozawa, Angel Garza, Bobby Lashley, MVP, Omos, Randy Orton, Mace, Mansoor, The Miz, Ricochet, Riddick Moss, Jaxson Ryker, Jeff Hardy, R-Truth, Shanky, Sheamus, T-Bar, Titus O’Neil, Veer, Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston, and various others.

In the past girls are not fond of watching wrestling but now they love to watch their most likely lady fighting against another female fighter. If you are a wrestling lover and want to explore some amazing quotes then take a look at this piece of writing.
