50 Manifestation Journal Prompts for Abundance, Love, and Happiness


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Manifestation Journal Prompts

Manifestation Journal Prompts are powerful tools to help you attract your desired reality. Learn how to use them effectively and discover 50 prompts for abundance, love, and happiness. The brain’s full potential can be unlocked by a tool. This can lead to lower stress levels, improved mental health, and more cognitive resources for important tasks.

Additionally, it boosts your immunity and lowers blood pressure. We aren’t talking about a pill that gives you extra brain power and makes you addicted. The solution is much healthier (and less expensive): journaling.


You will be pointed in different directions depending on the journaling technique you use. Manifest journaling, on the other hand, might be your best chance when it comes to reaching your goals.

It’s no secret that manifestation has gained popularity in recent years, along with the criticism that comes with it. In some cases, those tools, including journals, have been around for years and are proven to be effective.


In the manifest journal, manifesters apply the laws of attraction, which is a little bit like wishful thinking rather than acting. However, a manifestation journal doesn’t require you to believe in the law of attraction. Rather, approach it as a way of practicing future-focused thinking, building your ideal future by visualizing it. It is a useful practice to visualize as well as to journal, and both are backed by science.

Manifestation Journal Prompts

Manifestation Journal Prompts

  • How can you reframe these limiting beliefs into positive affirmations?

  • What are some signs or synchronicities that the Universe is supporting you?

  • How do you practice gratitude for the things you already have in your life?

  • What are some ways you can raise your vibration and align with your highest self?

  • How do you deal with doubt, fear, or resistance when manifesting?

  • What are some habits or routines that help you stay focused and motivated on your goals?

  • How do you celebrate your wins and achievements, big or small?

  • How do you use scripting or affirmations to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use journaling or writing to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use crystals, candles, or other tools to manifest your desires?

Read More: Affirmations for Work: A Simple Way to Transform Your Work Life

  • How do you use the moon phases or astrology to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use the law of attraction or other universal laws to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use numerology or angel numbers to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use tarot or oracle cards to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use music or sound to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use colors or art to manifest your desires?

  • What are some challenges or obstacles that you have overcome or learned from in your manifestation journey?

  • How do you cope with setbacks or failures, and what do they teach you?

  • What are some things you can do to show yourself more love and compassion?

  • How do you nurture your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being?

  • How do you express your creativity and authenticity?

  • What are some skills or talents that you have or want to develop?

  • How do you balance your work and personal life?

  • How do you manage your time and energy effectively?

  • How do you handle stress and anxiety in a healthy way?

  • How do you communicate your needs and boundaries to others?

  • How do you cultivate positive and supportive relationships in your life?

Manifestation Journal Prompts

  • How do you deal with negative or toxic people or situations?

  • How do you forgive yourself and others for past mistakes or hurts?

  • How do you let go of things that no longer serve you or your highest good?

  • How do you trust your intuition and follow your inner guidance?

  • How do you meditate or practice mindfulness?

  • How do you visualize or imagine your desired outcome?

  • How do you use aromatherapy or essential oils to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use nature or animals to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use water or fire to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use food or drinks to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use movement or exercise to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use your senses or emotions to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use your words or actions to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use your thoughts or beliefs to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use your subconscious or conscious mind to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use your soul or spirit to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use your past or present to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use your future or potential to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use your gratitude or appreciation to manifest your desires?

  • How do you use your love or passion to manifest your desires?

  • I hope these prompts inspire you to write more and manifest more.


It’s okay to keep a manifesto journal if you find it helps you form the habit. You can use manifest journals to visualize and commit to the desired future for yourself when they are used correctly. The key to manifesting is believing that you can achieve your goals, not just setting them.