Tom Wolf Quotes – Tom Wolf is a politician from America. He is also a businessman. Tom Wolf is the governor of Pennsylvania. He is the 47th governor since 2015. Tom Wolf is a member of the Democratic Party in America.
In elections, he defeated Tom Corbett, who is a member of the republican party. Wolf was again elected in 2018. He won by a margin of 17.1%. After being the 47th governor of Pennsylvania, he has proven himself through his performance.
Tom Wolf is very different from other governors. He and his wife are living a simple life. They forget the state’s vehicle and do not live in residence provided by the state.
Many times, he donates his salary to the charity. He also helps others. He inspires others with his lifestyle. For you, we have come with some famous Tom Wolf quotes. By reading these quotes, you might get the inspiration and motivation in life.
Most Popular Tom Wolf Quotes So Far
2.”I should care about the education a child in Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, or Erie, or Scranton received because if they didn’t get a good education my life is diminished and all of our lives are enhanced if they get that good education. It is a shared enterprise and we need to recognize that.”-Tom Wolf
3.”I don’t like the fact that we’re not creating jobs the way we used to create jobs in Pennsylvania. I lament the fact that we’re not setting the table for really robust economic development, here in Pennsylvania, where we can do that. I lament the fact that our schools are being hollowed out. We need a fresh start. I think we need to go in a different direction. I think we need a new governor.” -Tom Wolf
4.”We [US] can’t compete with low-wage countries in different parts of the world. We cannot compete with countries that play games with currencies or regulations. We can’t. We shouldn’t.” -Tom Wolf
5.”The extraction tax is based in part on production times the market value at the wellhead, so any downturn in the market price is going to be a mathematical impact on the shale tax. But beyond that, it also concerns me because it also impacts the health of the industry.”-Tom Wolf
6.“I’m not sure what they could say that would make me change my sense of what I believe is the right thing to do.”-Tom Wolf
7.”I recognize that I’m just one person,”. “Maybe I’m governor, but I’m one person that has an opinion.”-Tom Wolf
8.”It is simply unethical and undemocratic to leave the district without a voice simply because the Republicans don’t like the outcome of the election. Voters, not Harrisburg politicians, decided this election, and Jim Brewster is Jim Brewster, all ballots were counted and certified, and the results are accurate. Jim Brewster received the most votes in this race and should be sworn in as the Senator for the 45th District. There is no precedent, and no legal rationale, for failing to do so.”-Tom Wolf
9.”It turns out that the biggest say for drinking is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, when people get together in that situation, it leads to an increase in the exchange of fluids, that leads to an increase in infection.”-Tom Wolf
10.”I’m going to fight like hell to protect the vote of every Pennsylvanian.”-Tom Wolf
11.”Across the state, dedicated county workers are ready to tirelessly make sure everyone’s vote counts.”-Tom Wolf
12.”The politicians who are encouraging us to quit the fight are acting in a most cowardly way.”-Tom Wolf
13.”I won’t sit back and watch residents who live in counties under Stay at Home orders get sick because local leaders cannot see the risks of #COVID19 and push to reopen prematurely.”-Tom Wolf
14.”Every time we talk about opening something up, we’re going to be prolonging this phase, if it’s not in the best interests of keeping people safe, I’m not going to go along with it.”-Tom Wolf
15.”But we continue to be inspired by the ways in which the people of Pittsburgh came and stood together in the face of hatred and violence, we owe a debt of gratitude to all those who chose love over hate.”-Tom Wolf
16.”It is time to hold those responsible for the failed incinerator debt scheme accountable and recoup the taxpayer dollars wasted by their negligence and deception.”-Tom Wolf
17.”Charlie Dent is a voice of reason and civility that breaks through the chaos and partisanship of Washington and he will be missed, i thank Representative Dent for his service to our country and commonwealth.”-Tom Wolf
18.”This decision is based on a flawed system that has been proven to be an endless cycle of court proceedings as well as ineffective, unjust and expensive.”-Tom Wolf
19.”We still face enormous problems that this budget does not even pretend to address, let’s be clear : the math in this budget does not work. Next fiscal year – that already has a $ 2 billion deficit – will now begin with an extra $ 300 million deficit.”-Tom Wolf
21.”In its current form, I will veto this budget, and I urge Republicans in the legislature to stop the partisan games and come back to the table to negotiate a final budget that funds our schools and eliminates the nearly $2 billion deficit.”-Tom Wolf
22.”We wish him and his family the best during his recovery. This alleged intentional act of violence against an officer seeking to help a fellow citizen is horrifying and has no place in Pennsylvania.”-Tom Wolf
23.”There has been no final decision regarding a renomination, colonel Brown will continue to serve as acting commissioner. There is no time limit on how long someone can serve in an acting role.”-Tom Wolf
24.”I want to give this joint bipartisan commission on the death penalty the ability to come up with their report, is it cost effective? Are we doing the right thing? Is it fair? Is it effective as a deterrent?”-Tom Wolf
25.”Pennsylvania’s system is riddled with flaws, making it error prone, expensive and anything but infallible.”-Tom Wolf
26.”Today is the first step toward simplifying a complicated process and ensuring hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians have greater access to the health insurance they need.”-Tom Wolf
27.”I’m not a product of our political system, together we can find an approach that works. That’s what I have done throughout my career.”
28.”We need to be bold. We need to work together and we need to get started.”-Tom Wolf
29.”To the protesters here today, help me develop these opportunities in a way that is clean, safe and sustainable.”-Tom Wolf
30.”For the next four years, my administration will be dedicated to three simple goals: Jobs that pay. Schools that teach. And government that works – one that is worthy of our trust.”-Tom Wolf
31.”It’s going to be a work in progress.”-Tom Wolf
32.”By removing Mr. Arneson, I am standing up against an effort to destroy the integrity of the Office of Open Records and turn it into a political operation, These attempts to change the office, which exists to protect the public’s right to know, are the exact reasons people distrust their state government.”-Tom Wolf
33.”We’re looking at ways of looking at what Pennsylvanians want their government to do more efficiently and I think we can do them.”-Tom Wolf
34″Today’s action comes after significant consideration and reflection. This moratorium is in no way an expression of sympathy for the guilty on death row, all of whom have been convicted of committing heinous crimes.”-Tom Wolf

36.”We can’t keep taking money out of schools and hope to get to a good place. So I’m committed to a wise and major investment in education.”-Tom Wolf
37.”Marcus Brown is the type of leader that Pennsylvania would be lucky to have. Despite Marcus’ vast and unquestioned qualifications, the Senate wrongfully rejected his nomination in a move that put politics above the best interests of the people of Pennsylvania.”-Tom Wolf
38.”This is a big step forward for the people of Pennsylvania and for our education system. I think it’s a really strong statement and it’s a sign we can actually reach across party lines and across the aisle to do really important things for the people of Pennsylvania.”-Tom Wolf
39.”It’s what I feared. This is a budget that actually doesn’t work. It simply doesn’t work. The math doesn’t work. It’s not balanced and it doesn’t address the challenges that Pennsylvanians face. So I’m going to veto the entire budget.”-Tom Wolf
40.”I am calling on her to step aside, step down as attorney general, because I think she cannot do what she has to do as the top law enforcement officer in Pennsylvania while she’s facing these serious charges.”-Tom Wolf
41.”They’re really good. You know, I’m 66 years old but there’s a kid in me and I just keep thinking about what it must be like for them …. What they’ve done already. We’re proud that they’ve gone this far. They’ve played this well. They’ve made us all very proud, all Pennsylvanians, certainly those of us in York County.”-Tom Wolf
42.”Throughout his trip so far, the Holy Father has stressed the importance of tolerance and care for our least fortunate and he inspires all of us to look for ways we can be more inclusive and better help those in need.”-Tom Wolf
43.”If we don’t have a budget I’m not going to go to New York and I wasn’t sure that we weren’t going to have a budget until yesterday. It was pretty clear we weren’t going to have one yesterday so I’m here.”-Tom Wolf
44.”I am expressing the outrage that all of us should feel about the garbage the Republican legislative leaders have tried to dump on us.”-Tom Wolf
Pennsylvania was facing a lot of challenges. Tom Wolf became the governor to solve all the challenges and problems of Pennsylvania. He believed that if a country wants to make progress, then education is essential.
Education plays a vital role in the development of a nation. If the country’s president focuses on giving education to the children, then the country will surely progress.
Otherwise, this progress will not happen. Tom Wolf is a good president. At every difficult time, he proves himself. He always focuses on the education of the students.
“Negligence! Negligence! They had a state recommendation! They ignored it and played anyway!.”-Tom Wolf
He always believes that if a country’s children get a good education, then their lives will enhance. But if the students do not get a good education, then their life will be diminished.
So he always gives education to the children. Every single world of Tom Wolf gives inspiration to students in life. Do you like these Tom Wolf quotes? If yes, then do share it with your friends and like this article.